


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


心地仁爱,品质淳厚:~良。~心。~举。~事。~人。~男信女。慈~。好的行为、品质:行~。惩恶扬~。高明的,良好的:~策。~本。友好,和好:友~。亲~。和~。熟悉:面~。办好,弄好:~后。擅长,长(cháng )于:~辞令。多谋~断。赞许:“……


1. 若 [ruò]2. 若 [rě]若 [ruò]如果,假如:~果。倘~。假~。天~有情天亦老。如,像:年相~。安之~素。旁~无人。置~罔闻。门庭~市。你,汝:~辈。“更~役,复~赋,则何如?”约计:~干(gān )。~许。此,如此:“以……





汉语拼音:shàng shàn ruò shuǐ








  • 【解释】:老子说:“上善若水”,“水善利万物而不争,处众人之所恶,故几于道”。这里实际说的是做人的方法,即做人应如水,水滋润万物,但从不与万物争高下,这样的品格才最接近道。
  • 【出自】:上善若水。水善利万物而不争,处众人之所恶,故几于道。居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,正善治,事善能,动善时。夫唯不争,故无忧。 —— 老子《道德经》


  1. Maybe an old saying in Daoism of 'Water Is Better' is an analogy that best kindness is like a nature running of water!


  2. The highest good is like that of water.


  3. 'Water benefits everything without evoking conflicts or resistance, ' Guo says. 'This is the tai chi philosophy.


  4. Well- Doer like Water and Human Live with it Harmoniously


  5. This club is everybody's club, we advocate: On friendly, if the water, Hiner hundred Sichuan, possesses forbearance is the big idea;


  1. 上善若水。

    The highest good is like water.

  2. 这也许就是上善若水得含义。

    This is perhaps on the meaning of good is like.

  3. 它有时轻风拂面, 润物无声若蜻蜓点水。

    It sometimes the wind, silent lubricant if superficially.

  4. 这也许就是上善若水的含义。

    This is perhaps on the meaning of good is like.

  5. 我该做得更好, 若我把水倒进沙地的话。

    I should have done better if I had poured it into the sand.

  6. 没有源头的水,若不是死水一潭,便会很快干涸。

    There is no source of water, if it was not will soon dry up.

  7. 依然若水柔情。

    Still if water tender feelings.

  8. 你若打开水龙头,水会直往上喷。

    You'd turn on the water, and it would shoot straight up in the air.

  9. 一段感情若是平淡如水, 自然是好聚好散的。

    But we still walk under one umbrella seemingly in hamony.

  10. 越来越多像若水薇蓝这样得玩家开始陷入迷茫和恐慌。

    Increasing picture if Shui Wei is blue, such player begins fall and indistinct and panic.

  11. 越来越多像若水薇蓝这样的玩家开始陷入迷茫和恐慌。

    Increasing picture if Shui Wei is blue, such player begins fall and indistinct and panic.

  12. 约生于4300年前的若水地域,位于川西,地近青衣江宁河。

    He was born in about4300bc in Ruoshui section of Shangxi province, near Qingyi River and anling river.

  13. 水若停滞即失其纯洁,心不活动精气立消。

    Running water is never stale, and an active mind is always sound.

  14. 若茶太酽, 再加些水。

    If the tea is too strong, add some more water to it.

  15. 若茶太酽,再加些水。

    If the tea is too strong, add some more water to it.

  16. 若用清水洗又洗不干净。

    If use clear bath, wash again sordid.

  17. 若茶太浓, 就再加些水。

    If the tea is too strong, add some more water.

  18. 若茶太酽,就再加些水。

    If the tea is too strong, add some more water.

  19. 船若没有帆将如何涉水航行

    How can a boat navigate by water without sail.

  20. 若不慎入眼, 请立即用清水冲洗。

    If eyes are inadvertently be spattered by the product, please wash with clean water.

  21. 若糯米太干可加入少许水拌炒。

    Just add in some water if glutinous rice too dry.

  22. 若涡线接近水筒中心线,则轨迹接近圆。

    If the vortex line is close to the centric line of water tunnel the trace is nearly a circle.

  23. 若你在冰水中加入盐巴会有何变化?

    What happens if you add salt to the ice water ?

  24. 若不慎误入, 请立即以清水彻底冲洗。

    If product comes in direct contact, rinse immediately and thoroughly with water to remove.

  25. 若把壶嘴对着它, 它就会站起来喝水。

    If he took the spout to him, he would stand up and drink.

  26. 含量若超出此范围,则进行补水补料调节。

    In case the concentration exceeds the requirement, adjust the concentration by adding water or stoichiometric ingredients.

  27. 电瓶不能补充水份, 若不足即应予以更换。

    The battery cannot be refilled with water, it must be replace

  28. 若用碱水洗, 易洗掉油漆若用清水洗又洗不干净。

    If use alkaline bath, yi Xi drops paint If use clear bath, wash again sordid.

  29. 若你将玉米淀粉和水混和,会得到什麽物质呢?

    What kind of substance do you get if you mix water with cornstarch?

  30. 我对您的景仰之情有若滔滔江水, 绵延不绝。

    My admiration for you is like the unceasing flow of a river.


  1. 问:上善若水拼音怎么拼?上善若水的读音是什么?上善若水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上善若水的读音是shàngshànruòshuǐ,上善若水翻译成英文是 The highest good is like that of water



“上善若水”是个多义词,它可以指上善若水(课程讲座), 上善若水(2012年福建盛世金尊动画短片), 上善若水(《道德经》第八章), 上善若水(2013年湖北高考作文题:上善若水任方圆), 上善若水(《老子》中的俗语), 上善若水(公益组织), 上善若水(画手), 上善若水(2010年江南写作的图书), 上善若水(张欣同名小说), 上善若水(成语), 上善若水(中国传统文化中的大智慧), 上善若水(于正写的歌词)。