


事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……





汉语拼音:jī suàn






  1. 机智多谋。

    《新唐书·房琯传》:“以 琯 资机算,詔总经度 驪山 ,疏巖剔藪,为天子游观。”



  1. also approximate formulae are produced which are suitable to manual computation, they are easy to be applied in research or design.


  2. In the thesis, I review research on cognitive as well as computational aspects of recognition of lexicalised phrases.


  3. Computer simulations show that tiny bubbles could have a profound cooling effect.


  4. Fluent in English writing and oral communication and good at office computer software.


  5. Development and Application of Computer Program for Calculating Lofting Coordinates of Saddle Shape


  6. Strong interpersonal communication skills, Familiar with Word and Excel files;


  7. The flight control computer " equitable preparations, " I was three-flight control machine;


  8. Tex system; rounding of calculated linear densities


  9. Familiar with office software and office equipment


  1. 一个机修工算出了我的汽车修理费。

    A mechanic reckoned up the cost of repairing the damage to my car.

  2. 马鞍口放样坐标机算系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Computer Program for Calculating Lofting Coordinates of Saddle Shape

  3. 机算机组织

    Computer Organization.

  4. 机算机基础

    Fundamentals of Computer.

  5. 如何改机算机名?

    How to change computer name?

  6. 机算机网络管理系统

    network management system

  7. 机算机在化学中的应用

    Application of Computer in Chemistry

  8. 让我们瞧一瞧你们的电子机算机。

    Let's have a look at your electronic computer.

  9. 英语流利并熟练使用机算机办公软件。

    Fluent in English writing and oral communication and good at office computer software.

  10. 贫困家庭应该有机会使用机算机和上网。

    Poor families should have an access to computers and the Net.

  11. 现今人们越来越依赖机算机来帮助我们工作。

    Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers to help us.

  12. 然后在每个机算比额表中适用最高分摊率或上限。

    A maximum assessment rate, or ceiling, of22 per cent was then applied to each machine scale.

  13. 在进行上述调整后,对每个机算比额表适用四套限额。

    Following these adjustments, four sets of limits were applied to each machine scale.

  14. 中央处理机复算

    center processing unit retry

  15. 盾构机轴线方位角解算原理研究

    A Study of Computation Theory of the Axis Azimuth of Shield Machine

  16. 我想这些商品在收银机上算错了。

    I think these items have been rung up wrongly on the till.

  17. 广州通信学院算机教研室

    Computer Teaching and Research Section of Guangzhou Communication Institute

  18. 在机助传热分析中对所用几种算法语的粗浅比较

    A Rough Comparison of Some Algorithmic Languages in Computer Aided Thermal Analysis

  19. 会计、簿记、算机科学的理论与应用。

    Accounting, Book keeping, Theories and Applications of Computer Science.

  20. 算了,一个试听机也没多少钱,回头拿回去修修就好。

    Calculate, 1 tried to hear to machine also have not how much, turn pate to take to return to repair nice.

  21. 计算机专业人员设计算机硬件和相关设备。

    Computer professionals design computer hard ware and related equipment.

  22. 然而其他反计算机欺诈专家表示对这次判决感到深为失望。

    Other computer fraud experts said they found the verdict chilling.

  23. 多运算器处理机

    multicomputing unit

  24. 它从不宕机它永不停止运算

    It has not crashed, it's running uninterrupted.

  25. 卷取机参数整定计算

    Parameters Adjusting Calculation for the Coiler of Rolling Mill

  26. 无触点自整角机解算器

    magslip resolver

  27. 介绍了吐丝机固有频率的电算方法。

    The computing method for natural frequency of feeding machine is introduced.

  28. 一种基于算盘的计算模型算盘机

    A Computational Model Based on the Abacus Abacus Machine

  29. 微处理机系统用二进制浮点运算法

    Binary floatingpoint arithmetic for microprocessor systems.

  30. 电算机服务处及资讯科技服务处处长胡运骥博士

    Dr. Stanislaus HU, Director of Computer Services Centre and Information Technology Service Unit