


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……



汉语拼音:zì wèi







  1. 自己做;自己治理。

    《管子·国蓄》:“则君虽彊本促耕,而自为铸币而无已,乃今使民下相役耳,恶能以为治乎?” 唐 胡曾 《赠渔者》诗:“自为钓竿能遣闷,不因萱草解销忧。” 宋 苏轼 《赐宰相吕公著上第二表乞致仕不允断来章批答》:“宰相不自用,人主不自为。”《明史·方国珍传》:“臣本庸才,遭时多故,起身海岛,非有父兄相藉之力,又非有帝制自为之心。”

  2. 自己做主,自作决定。

    唐 王建 《公无渡河》诗:“妇人无力挽断衣,舟沉身死悔难追。公无渡河公自为。”

  3. 自然而成。


  4. 看待自己。为,认为。

    宋 陈亮 《廷对策》:“臣有以见陛下之未尝以薄待天下之人也。彼亦何忍以异类自为哉!”

  5. 为自己。

    《淮南子·兵略训》:“举事以为人者,众助之;举事以自为者,众去之。”《史记·苏秦列传》:“臣闻忠信者,所以自为也;进取者,所以为人也。” 明 方孝孺 《有子》:“攷诸王制,参诸人情,使君子致仁爱於其亲,非特不欲速朽也,欲速朽者自为之道,不欲以身为天下费也。” 清 周亮工 《书影》卷十:“今世之不粗戇者,大率全躯保妻子,精于自为者。拔一毛以利君亲,有所不为,若孝子者,可以风矣。”



  1. The necessary, being through an other, is not in and for itself: hypothetical, it is a mere result of assumption.


  2. b. A confirming bank is irrevocably bound to honour or negotiate as of the time it adds its confirmation to the credit.


  3. Xin mm institute members are advised not to baoding find MAO zedong, YangChangJi in him go tsao kun let him be careful before know.


  4. According to County records: "Sinceer zhu rong captaincy general of the Northern Wei to the general Tianzhu, or this. "


  5. After establishing feminine subjectivity status being, female can rely on themselves to fulfill self-determination and self-realization.


  6. The realm of freedom: the essence of human consciousness, its own, independent existence.


  7. It not only makes theory of middle class limited in western, and also makes middle class be hard to become a conscious class or stratum.


  8. Golden utensils matching crystal glass, famous chefs run the kitchen and prepare the artful dishes.


  9. I. Logic: the science of the Idea in and for itself.


  1. 自在与自为

    in itself and for itself.

  2. 自为的意识形态

    the ideology of self

  3. 年轻人, 你最好是好自为之。

    Youhad better shape up, young man.

  4. 从现在起,请你好自为之。

    From now on, please behave yourself.

  5. 年轻人,你最好是好自为

    You'd better shape up, young man.

  6. 从现在开始,你一个人好自为之!

    From now on, you're on your own alone!

  7. 人生几何。当及时行乐。人生易逝。好自为之

    You are a long time dead

  8. 以其终不自为大, 故能成其大。

    Because it never claims greatness, its greatness is achieved.

  9. 我才懒得管你呢!你自己好自为之吧!

    I am too tired of caring! You care about youself then!

  10. 有这样的机会不容易,希望你好自为之。

    It's not easy to get chance like this, hope you serious to it.

  11. 你的一句好自为之让我真的好难过。

    Your a good look out for themselves so I am really sorry.

  12. 黄金碟盏水晶杯,大师烹调巧自为。

    Golden utensils matching crystal glass, famous chefs run the kitchen and prepare the artful dishes.

  13. 笑骂由你,我自为之。家藏万贯,唯我独赏。

    Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo Ipse domi simul ac nummos contemplar in arca.

  14. 在不好的境遇中好自为之。她担心自己的处境不佳。

    Make the Best of a had joB. she worried that she was out of her element.

  15. 逻辑思想是一切事物的自在自为地存在着的根据。

    Everything else rather is an'only'compared with these thoughts.

  16. 授绳与愚,愚能自缚。任由愚人自为,他将自取灭亡。

    Give a fool rope and he will hang himself.

  17. 但是善并非行为世界中边缘的东西、自为存在之物。

    But love does not lie on the verge of the behaviorist world and it is not anything existing for its own.

  18. 自为此女子必是个巨眼英雄, 风尘中之知己也。

    He decided that she had good judgement and was one of the few who could appreciate him in his obscurity.

  19. 所以概念在它的自身同一里是自在自为地规定了的东西。

    Thus in its self identity it has original and complete determinateness.

  20. 交战之时,士兵大多人自为战,方阵仅在偶然情况下出现。

    In a war, each soldier generally fought for himself and the phalanx was rarely presented.


自为zì wéi 中性形容词,意思与“自利”相近,表示行为的目的为了自己个人效应的提升。