







汉语拼音:lì yì








  1. 用意;持念。

    《史记·刺客列传论》:“自 曹沬 至 荆軻 五人,此其义或成或不成,然其立意较然,不欺其志,名垂后世,岂妄也哉!” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·文学》:“所广徵引,非 李氏 立意,盖 李氏 不欲窃人之功,有旧注者,必逐字每篇存之,仍题元注人之姓字。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十四:“既然官人立意惓切,就相见一面也无妨。” 老舍 《牺牲》:“办法不同,立意是一个样的。”

  2. 主张;决定。

    《北史·魏广平王洛侯传》:“暨 正始 中,故太乐令 公孙崇 輒自立意,以黍十二为寸,别造尺度,定律刊钟。”

  3. 打定主意;决心。

    北魏 贾思勰 《<齐民要术>序》:“ 赵过 始为牛耕,实胜耒耜之利; 蔡伦 立意造纸,岂方縑牘之烦?”《警世通言·桂员外途穷忏悔》:“説那 支翁 虽然屡任,立意做清官的,所以宦囊甚薄。”《红楼梦》第九十回:“却説 黛玉 自立意自戕之后,渐渐不支,一日竟至絶粒。”

  4. 确立作品的主题。

    唐 杜甫 《奉和严中丞西城晚眺十韵》:“政简移风速,诗清立意新。” 宋 王禹偁 《赠别鲍秀才序》:“公出文数十章,即进士 鲍生 之作也,命题立意,殆非常人。”《红楼梦》第三八回:“题目新,诗也新,立意更新了。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致宫竹心》:“登在日报上的资格,是十足可以有的,而且立意与表现法也并不坏,做下去一定还可以发展。”



  1. Article centers is not clear, or conception is not profound, often that of the superficial thinking.

  2. This monarch had an army in full force because he had jobbed to himself Poland, and was determined to keep it.

  3. This difficult and strange question with its peculiar conception could be called having unique style, very meaningful.

  4. Some of them take no consideration of the imagery as well as the circumstance and deep motivation.

  5. It was dark, but in a good sense -- in the sense that it shed light on human nature and our human social element.

  6. New to the article more need from the user Angle, from the site of a value conception to provide high quality original article.

  7. Instruction: audience devotion, subject expression ability, conception, scenario arrangement and influence, etc.

  8. If the mainland is determined to attack Taiwan, the result may be corpses everywhere. How will they deal with the aftermath?

  9. One man's life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought.


  1. 文章立意独特。

    The article has a unique approach.

  2. 他立意要走。

    He's determined to go.

  3. 融会贯通立意求新

    For comprehensiveness and novelty in research work

  4. 这幅画立意新颖。

    This painting shows an interesting new approach.

  5. 这首诗立意新奇,别开生面。

    This poem is fresh and original, quite a new approach to the suBject.

  6. 本部分是论文立意的基础。

    This part is the basic of this paper.

  7. 父母立意要她当网球运动员。

    The parents designed her for a tennist.

  8. 两年前我曾立意要出国。

    I designed going abroad two years ago.

  9. 建筑设计立意的基本方法研究

    Research on method in architecture design

  10. 成人高等教育课程考试立意的转变

    Changing of Course Examination Goals in Adult Higher Education

  11. 对新教材两篇范文立意的质疑

    Querying The Conception of Two Model Articles In The New Textbook

  12. 论我国装饰画的立意与表现手法

    Conception and Presentation of Decoration Painting in China

  13. 她写的东西立意极深, 内容特别充实。

    Her writings have extraordinary depth and solidity.

  14. 天然独山玉料,整体琢制,立意美好。

    Dushan jade natural materials, the overall cut system, a better idea.

  15. 这篇报告的文笔不错, 但是立意错了。

    The report was well written, but it was slightly off base.

  16. 这篇报告得文笔不错, 但是立意错了。

    The report was well written, but it was slightly off base.

  17. 这篇作文有不少讹舛, 但立意还不错。

    Though the composition has quite a few mistakes in wording, It'shows a great approach.

  18. 这篇作文有不少讹舛,但立意还不错。

    Though the composition has quite a few mistakes in wording, it shows a great approach.

  19. 他立意要使自己的祖国繁荣,人民幸福。

    He was bent to make his country prosperous and people happy.

  20. 这一事件使雷夫立意要成为一个诗人。

    This transaction fixed Ralph in his resolution of becoming a poet.

  21. 这也正是本文的选题背景和立意之点。

    Such is the background and footing of this dissertation.

  22. 立意与立象 传统酒包装设计的新理念

    New ideology of traditional wine packaging design on conceiving and creation

  23. 很多人劝她不要尝试,她仍立意去做了。

    Many people told her not to try, but she went ahead notwithstanding.

  24. 报告结构严谨, 立意良好, 并列出要处理的问题。

    The report is well structured and well intentioned and sets out the issues that need to be addressed.

  25. 但第13课20课两篇范文的立意是否妥当,值得商榷。

    However, whether the conception of Lesson13 and20 is proper is worth discussing.

  26. 他立意要征服她,吞了她,不惜把她撕碎把她榨干。

    He must subdue her, absorb her, rip her apart and consume her.

  27. 既不考虑环境,也没深刻立意,更无雕塑意境。

    Some of them take no consideration of the imagery as well as the circumstance and deep motivation.

  28. 这道立意奇特的难题, 怪题, 可谓别具一格, 用心良苦。

    This difficult and strange question with its peculiar conception could be called having unique style, very meaningful.

  29. 他受过正统的教育,却立意过着艺术家我行我素的生活。

    After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist.

  30. 他受过正统的教育,却立意过著艺术家我行我素的生活。

    After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist.


  1. 问:立意拼音怎么拼?立意的读音是什么?立意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立意的读音是lìyì,立意翻译成英文是 be determined; approach

  2. 问:立意抽样拼音怎么拼?立意抽样的读音是什么?立意抽样翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立意抽样的读音是lì yì chōu yàng,立意抽样翻译成英文是 purposive sampling



