







汉语拼音:xiá cī








  1. 亦作“ 瑕玼 ”。玉的斑痕。亦比喻人的过失或事物的缺点。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·省事》:“或有劫持宰相瑕疵,而获酬谢。” 唐 王建 《求友》诗:“不求立名声,所贵去瑕玼。” 宋 司马光 《稷下赋》:“荣誉,樵株为之蓊蔚;訾毁,珵美化为瑕疵。” 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第五本第二折:“这玉簪纤长如竹笋,细白似葱枝,温润有清香,莹洁无瑕玼。” 李大钊 《我的马克思主义观》七:“小小的瑕疵,不能掩了他那莫大的功绩。”

  2. 谓指摘毛病。

    唐 刘禹锡 《口兵戒》:“玉櫝不启,焉能瑕疵?” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·书画》:“ 熙 ( 徐熙 )之子乃效诸 黄 之格……工与诸 黄 不相下 筌 ( 黄筌 )等不復能瑕疵,遂得齿院品。” 金 王若虚 《孟子辨惑》:“ 孟子 之言,未可瑕疵。” 王闿运 《帅芳哀词》:“虽欲得而瑕疵,邈轻举而难攀。”



  1. He pretended that the greatest poets must, when they first began to write, have committed as many faults as he did.


  2. I was drawing all the time erasing holes in many sheets of paper trying to "get it to look right" .


  3. They are trying to frame the election as a choice between their reforms, however imperfect, and a return to the failed policies of Mr Bush.


  4. Isn't it a sad fact that the flaws in daily life should prevent reality from being the best version of how things really are?


  5. He sat with a stack of spectacle frames on the table in front of him, examining each for defects.


  6. The Employment Relations Authority found that the dismissal was flawed procedurally , and that there was no serious misconduct.


  7. The result was the development of a partial stigma toward RIA in the enterprise, which often referred to it as "unproven technology. "


  8. Overall, it seems to me, he exaggerated the importance of manufacturing, magnifying some of his theory's flaws.


  9. It is like a jasper, although on the surface looks perfect, but you look closely, it still would be flawed.


  1. 提案内容瑕疵

    the defect of proposal content

  2. 固有缺陷, 固有瑕疵

    inherent defect

  3. 瑕疵缺陷污点。

    Any defect of deformity, physical or moral.

  4. 文体上的瑕疵

    deformities of style.

  5. 宝石上的瑕疵。

    A flaw in a jewel.

  6. 那个材料处处瑕疵。

    The material is flawed throughout.

  7. 我喜欢你有瑕疵。

    I need you to not be perfect.

  8. 看这些花瓣,没有瑕疵

    Look at all the petals.There's no flaws.

  9. 看这些花瓣,没有瑕疵。

    Look at all the petals. There's no flaws.

  10. 美中无瑕疵, 本身是瑕疵。

    The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw.

  11. 看来还有点小瑕疵

    We're, uh, still working out a few kinks, clearly.

  12. 美梦先生不能忍受瑕疵

    Flaws are unacceptable to Mcdreamy.

  13. 依法治校中的法制瑕疵

    Law blemish of running a school by law

  14. 我的爱没半点瑕疵。

    My love do not have any flaw.

  15. 这块玉石看起来没有瑕疵。

    This jade looks flawless.

  16. 由于瑕疵沾污或消弱。

    mar or impair with a flaw.

  17. 下次的创造将无瑕疵。

    Next time, it'll be flawless.

  18. 这是系统的一个瑕疵。

    Unfortunate flaw in the system.

  19. 解说整洁的, 无瑕疵的, 完美的。

    immaculate perfectly clean having no flaw or error perfect.

  20. 她的名誉没有半点瑕疵。

    There isn't a stain on her reputation.

  21. 他仔细察看钻石有无瑕疵。

    He scrutinized the diamond for flaws.

  22. 爱情是理智最高尚的瑕疵。

    Love is the noblest frailty of the mind.

  23. 他在品德名誉上毫无瑕疵。

    His characterreputation is without blemish.

  24. 通知应包括对瑕疵得描述。

    The notice shall contain a description of the defect.

  25. 通知应包括对瑕疵的描述。

    The notice shall contain a description of the defect.

  26. 尝试表决才会重现这个瑕疵。

    our democracy tries to make a decision.

  27. 远观很迷人,近看现瑕疵。

    Distance lends enchantment to the view.

  28. 这陶器得瑕疵有损它得美。

    The defect of the pottery detracts from its beauty.

  29. 这陶器的瑕疵有损它的美。

    The defect of the pottery detracts from its beauty.

  30. 计算机按果品颜色及瑕疵分级。

    Computers carefully grade by color and blemish.


  1. 问:瑕疵拼音怎么拼?瑕疵的读音是什么?瑕疵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑕疵的读音是xiácī,瑕疵翻译成英文是 blemish

  2. 问:瑕疵履行拼音怎么拼?瑕疵履行的读音是什么?瑕疵履行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑕疵履行的读音是xiá cī lǚ xíng,瑕疵履行翻译成英文是 defective performance

  3. 问:瑕疵权利拼音怎么拼?瑕疵权利的读音是什么?瑕疵权利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑕疵权利的读音是xiá cī quán lì,瑕疵权利翻译成英文是 defective title

  4. 问:瑕疵残损货物拼音怎么拼?瑕疵残损货物的读音是什么?瑕疵残损货物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瑕疵残损货物的读音是xiá cīcán sǔnhuò wù,瑕疵残损货物翻译成英文是 goods in bad order



“瑕疵”是个多义词,它可以指瑕疵(2011年英国纪录片), 瑕疵(宝石学术语), 瑕疵(汉语词汇)。