


1. 缘 [yuán]缘 [yuán]因由,因为:~由。~何(为何,因何)。~故。~起。宿命论认为人与人之间命中注定的遇合机会,泛指人与人或人与事物之间发生联系的可能性:~分(fèn )。化~。姻~。一面之~。沿,顺着:~法(沿袭旧法)。~……


1. 份 [fèn]2. 份 [bīn]份 [fèn]整体里的一部:~额。~饭。股~。量词:指成组、成件的:一~儿报纸。用在“省、县、年、月”后面,表示划分的单位:省~。月~。份 [bīn]古同“彬”,文质兼备。……



汉语拼音:yuán fèn






  1. 见“ 缘分 ”。



  1. The vast sea of humanity, I wonder if I hit worthy of the name can arise when, I believe that may come without Stepping bond!


  2. To be our fate seems only to repair so much, I think this for two days at the poles of suffering, are really his mother!


  3. So when my cousin called a few days later to suggest I hire a monk to help me end my relationship with the dead man, I agreed.


  4. It was a wonderful chat, but we'll be hard pressed to meet again as this was a chance encounter at both of our non-regular hour.


  5. Whether if it's in love or not, it is always going to be like two parallel trains, which only have the fate of a brush past.


  6. But I believe the fate this thing does exist, so after a number of years, I may not be a spectator, perhaps you might be right, ha ha!


  7. The songs talks about the fairy of tale how a boy falls in love with a girl -- it is all arranged by fate.


  8. In fact, the so-called "predestination" is often a kind of coincidence or chance encounter, even a kind of accident.


  9. We use the most precious things in heaven and earth to another there is no pollution in the world of past life did not tell us the fate End.


  1. 人各有缘份

    The fortune of each one is predestined.

  2. 婚姻全靠缘份。

    Marriage is a lottery.

  3. 你们俩有缘份。

    You two have a chemistry.

  4. 只是我俩没缘份。

    Just because the wind of fate sweeps.

  5. 缘份还是让我们相识了。

    The fate still let we had met.

  6. 走在一起是缘份,一起在走是幸福。

    Walk together is the fate, together in the walk is happiness.

  7. 我们的缘份很差不是吗?

    Our timing's been really bad, hasn't it?

  8. 就像两个人之间的缘份。

    Looks like between two person's fates.

  9. 缘份的天空, 西雅图不眠夜

    Original Soundtrack for Sleepless in Seattle

  10. 因为我相信,相遇就是一种缘份。

    Because I think our meetion is a kind of fate.

  11. 或许我们真的没有缘份吧!结束了!

    Probably let's really don't decree by destiny! End!

  12. 你是个很好的人,但是我们没有缘份。

    You are a good man, but we haven't fate.

  13. 生活中我们或许缘于工作上的缘份,让我们相遇。

    Life may be due to the work of our fate, let us meet.

  14. 在双方不经意的时候,缘份将我们连在了一起。

    Neither of us was looking when fate let us to one another.

  15. 我好无奈,可是没有办法,只怪我们没有这个缘份。

    I am very helpless, but have no way, only blame me have no this fate.

  16. 你说认识我是意外,我想是因为我们有缘份吧!

    You said knowing me was suddenness, but I think it's our destination!

  17. 有缘千里来相会, 难道这就是你我的缘份吗?

    Has the reason grear distance to meet. is this your my fate?

  18. 生活多样化,是从爱的基因,再缘份结合中获得。

    The varieties of life are derived from the incidental recombination of genes of love.

  19. 生活多样化,是从爱得基因,再缘份结合中获得。

    The varieties of life are derived from the incidental recombination of genes of love.

  20. 坐下,起身,与你的缘份,应该不止是一盏茶的时间

    The love is a topic of the abyss of time.

  21. 认识您真是前世的缘份,希望您以后能经常枉驾寒舍!

    It's our fate in our past lives that has brought us together. I hope that you can often visit my little house!

  22. 相信缘份的人多是敏感的,感情细腻而且很有爱心。

    Believe that the fate of many people are sensitive, emotional and delicate and very caring.

  23. 很不幸的是,苏格兰哲人和牛津一点缘份都没有。

    Scottish philosopher unfortunately had nothing whatever to do with Oxford.


  1. 问:缘份拼音怎么拼?缘份的读音是什么?缘份翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缘份的读音是yuánfèn,缘份翻译成英文是 lot or luck by which people are brought together...