








生存,有生命的,能生长,与“死”相对:~人。~体。~检。~物。救活,使人活:~人无数。在活的状态下:~埋。逼真地:~脱。~像。不固定,可移动,或处在进去状态的:~塞(sāi )。~扣。~页本。耳软心~(没主见)。生动,不呆板,机灵,有生气:……



汉语拼音:qī sǐ bā huó







  • 【解释】:如同多次死去活来一般。形容受尽痛苦。
  • 【出自】:元·吴昌龄《张天师》楔子:“今日弄的我一个身子,七死八活。仙子,你那里是报恩,分明害杀小生也。”
  • 【示例】:若不得人情时,这一百棒打得七死八活。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作状语;形容痛苦不堪或濒临死境


  1. na.
  2. almost dead;half dead;hovering between life and death;on [

  3. at] the verge of death;be tortured almost to death

  1. 他一举打死七个对手。

    He killed seven foes at one blow.

  2. 他一举打死七个对手。

    He killed seven foes at one blow.

  3. 自从今年开始下雨以来, 至少有七名人死于洪水。

    Since the onset of rains this year, at least seven people have been killed in floods.

  4. 我哥哥是七年前死的。

    It was seven years ago that my brother died.

  5. 七只狼死在他的步枪之下。

    Seven wolves fell to his rifle.

  6. 这样, 先知哈拿尼雅当年七月间就死了。

    In the seventh month that same year, Hananiah the prophet died.

  7. 但有多人伤亡, 共计七死九伤, 均为斯里兰卡国民。

    However, there were casualties, which included seven dead and nine injured, all Sri Lankan nationals.

  8. 佛教里说人死七七四十九天后,灵魂就可以转世了。

    It is said in Buddhism that one's soul can be reincarnated 49 days after death.

  9. 到第七日, 孩子死了。

    And it came to pass on the seventh day, that the child died.

  10. 到第七日,孩子死了。

    And it came to pass on the seventh day, that the child died.

  11. 十七年前我死于新滹。

    Seventeen years ago I died in Niigata.

  12. 十七年前我死于新舄。

    Seventeen years ago I died in Niigata.

  13. 七点抽一斗,香死我。

    A pipe at seven An aroma to heaven.

  14. 七个月以后,安妮弗兰克死了。

    Seven months later, Anne Frank was dead.

  15. 造物主在第七天的末尾死去。

    The creater dies at the end of the seventh day.

  16. 已经七点十二分了,我就快饿死了!

    It's seven twelve now, and I'm starving to death!

  17. 七个人买回去吃了然后中毒而死

    Someone else bought it and died.

  18. 父亲死后,家里的事从此七颠八倒。

    Since my father's death all affairs at home have been in great confusion.

  19. 有弟兄七人。第一个娶了妻, 没有孩子死了。

    Now there were seven brothers. The first one married a woman and died childless.

  20. 那七个都没有留下子嗣。末了,那妇人也死了。

    And the seven left no descendants. Last of all the woman also died.

  21. 肯七点起床,十点上床睡觉。生在吊床上、死在吊床上。

    Ken gets up at seven and goes to bed at ten.

  22. 劳拉死在一九五七年,就在她90岁生日。

    Laura died in nineteen fiftyseven, just after her ninetieth birthday.

  23. 那七个人都没有留下孩子, 最后那女人也死了。

    And the seven left no offspring. Last of all the woman also died.

  24. 作者把她的主人翁安排在第七章中死去。

    The author kills off her hero in Chapter 7.

  25. 在本世纪七、八十年代,热寂论又死恢复燃。

    In the seventies and eighties of this century, Heat Death theory came to resurrect.

  26. 于是耶和华降瘟疫与以色列人。以色列人就死了七万。

    So the LORD sent a plague on Israel, and seventy thousand men of Israel fell dead.

  27. 数百名死去的士兵横七竖八地躺在那里。

    Hundreds of deceased soldiers lay in a state of disarray.

  28. 他死了, 在九十二岁时七月第十七两千年九个。

    He died on July seventeenth, two thousand nine, at the age of ninetytwo.

  29. 逾越节七个星期或五十天后,耶稣死而复活了。

    Seven weeks or 50 after Passover,the time when Jesus rose from the dead.

  30. 小七被关在幽冥园内, 宁死不愿承认自己有错。

    Xiao Qi refuses to admit that her love for Dong Yong is a mistake.

