







汉语拼音:jiào jué







  1. 呼令果断,暗示使自裁。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·贤媛》:“﹝ 孙秀 ﹞遂逼 重 自裁。初, 重 在家,有人走从门入,出髻中疏示 重 。 重 看之色动,入内示其女,女直叫‘絶’。了其意,出则自裁。”

  2. 叫好;称绝。

    明 范廷瑞 《孤村漫兴与友人》诗:“何当与尔一浩歌,把酒问天相叫絶。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲下·剂冷热》:“即使鼓板不动,场上寂然,而观者叫絶之声,反能震天动地。”《老残游记》第二回:“渐渐的越唱越高,忽然拔了一个尖儿,象一线钢丝抛入天际,不禁暗暗叫絶。” 邹韬奋 《抗战以来》十:“我得到了这个电报,拍案叫绝。”



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  3. And his foot speed might be even more impressive, particularly when it's combined with improving skills.


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  5. The word Chemic Brain just like the word A Pulp of Cashet made me applaud.


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  7. Yellow waved plate being the crowning touch of the wall, originality of the design is beating the Dutch.


  8. Wang has borrowed heavily from Beijing opera to create a new form of music that has wowed his fans.


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  1. 技艺令人叫绝的演出

    a performance of breathtaking virtuosity

  2. 最后这招令人拍手叫绝。

    This last move can only be applauded.

  3. 世界最神奇景观照拍案叫绝,叹为观止!

    Most Magic Landscape Pix in this World!

  4. 她舞姿轻盈优美, 令人叫绝。

    She dances with a supple grace that is amazing.

  5. 乔丹投篮百发百中,真令人叫绝。

    It beats the Dutch how Jordan always makes a basket.

  6. 一部令人叫绝并迅速走红的视频。

    A fantastically viral and wonderful video.

  7. 豪华的卧室, 干净的酒店, 令人叫绝的装饰。

    The bedroom was luxurious, the hotel very clean and the decor amazing.

  8. 那部影片的视觉效果令人叫绝。

    The movie is visually a stunner.

  9. 作者处理这一切的手法令人叫绝。

    The author's management of all this is admirable.

  10. 他们以各种令人拍案叫绝的角度替人拍照。

    They photograph people from the most surprising angles.

  11. 工艺技术之精湛, 也令人惊羡叫绝。

    The crafting technique of the terracotta warriors is superb.

  12. 海岸线绵延数英里,景色美得令人叫绝。

    The coastline stretches for miles with breathtaking views.

  13. 今年我们要用不同的东西让他们叫绝。

    I thought this year we would wow them with something different.

  14. 你们应当去山里看看那令人叫绝的风景。

    You need to go there to have a look at the amazing landscapes.

  15. 他这手空拳夺刀的武艺,令人叫绝。

    Everyone applauded his skill in seizing knives bare-handed.

  16. 您的音乐视频定会让所有人拍手叫绝。

    Your music video frequency certainly lets the owner clap hands to call to cut off.

  17. 中外美食更是令人大开眼界,拍手叫绝。

    The delicious food of all over the world there also lets tourists get their eyes wide open.

  18. 很难决定他的哪个精彩演出是最令人叫绝的。

    It is still hard to decide which of his many facets to gape at with the most awe.

  19. 教她画, 就这样又画了一个令人叫绝的房子。

    Guiding it, and so created another surprising house.

  20. 那是我一切体育观看经历当中,最为拍案叫绝的时刻。

    It may have been my greatest Wow! moment in all of sports.

  21. 设计师的独创性在这个空间中体现得令人叫绝。

    Of stylist Promethean reflect so that make a person cry in this space absolutely.

  22. 然而,布拉德布瑞还不能给出令人叫绝的成绩。

    However, the role of stuntman did not fit steven Bradbury one bit.

  23. 更令人叫绝的是, 到了最后, 背诵简直成了充满深情的朗诵。

    And what was more amazing, the reciting finally had become a passionate elocnte.

  24. 经他一点化,极普通的题材也能变得令人叫绝。

    He transforms the most ordinary subject into the sublime.


  1. 问:叫绝拼音怎么拼?叫绝的读音是什么?叫绝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叫绝的读音是jiàojué,叫绝翻译成英文是 to applaud and consider it as the best




拼音:jiàojué 基本解释 [applaud] 称赞事物好到极点 拍案叫绝 详细解释 1. 呼令果断,暗示使自裁。 南朝 宋刘义庆 《世说新语·贤媛》:“﹝ 孙秀 ﹞遂逼 重 自裁。初, 重 在家,有人走从门入,出髻中疏示 重 。 重 看之色动,入内示其女,女直叫‘绝’。了其意,出则自裁。” 2. 叫好;称绝。 明 范廷瑞 《孤村漫兴与友人》诗:“何当与尔一浩歌,把酒问天相叫绝。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲下·剂冷热》:“即使鼓板不动,场上寂然,而观者叫绝之声,反能震天动地。”《老残游记》第二回:“渐渐的越唱越高,忽然拔了一个尖儿,象一线钢丝抛入天际,不禁暗暗叫绝。” 邹韬奋 《抗战以来》十:“我得到了这个电报,拍案叫绝。”