







汉语拼音:jué yì







  1. 亦作“决意”。决计;拿定主意。

    《后汉书·申屠刚传》:“将军素以忠孝显闻,是以士大夫不远千里慕乐德义,今苟欲决意徼幸,此何如哉?” 元 杨梓 《豫让吞炭》第一折:“我心决意吞併 赵氏 ,再有苦諫的,定行斩首。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·西域用兵始末》:“ 準噶尔 自 光显寺 之败,决意请和。” 丁玲 《韦护》第一章:“于是他迟疑了一会,便决意留下了。”

  2. 决定的意向;拿定的主张。

    唐 唐彦谦 《汉嗣》诗:“ 汉 嗣安危繫数君, 高皇 决意势难分。” 夏衍 《秋瑾传》第三幕第一场:“ 伯荪 的消息传来之后,我早已有了决意了。”

  3. 犹绝情。

    宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十二:“﹝ 高宗 ﹞能决意於 太公 、 吕后 ,而不能决意於 戚夫人 。”



  1. "China decided that they had to deliver on this, " said Jonathan Eyal, at the Royal United Services Institute in London.

  2. So they decided to put a stop to this "unauthorized" ministry to protect Jesus' reputation.

  3. This was precisely the kind of bottleneck that Beijing's bureaucrats were determined to break.

  4. and even, when he might have determined not to look, she was confident that he was often listening.

  5. The following week I packed up and decided to hit the road and get out of that city of ignorance which is the modern city.

  6. Then Saul cast a spear at him to kill him, by which Jonathan knew that it was determined by his father to kill David.

  7. But when a player makes his mind up, you can't stand in his way.

  8. Mr Huang remains determined to put at least two of his representatives on the board.

  9. She looked back to the Golden Age of Alexander's world empire and was determined to do even better herself.


  1. 她决意要辞职。

    She was determined to resign.

  2. 她决意要出国。

    She is dead set on going abroad.

  3. 我决意不见他。

    I was resolved not to see him.

  4. 如果你决意这么做

    Well, if you're gonna do this.

  5. 我已决意学习速记。

    I have decided to learn shorthand.

  6. 决意在法庭上大显身手

    grandstand play

  7. 她决意起诉要求离婚。

    She decided to file for divorce.

  8. 她决意从事出版事业。

    Shes absolutely set on publishing as a career.

  9. 我们决意反对经济制裁。

    We have decided against economic sanctions.

  10. 我决意遵守这一盟约。

    I intend to abide by that pact.

  11. 他们已决意留在英国。

    They have made up their minds to stay in Britain.

  12. 他们决意反对这项决定。

    They fully intend to protest the decision.

  13. 你决意要把它们做好。

    My mother didn't think they were awful.

  14. 你真的决意和我分手?

    Are you sure this is what you want to do?

  15. 她决意要他作出许诺。

    She was determined to exact a promise from him.

  16. 他决意不让任何人知道。

    He had been determined that no one should know.

  17. 她决意要赢得冠军的称号。

    She was set to win the championship.

  18. 他决意要改进自己的举止。

    He is intent on improving his manner.

  19. 他决意明天一早就动身。

    He made a resolve to go on a journey early in the next morning.

  20. 决意,决定用坚强的意志力决定决定

    To resolve with a forceful will determine.

  21. 她决意不按他的劝告办。

    She was determined not to follow his advice.

  22. 她决意在法学院读到毕业。

    She is determined to finish law school.

  23. 成年人们决意要把地球变成地狱。

    The adults are bent on creating hell on earth.

  24. 不管情况怎样,我们决意这样做。

    We will do it regardless of what might happen.

  25. 探险者决意不顾风雨次日出发。

    The explorer determined to set out the next day in spite of the storm.

  26. 他决意与自己的坏习惯搏斗。

    He resolved to combat with his bad habits.

  27. 他决意营救自己的两名同胞。

    He determined to rescue his two countrymen.

  28. 他决意削发为僧, 弃绝红尘。

    He was determined to be a monk who abjured worldly pleasures.

  29. 我决意对那件事闭口不谈。

    I chose to say nothing about it.

  30. 他决意为受辱向老板进行报复。

    He resolved to avenge the insult on the boss.


  1. 问:决意拼音怎么拼?决意的读音是什么?决意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:决意的读音是juéyì,决意翻译成英文是 be determined




【拼音】jué yì

【解释】[have one’s mind made up;be determined] 拿定主意;拿定主张;决计

【示例】他~明天一早就动身。 决意游天都。——《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》 明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第五十一回:“越椒见庄王统兵出征,遂决意作乱。” 明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“那时兴哥决意要行,瞒过了浑家,在外面暗暗收拾行李。” 蔡东藩 《清史演义》第三回:“单说满洲太祖,自建国改元后,招兵添械,日事训故,除黄红蓝白四旗外,加了镶黄镶红镶白镶蓝四旗,共成八旗,分作左右两翼,准备了两年有余,锐意出发,他想不入虎穴,焉得虎子,欲灭叶赫,不如先攻明朝,遂于天命三年四月,择日誓师,决意攻明。”