




1. 柱 [zhù]柱 [zhù]建筑物中直立的起支撑作用的构件:~子。~石。顶梁~。形状像柱子的东西,或作用重要如柱子的:水~。~臣(对国家有重要作用的臣子)。……









  1. 滴水、积雪凝成的冰条。

    唐 刘叉 《冰柱》诗:“旋落旋逐朝暾化,簷间冰柱若削出交加,或低或昂,小大莹洁。” 宋 杨万里 《雪晴》诗:“儿劣敲冰柱,身清堕蘂宫。” 徐迟 《大场的一夜》:“如果是冬天,那些将军‘靠一靠’醒来,挺一挺胸,甲上的冰柱迸落,锵然有声。”



  1. When the sun sank low above the treetops and no more drops fell from the tips of the icicles they began to watch eagerly for Pa.


  2. All that day the sun shone, the snow melted, and little streams of water ran from the icicles , which all the time grew thinner.


  3. this passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine-Margaret Deland.


  4. BBC film crews recorded the brinicle for the first time ever as it sunk to the bottom of the sea in Antarctica.


  5. Every surface has been silvered , with giant icicles to hang from the beams, and a giant Christmas Tree sits at the head of the space.


  6. The next drop fall from the same spot and gradually form a stone "icicle, " called a stalactite, which hangs from the cave's ceiling.


  7. Pale pink icicles hung from her fingertips, ten long knives of frozen blood.


  8. there was neither leaf nor flower on it, it was also in the cold winter season, and ice-flakes hung on the branches.


  9. Visitors have removed artifacts, and the hull is festooned with rusticles: icicle-shaped accretions of iron oxide, otherwise known as rust.


  1. 冰柱也喜爱我。

    The icicles love me, too.

  2. 冰柱, 圣诞树装饰用

    icicle for Christmas tree decoration

  3. 她被冰柱捅了?

    She was stabbed with an icicle?

  4. 屋檐上挂着冰柱。

    Icicles depended from the eaves.

  5. 冰柱垂挂在屋檐下。

    Icicles are hanging from the eaves.

  6. 屋檐上挂着的冰柱

    Icicles hanging from the eaves

  7. 冰柱从屋檐上垂下来。

    Icicles depends from the eaves

  8. 冬天树枝上挂着冰柱。

    Icicles hang from tree braches in winter.

  9. 屋檐下正在融化的冰柱

    A Melting Icicle under the Eaves

  10. 冬日, 屋檐上悬挂着冰柱。

    In winter icicles hung from the edge of the roof.

  11. 所有的树枝都变成了冰柱。

    All the branches were icicles.

  12. 窗上的水结成了冰柱。

    The water formed into icicles on the window.

  13. 象冰柱般从甲板上扫走。

    Like icicles from her deck.

  14. 我的摄影机上都结了冰柱。

    My video equipment got icicles on it.

  15. 我将有冰柱形成在我的下巴!

    I will have icicles forming on my chin!

  16. 扩增不会双重冰柱的损害。

    Amplification won't double Icicle's damage.

  17. 冰柱,冰锥锥状冰,由滴水凝固形成

    A tapering spike of ice formed by the freezing of dripping or falling water.

  18. 虽然钟乳石是永久性的,不冰柱。

    While stalactites are permanent, icicles are not.

  19. 虽然钟乳石是永久性得,不冰柱。

    While stalactites are permanent, icicles are not.

  20. 你看挂在屋檐下的那些冰柱!

    Look at the icicles there hanging from the eaves!

  21. 每个冰柱都是 时间的真实记录。

    Each cylinder is a parfait of time.

  22. 这个冷静的女孩犹如阳光下的冰柱。

    This passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine.

  23. 这个冷静的女孩犹如阳光下的冰柱。

    This passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine.

  24. 微生物了独立的像冰柱一样的生物群落。

    Microbial formed independent like icicles as biological communities.

  25. 冰柱覆盖冰山的侧面在南极洲周围水域。

    Icicles drape the sides of an iceberg in the waters around Antarctica.

  26. 这种冰柱比正常的冰块看起来更像海绵。

    It is a lot more sponge like than normal ice.

  27. 她说,她的热情定会融化他心中的冰柱。

    She said passion should thaw the icicles in his heart.

  28. 随着水不断下滴,冰柱的体积也慢慢增大。

    As water continues to drip, the icicle grows.

  29. 最为重要的是,这些冰柱和雪层 可捕捉气体。

    Most importantly, these cylinders and this snow trap air.

  30. 而高温蒸汽亦会在边缘处凝结, 从而形成冰柱。

    As the hot steam condenses on the edges, it refreezes and forms icicles.


  1. 问:冰柱拼音怎么拼?冰柱的读音是什么?冰柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰柱的读音是,冰柱翻译成英文是 icicle