




1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:jiào hǎo







  1. 对于精彩的事物大声喊“好”,表示赞赏;喝彩。

    《老残游记》第二回:“这时台下叫好之声,轰然雷动。” 老舍 《二马》第四段四:“ 老马先生 知道 英国 妇女处处要逞强,有点什么好东西总要出其不意的拿出来,好叫人惊异叫好儿。” 艾芜 《百炼成钢》第一章:“ 梁景春 看见这样的工作,心里忍不住暗暗地叫好。”



  1. Be loud and clear, they urged the players, and always use a strong arm gesture to call a strike. Never be tentative or unsure.


  2. The company did not offer a low-priced netbook, as some had expected, but analysts cheered the move.


  3. After, I started to ask him if he'd liked the story, a giggle rising in my throat, when Hassan began to clap.


  4. Conan will be another after each detection applauded me, any of his reasoning is very exciting, so, I came to the worship of him.


  5. And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight.


  6. No doubt there will also be roars of approval for Mr Pinker's new book, "The Stuff of Thought" .


  7. Sure, these might be ideas ahead of your library's times but it's something simple and easy you can do and has high wow-factor.


  8. The supporters were all cheering and showing their support for Shankly and his players.


  9. They used to have this great onion soup, but I don't see it anywhere on the menu.


  1. 我鼓掌叫好

    I applaud.

  2. 观众齐声叫好。

    The audience burst into simultaneous applause.

  3. 什么叫好不好

    Okay how?

  4. 崇拜者大声叫好。

    The fans roared their approval.

  5. 他们为主队喝彩叫好。

    They are cheering for the home team.

  6. 弟弟看了连连拍手叫好。

    The little brother looked again and again clap applauds.

  7. 他一唱完,全场叫好。

    As soon as he'd finished singing, everyone cheered.

  8. 听众为她的歌唱鼓掌叫好。

    The audience applauded her singing.

  9. 越南直销商举起拇指叫好!

    Distributors from Vietnam give their thumbs up!

  10. 于是, 有人拍手叫好, 有人恨之入骨。

    Then, somebody clap applauds, somebody hate sb's guts.

  11. 我为他们所做的鼓掌叫好。

    I applaud what they are doing.

  12. 只有有房有车的生活才叫好生活

    I want a house, and I want a car.

  13. 她为优秀选手喝采叫好。

    She cheered for a good player.

  14. 为国企民企携手共进叫好

    Applause for Mutual Progress of The State and Civilian Enterprises

  15. 让我们为那支队伍大声叫好。

    Let's give the team a big hurrah.

  16. 让我们为那支队伍大声叫好。

    Let's give the team a big hurrah.

  17. 灯光不时熄灭, 众人便会轰然叫好。

    Each time the lights would go out the place would erupt into cheer.

  18. 你才不会像我这样的家伙叫好。

    You wouldn't have said boo to guys like me.

  19. 在俺们美国, 俺们见了这景都鼓掌叫好。

    In the states, people applaud that kind of thing.

  20. 所有的观众对他们的精彩演出拍手叫好。

    All the audience applaud to their excellent performance.

  21. 我们有了乐子, 喝了酒, 为自己叫好。

    We had a laugh, we had a few pints, cheered on the mighty hammers.

  22. 很多人叫好, 也有人善意劝他改名。

    A lot of people applaud, also kindness persuades somebody he is incognito.

  23. 这名演讲者引来观众一片片叫好声。

    The speaker wowed the audience.

  24. 有时他们看起来完美得令我想鼓掌叫好。

    Sometimes they look so good I want to applaud.

  25. 为那些能给你启发的剧本大声叫好。

    Give the screenplay a shout out if it inspires you.

  26. 咱们来给咱们的足球队喝采叫好吧!

    Let's give three cheers for our football team!

  27. 我们为自己得队踢进一球拍手叫好。

    We applauded and cheered for a goal scored by our own team.

  28. 我们为自己的队踢进一球拍手叫好。

    We applauded and cheered for a goal scored by our own team.

  29. 我会为书中的聪明的阿凡提叫好。

    I will applaud the book's clever Avanti.

  30. 武铱更是优美动听,看之无不喝彩叫好。

    Wu iridium is even more beautiful sounds, to see surpasses applaud applause.


  1. 问:叫好拼音怎么拼?叫好的读音是什么?叫好翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叫好的读音是jiàohǎo,叫好翻译成英文是 applaud; bravo




【读音】jiào hǎo



【示例】老舍 《二马》第四段四:“ 老马先生知道英国妇女处处要逞强,有点什么好东西总要出其不意的拿出来,好叫人惊异叫好儿。”