


不安全:~险。~殆。~言(a.故意说吓人的话;b.直言)。~难(nàn )。~如累(lěi )卵。损害:~害。~及。高的,陡的:~石。~樯。使人惊奇的:~言耸听。端正的,正直的:正襟~坐。“邦有道,~言~行”。指人临死:病~。垂~。星名,二……


住人或放东西的建筑物:~屋。~产。~舍。~租。库~。楼~。书~。结构和作用类似房子的东西:蜂~。莲~。心~。量词:两~儿媳。家族的一支:大~。长(zhǎng )~。星名,二十八宿之一。姓。……



汉语拼音:wēi fáng






  1. 有倾塌危险的房屋。




  1. All our efforts to persuade the old man to leave the dangerous house were in vain.


  2. About 675 buildings were damaged, eight of them seriously enough to be deemed unsafe, Olson said.


  3. With the transition from old, run-down19 homes to contemporary homes, the city as whole would be improved in appearance and cleanliness.


  4. Large-scale inspection of the rectification movement reconstruction programmes implemented or proposed to address rates exceed 90%.


  5. Since the earthquake, the health care center's main building has been deemed uninhabitable .


  6. Beidajie Stephen dismantled after the market opened, businesses have moved out, which would be most dangerous to idle.


  7. Sichuan Province armed police officers work yesterday to dismantle endangered houses in Panzhihua City.


  8. The static mini-pile reinforcement is adopted by engineering plan optimization, and favorable effect is gained.


  9. Condominiums are popular, but so are single-family homes, including fixer-uppers that buyers eventually tear down.


  1. 危房被拆除了。

    The dangerous building is pulled down.

  2. 现在这就是座危房

    This is like a death trap.

  3. 中小学危房改造工程。

    Decrepit school building renovation.

  4. 农村中小学危房改造

    Renovate dangerous primary and secondary school buildings in rural areas

  5. 那几间危房倒坍了。

    These ramshackle buildings have fallen down.

  6. 那几间危房倒坍了。

    These ramshackle buildings have fallen down.

  7. 复杂环境危房的爆破拆除

    Demolishing of dangerous building in complex surroundings

  8. 扩大农村危房改造试点范围。

    We will expand the pilot program for renovating dilapidated houses in rural areas.

  9. 这是个危房,根本不可能住人。

    It's impossible to live in this house because it is in terrible condition.

  10. 那屋子被宣布为不宜居住的危房。

    The house was declared unsafe for habitation.

  11. 喷射混凝土加固危房技术的研究应用

    Study and Application of Sprayed Concrete for Strengthening Dilapidated Building

  12. 危房教学楼的墙体灌浆加固技术

    Wall Grouting Reinforcement Technique for Dilapidated Teaching Building

  13. 危房附近泄洪闸墩的控制爆破拆除

    Controlled blasting demolition of spillway pier near dilapidated building

  14. 某危房的地基应力解除法纠偏工程实例

    The Rectification of a Building by Stress Relief Method

  15. 如今,当年建的简陋房屋多数成了危房。

    Today, when the majority of construction has become a dangerous substandard housing.

  16. 局部沉降与冲切破坏的危房基础加固

    Improvement of Part Settlement Foundation and Punching Shear Failure Pile Cap in a Dangerous Building

  17. 浅层掏土在高倾危房纠偏中的应用

    Digging for China Shallow Ground Application of Shallow Digging in Rectification of a High and Inclined Building.

  18. 生石灰桩在纠偏加固危房地基工程中的应用

    The application of lime pile in rectifying and reinforcing foundation engineering of danger buildings

  19. 以科学发展观为指导全力实施农村危房改造

    Take the Science Development Outlook as Instructions to Transform Dangerous Houses in the Countryside

  20. 砌体危房加固工程中的静压桩设计与应用

    Design and application of a static pile design in strengthening dangerous masonry buildings.

  21. 我们极力劝说那位老人离开那栋危房, 老人就是不听。

    All our efforts to persuade the old man to leave the dangerous house were in vain.

  22. 危房附近溢洪道闸室的拆爆振动效应分析

    Analysis of vibrating effect of blasting demolition of spillway lock chamber near dilapidated house

  23. 在他的危房倒塌前, 他已经将它建到了三层。

    He built three levels of his cardcastle before it collapsed.

  24. 经过重新勘察设计, 决定采用锚杆静压桩加固此危房。

    Through the new investigation and design the static bolt pile reinforcement is adopted.


  1. 问:危房拼音怎么拼?危房的读音是什么?危房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:危房的读音是wēifáng,危房翻译成英文是 derelict building

  2. 问:危房鉴定拼音怎么拼?危房鉴定的读音是什么?危房鉴定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:危房鉴定的读音是wēi fáng jiàn dìng,危房鉴定翻译成英文是 dangerous building appraisal

  3. 问:危房鉴定标准拼音怎么拼?危房鉴定标准的读音是什么?危房鉴定标准翻译成英文是什么?

    答:危房鉴定标准的读音是wēi fáng jiàn dìng biāo zhǔn,危房鉴定标准翻译成英文是 Standard of Dangerous Building Appraisal...