







汉语拼音:suàn lái






  1. 计算起来;推测起来。

    宋 范成大 《重送文处厚》诗:“算来无似君瀟洒,来往空船载月明。” 宋 陈亮 《念奴娇·至金陵》词:“ 江 南春色,算来是多少胜游清赏。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷五:“ 沉约 一般, 潘 郎无二,算来都为相思事。”



  1. Rough calculation, each about the winning or losing a hundred or so, and the pressure of each injection, lottery time just a few minutes.


  2. This calculation, I am roaming calls to any telephone in Beijing than I am much more expensive.


  3. However as early as Greek and Roman times the jury court had already appeared, so the jury system is to have more than two thousand history.


  4. I presented him an inventory of a little printing-house, amounting by my computation to about one hundred pounds sterling.


  5. Today , one person on average spends about three years of their life on sitting on the toilet and then flushing.


  6. This, on average, now costs some $12, 000 a year for a family of four, according to the Kaiser Foundation, a Washington think-tank.


  7. What is within the government's control is taxation and regulation, and on this count Mr Brown has been a nuisance.


  8. To get the second treasure from the left, you have to use the brick that blocks the ladder at the bottom as a bridge to escape.


  9. Last night, thinking of you, friends spent countless, found you cool, suddenly look back, and you are in deep nest!


  1. 富从升合起贫困不算来

    Riches accumulate from small Beginnings But poverty form miscalculation

  2. 从进九到出九,算来有81天。

    From the beginning of the nine-day period following winter solstice to the end of it, it is about 81 days.

  3. 成都回来至今,算来也该2年有多。

    Chengdu comes back until now, calculated also these 2 years have many.

  4. 但是不来段私人舞蹈就不能算来了趟

    but you haven't had the full Brandy Rose experience.

  5. 每一组件的生产平均算来是两小时。

    Production time per unit averages out at two hours.

  6. 房子在2004年装修,算来也有四年光景了。

    House decoration in 2004, has four years count the years.

  7. 靠手算来解100次方程式是不可能的。

    Solving a 100thdegree equation by hand is out of the question.

  8. 每一组件得生产平均算来是两小时。

    Production time per unit averages out at two hours.

  9. 那么,大概算来,这里共有一百万台手提电脑。

    So, in rough numbers, there are a million laptops.

  10. 如此算来,每家经销商平均销量为30余台,每天6台。

    So calculated that each dealer average sales volume is 30, daily 6.

  11. 仔细算来,我已经有一个月没有休息过了。

    Strictly speaking, I haven't rested for a month.

  12. 仔细算来,我已经有一个月没有休息过了。

    Strictly speaking, I haven't rested for a month.

  13. 进入21世纪得大学生, 算来已是共和国得第五代。

    Enter the undergraduate of 21 centuries, calculate the the Five coming already was a republic.

  14. 进入21世纪的大学生,算来已是共和国的第五代。

    Enter the undergraduate of 21 centuries, calculate the the Five coming already was a republic.

  15. 屈指算来,已是深冬,阴历腊月的脚步在蹒跚走来。

    Calculating by heart, it's late winter, and the last month of the lunar year is coming hitchily.

  16. 如此算来,百万富翁的人数比澳大利亚全国人口还多。

    By this measure, there are more millionaires than there are Australians.

  17. 这样算来, 长发公主得辫子足以承受体格健壮得王子。

    Such calculating come, the braid enough of long hair princess bears the prince with hale constitution.

  18. 这样算来,长发公主的辫子足以承受体格健壮的王子。

    Such calculating come, the braid enough of long hair princess bears the prince with hale constitution.

  19. 这样算来现在已数字化得图书总量就有约6500万本了。

    The total number of titles in existence is estimated to be about 65 m.

  20. 这样算来现在已数字化的图书总量就有约6500万本了。

    The total number of titles in existence is estimated to be about 65 m.

  21. 我迅速计算了一下,如此算来,马苏德应该娶过90多个女人。

    I make the quick calculation that Masood must have married some ninety women.

  22. 这台电脑用来算帐。

    This computer is used to do the accounts.

  23. 用纸牌来算我的命运

    told my fortune with tarot cards.

  24. 要是按照种植面积来算的话。

    And based on the planted area.

  25. 价格是按非常优惠的条件来算的。

    Prices are based on very favorable terms.

  26. 你下楼前她没醒来算你运气。

    You're iucky she didn't wake up before you came downstairs.

  27. 以每加仑燃料可以跑30英里来算。

    Let's say they do 28 miles per gallon.

  28. 利息就可以在未付的余额上来算。

    Interest is continually charged on the unpaid balance.

  29. 从右流向左的,当作负值来算。

    While what flows right to left is counted negatively.

  30. 我得困难比起他们来算不了什么。

    My trouble is nothing to theirs.


  1. 问:算来拼音怎么拼?算来的读音是什么?算来翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算来的读音是suànlái,算来翻译成英文是 To reckon.