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汉语拼音:yíng fáng
宋 苏轼 《乞降度牒修定州禁军营房状》:“据逐官回申,营房大段损坏,不庇风雨。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·畿辅·四辅城》:“每城置兵万人,内设营房,外设教场。” 老舍 《四世同堂》十三:“硬说 日本 兵要用 瑞全 的学校作营房,所以学生都搬到学校里去住,好教 日本 兵去另找地方。”
I just don't want to think about those two or three days in the camp, the fear about what was going to happen to me.
我不愿回想起刚到营房的那几天,对即将发生在自己身上的事充满畏惧。But the Russian supply lines were intact and they were able to enjoy quarters which, though spartan, were not hemmed in by the enemy.
但是俄国人的补给线是完整的,尽管艰苦,但他们仍然可以在没有敌人包围的情况下,安心的呆在营房里。Last night I met a penguin. It was an emperor penguin and looked as though it was waiting for the admiral to come and inspect his quarters.
昨天夜里我遇见了一只帝王企鹅,它的姿态看起来如同在等待舰队司令前来视察营房。I measured a barracks, calculated its occupants from the informational booklet, and imagined how crowded it had been.
我测量过一个营房,从有关的小册子上计算出营房的居住过多少人,想象过那里曾经是多么拥挤。One time I saw an old man was waiting to visit the next camp and this military officer hit the old man.
有次我看到一个等待去下个营房的老人被军官打了。The general was followed by a large number of army officers as he walked round camp.
将军在营房四周走动时,一大群军官跟随着他。African countries, from the point of view of undernourishment , are the ones that are overall in the worse situation than in other regions.
从营房不良这一观点来看,非洲国家整体上比起其他地区处于更危险的形势。One day, this monster (whose name I cannot remember) wound up being sent back to the barracks with me and several others for clean-up duty.
一天,这个魔鬼(我已经忘了他的名字)和我以及另外几个人回营房打扫卫生。Back in our barracks, the drill instructor told us to put on our uniforms and fall out in front of the building.