


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……





汉语拼音:jiě gòu






  1. 亦作“ 解搆 ”。

    1.附会造作。《淮南子·俶真训》:“孰肯解构人间之事,以物烦其性命乎。” 高诱 注:“解构,犹合会也。”《淮南子·人间训》:“或明礼义,推道体,而不行;或解搆妄言而反当,何以明之。”

  2. 离间。

    《后汉书·隗嚣传》:“自今以后,手书相闻,勿用傍人解构之言。” 李贤 注:“解构犹閒构也。”《后汉书·窦融传》:“ 嚣 自知失 河西 之助,族祸将及,欲设閒离之説,乱惑真心,转相解搆,以成其姦。”



  1. Trying to deconstruct why I do it, I'm not afraid to say that I'm at least a little vain, I wouldn't appear on television if I wasn't.

  2. Heidegger used to say that "there is only one God to save us" and the God was "the way of heaven" that could not be deconstructed.

  3. This article illustrates how the philosophy affects the esthetic orientation and creative concept of architecture and landscape.

  4. This paper, by analyzing and unstructuring some of the folklores, explains the everlasting cultural theme : to be or not to be.

  5. Feminist translation came into being in the context of the popularity of deconstruction and feminist literary criticism.

  6. The assemblage of these disparate elements continue Maison Martin Margiela's foray into a reconstructed image.

  7. There was great difference between the form of literature and the form of official documents in founding and restructuring.

  8. Controlled refactoring is possible through the services model.

  9. He deconstructs metaphysics and also points out a way for us to understand metaphysics.


  1. 不完全解构

    inadequate deconstruction.

  2. 解构与重建

    dcconstruction and reconstruction.

  3. 平衡论解构

    On Equilibrium Theory of Administrative Law.

  4. 我们开始解构。

    Let's start unpacking it.

  5. 语调变体解构

    Deconstruction of variation on Tune.

  6. 制度现代化解构

    To Dissect the Modernization of System

  7. 解构主义诗学

    deconstructionism poetics

  8. 结构与解构主义

    structuralism and deconstructivism

  9. 解构主义思潮融合

    deconstructionist integration

  10. 解构主义翻译理论

    deconstructionist theory of translation

  11. 解构性后现代主义

    deconstructive postmodernism

  12. 人们也一直想解构幸福。

    People have also wanted to deconstruct.

  13. 产品设计的符号学解构

    Deconstruction of product design by Semiotics.

  14. 复调与狂欢,解构独白。

    Polyphony and carnival, the deconstructing of monologue.

  15. 新时期影视的解构策略

    Deconstruction of Film and TV Program in New Time

  16. 析解构主义建筑艺术

    Analyse and solve and construct building art of the doctrine

  17. 德里达与解构主义

    Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction

  18. 公共利益悖论及其解构

    To Disoblige and Construct Common Interest

  19. 论美国的解构主义批评

    On American Deconstruction

  20. 许多人认为科学是解构的

    A lot people think of the sciences as deconstructive.

  21. 解构书眉页码的装饰语境

    Explain the Linguistic Context of Top Margin Decoration

  22. 新经济制度的伦理解构

    The Ethical Explain and Construction of the New Economic System

  23. 解构本真性的幻觉与神话

    On the Illusions and Myth of the Literary Essence

  24. 文学批评中的结构, 解构与话语

    Structure, Deconstruction and Discoursein Literary Criticism

  25. 晚清国粹派民族思想解构

    Deconstruction of National Thoughts for the Quintessence of Chinese Culture School in the Late Qing Dynasty

  26. 解构主义思想的复杂性解读

    Analysis of the Complex of the Idea of Deconstructivism

  27. 对于经典的解构完成笑料的制造。

    For the complete deconstruction of the classic joke of manufacturing.

  28. 略论解构主义的建筑观

    On the Building Function View of Deconstructionism

  29. 正统经济学微观理论基础的解构

    The Deconstruction of the Foundation of Orthodox Microeconomics

  30. 是的亚原子物理学的确是解构的。

    Yes subatomic physics is deconstructive.


  1. 问:解构拼音怎么拼?解构的读音是什么?解构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解构的读音是jiěgòu,解构翻译成英文是 to clear up unified thinking modes of essential...

  2. 问:解构主义拼音怎么拼?解构主义的读音是什么?解构主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解构主义的读音是jiě gòu zhǔ yì,解构主义翻译成英文是 deconstruction

  3. 问:解构神学拼音怎么拼?解构神学的读音是什么?解构神学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解构神学的读音是jiěgòu shénxué,解构神学翻译成英文是 Deconstruction theology

  4. 问:解构主义建筑拼音怎么拼?解构主义建筑的读音是什么?解构主义建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解构主义建筑的读音是,解构主义建筑翻译成英文是 Deconstructivism