


1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……


处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……



汉语拼音:nán bàn








  1. 'It's going to be a tedious Business, ' said the Badger, sighing.


  2. He found it a sticky business: he could neither agree nor disagree.


  3. Our dilemma was that we were constrained by domestic pressures from choosing either of the two options that made strategic sense.


  4. So that's kind of a tough day, but I said, there really is some basis for thinking why you might want to do this.


  5. This can be a bit difficult, where I'll get you to put a pig to try it?


  6. You'll be surprised how much stuff you can get done with a bit of volunteer offline time.


  7. The matter was not so difficult of accomplishment.


  8. The company would have a difficult time trying to displace you, even if you failed.


  9. If someone with Mr Dangeard's background could not convince the board of that, it is hard to see who will.


  1. 这事真难办!

    Here is a sticky business!

  2. 这有点难办

    Well, uh, that's a little tricky.

  3. 难办的差使。苛求

    a tall order

  4. 这事有点儿难办。

    This matter is a bit difficult.

  5. 真的很难办到。

    So it's pretty tough to do.

  6. 对我来说很难办。

    It's going to be hard for me.

  7. 对我来说很难办。

    It's going to be hard for me.

  8. 这只会使事情更难办。

    It simply made things more difficult.

  9. 把当作难办的事来处理

    make a great business of

  10. 这件事情并不十分难办。

    The matter was not so difficult of accomplishment.

  11. 做事不情愿, 易事也难办。

    Nothing is so easy but it is difficult if you do it unwillingly.

  12. 难管的事没人管, 难办的事没人做。

    Nobody provides the job of difficult canal, nobody does impracticable thing.

  13. 他们的某些条件很难办到。

    Certain of their conditions are not easily complied with.

  14. 那就会让其他事更加难办。

    Then it makes everything else we have to do more difficult.

  15. 个体间的差异问题总是很难办。

    The problem of individual variability has always been difficult.

  16. 到35岁之后事情就有点难办了。

    and things get tricky after age 33.

  17. 使复杂化,使难办杂乱地难以解决,使复杂

    To make confusedly intricatecomplicate.

  18. 复杂的,杂乱的,难办的充满抱怨或困难的复杂的

    Full of complications or difficulty involved.

  19. 这消息听起来使人觉得有些难办。

    The news is quite ticklish to the ear.

  20. 快点儿啊,你让我现在很难办

    Come on, you're putting me in a tight spot here.

  21. 懒惰使一切都难办。勤奋使凡事皆顺利。

    Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all things easy.

  22. 又直率又不得罪人,这有时很难办到。

    It's sometimes difficult to be forthright and not give offence.

  23. 噢,你还真的让我觉得难办了一会儿。

    Oh, you really had me there for a moment.

  24. 他发现这件事特别难办同意不好, 不同意也不好。

    He found it a sticky business he could neither agree nor disagree.

  25. 这件事情听起来就没边儿, 估计很难办成。

    This matter sounds groundless, and may be hard to accomplish.

  26. 融合两个经纪公司的文化可能会有些难办。

    Melding two brokerage cultures could be messy.

  27. 这件事情听起来就没边儿,估计很难办成。

    This matter sounds groundless, and may be hard to accomplish.

  28. 即使你失败了,公司要想解雇你,也很难办。

    The company would have a difficult time trying to displace you, even if you failed.

  29. 最好的办法就是把事情弄得尽可能地难办。

    The best that can be done is to make things as difficult as possible.

  30. 看来部队要保持最起码的战斗队形都很难办到。

    It'seemed impossible for the army to maintain any sort of order.


  1. 问:难办拼音怎么拼?难办的读音是什么?难办翻译成英文是什么?

    答:难办的读音是nánbàn,难办翻译成英文是 Difficult to do; Difficult to deal with

  2. 问:难办的拼音怎么拼?难办的的读音是什么?难办的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:难办的的读音是,难办的翻译成英文是 impracticable