


输,失利,不成功,与“胜”相对:~北。~退。~绩(a.连队溃败;b.事业的失利)。~诉。~笔。~局。两~俱伤。战胜,使失败:大~敌军。毁坏:~坏。~露。解除,消散:~火。~毒。破旧,衰落,腐烂:~絮。~落。~兴(xìng )(情绪低落)。腐……





汉语拼音:bài bǐ








  1. 用坏了的笔。

    宋 苏轼 《石苍舒醉墨堂》诗:“君於此艺亦云至,堆墙败笔如山丘。” 金 元好问 《洛阳卫良臣以星图见贶》诗之一:“败笔成丘死不神,侯门书卷欲谁亲?”《儒林外史》第五五回:“他取了一管败笔,蘸饱了墨,把纸相了一会,一气就写了一行。”

  2. 诗文或书画中有毛病的地方。

    郭沫若 《奴隶制时代·<侈靡篇>的研究》:“我并不想指责作者有这样的败笔,我倒正欢迎作者有这样的败笔。” 巴金 《观察人》:“有人责备我‘美化’了 高老太爷 ,说这是我的‘败笔’。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·细节》:“赝品的《清明上河图》,里面有一只麻雀竟然跨了两行屋瓦,真品是决不致有此败笔的。”



  1. ZC: Perhaps it was a lack of knowledge about urban planning that led to these failures, to the wrecking of our cities. Are we ignorant?


  2. It's commonly referred to as one of the biggest flops ever made, but it certainly wasn't for a lack of money.


  3. It might be a bad move for her career, but it's a great move for humanity.


  4. In 1974, he published "Constructions" , a collection of philosophical observations which turned out to be whimsical and a flop.


  5. The Afghan war was the biggest failure of Soviet diplomacy, and a direct cause of its disintegration.


  6. Many a person's downfall comes in trying to change a bad habit by focusing on an undesirable behavior to replace it.


  7. "It was the biggest mistake of my investment career. I was deceived by my own hope. "


  8. which turned out to be whimsical and a flop.


  9. Today the company is struggling to avoid becoming the UK's highest-profile private equity failure.


  1. 我不谈败笔。

    No, I don't talk about my defeats.

  2. 任何涂抹都是多余的败笔。

    Any attempt to make up would be selfdefeating.

  3. 整个产品简直就是一个败笔!

    The whole production was just a disaster!

  4. 手是许多人像的败笔之处。

    Hands are the ruination of many portraits.

  5. 手是许多人像得败笔之处。

    Hands are the ruination of many portraits.

  6. 即使坏诗里也有补救败笔的。

    Even in the bad poems there are redeeming features.

  7. 那部电影的票房也许是个败笔。

    The movie may have been a flop at the box office.

  8. 这是我投资生涯中最大的败笔。

    It was the biggest mistake of my investment career.

  9. 电影里这段三角恋爱故事是个败笔。

    The love triangle in this film is a shortcoming in an otherwise very good plot.

  10. 春节对于北越来说是军事上的败笔。

    Tetis a military disaster for the North Vietnamese.

  11. 然而布什总统的最大败笔还是保险制度。

    Mr. Bush's biggest failure, however, is on entitlements.

  12. 信用危机催生的交易,神来之笔还是一大败笔?

    Is one of the credit crunchs seminal deals inspired or insane.

  13. 这座雕塑太完美了,简直毫无一处败笔。

    The sculpture indeed has all the best part of beauty without even a slight imperfection.

  14. 结果被视为奇想怪论而成为一大败笔。

    which turned out to be whimsical and a flop.

  15. 但在这种愿景里, 经济方面却是一处败笔。

    But the economic part of the vision was a failure.

  16. 糟糕的战略决策也将在此刻埋下败笔。

    It is also the time when a bad strategic decision can turn out to be fatal.

  17. 本期人物特刊还回顾了2009年的时尚败笔。

    The People magazine special issue also looked at some of the fashion flops of2009.

  18. 本期人物特刊还回顾了2009年得时尚败笔。

    The People magazine special issue also looked at some of the fashion flops of2007.

  19. 这可能是她事业中的败笔,但绝对是她人性的亮点。

    It might be a bad move for her career, but it's a great move for humanity.

  20. 不幸的是,这批价值连城的电脑却成为了商业败笔。

    Unfortunately, the expensive computers were a commercial flop.

  21. 你以处子之身假扮青楼女子,正是你最大的败笔。

    You primp as brothel woman by the body of place son, is exactly your biggest flaw in prose.

  22. 然在吾观之, 此更似怠惰和昏招下的败笔。

    But it seems more like laziness and bad planning.

  23. 我想,还不至于遥远到她愿意承认竞选中的败笔吧。

    Not so ancient, I think, that she is willing to admit the failings of her campaign.

  24. 珍珠港事变后德国毫无理由地向美军宣战也是一大败笔。

    His gratuitous decision to declare war on the United States after Pearl Harbour was another catastrophe.


  1. 问:败笔拼音怎么拼?败笔的读音是什么?败笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:败笔的读音是bàibǐ,败笔翻译成英文是 artistic defect



名词 bài bǐ