




无机化合物,一种有咸味的无色或白色结晶体,成分是氯化钠,用来制造染料、玻璃、肥皂等,亦是重要的调味剂和防腐剂(有“海盐”、“池盐”、“井盐”、“岩盐”等种类):~巴。~卤。~分(fèn )。~田。〔~酸〕氯化氢的水溶液,是一种基本的化学原料……



汉语拼音:zhǔ yán






  1. 熬干含盐分的水,提取食盐。




  1. Add rinsed leek sections and sprinkle with pepper. Remove from heat and serve.


  1. 宁河栈道与煮盐铁盆刍论

    A Study on the Plank Road in Ning He and Basin for Boiling Salt

  2. 这些龙窑的用途是用来制陶还是利用陶器煮盐?

    Are these used to make pottery or salt?

  3. 撇掉浮汤泡沫,白煮盐调味,洗净段青蒜,撒椒即盛食。

    Add rinsed leek sections and sprinkle with pepper. Remove from heat and serve.

  4. 她的泪水都用来为她的儿女熬煮了盐分。

    Her tears were become to the salt for her children.

  5. 煮肉不加盐,只有狗喜欢。

    Meat without salt is fitting only for dog.

  6. 煮得时候不要加盐。

    Please do not use any salt when you cook it.

  7. 煮的时候不要加盐。

    Please do not use any salt when you cook it.

  8. 最后加入辣椒粉, 姜蒜蓉酱, 盐和水煮滚。

    Add chilli powder, ginger garlic paste, salt and water to bring to a boil.

  9. 西方人常常把它煮熟后拌上盐与黄油吃。

    People in the West often boil it and eat it with salt and butter.

  10. 煮滚后改成小火煮, 直到蔬菜都煮软后, 加入盐调味, 即可食用。

    Lower the heat and cook until the vegetables are soft. Add salt to taste. Serve.

  11. 面条在略微加盐得沸水中煮。

    The noodles are cooked in plenty of lightly salted boiling water.

  12. 全能饭煲中放入盐和白萝卜丝,煮至呈软身。

    Cook shredded turnip with dash of salt in the cooker until turnip turns soft.

  13. 她把这些样品加入盐和胡椒, 烹煮了一个小时。

    She then placed each sample into a jar with a bit of salt and pepper, and cooked it for an hour.

  14. 煮制亚硫酸盐纸浆

    sulfite pulping

  15. 煮烤火锅用盐渍用。

    Serving suggestion Boil Roast Hot pot use.

  16. 酸性亚硫酸盐法蒸煮

    acidic magnesium sulfite cooking

  17. 将一锅盐水放上去煮。

    Put a pan of salted water on to boil.

  18. 加入鲜奶及盐略煮片刻。

    Add milk and salt. Keep heating until it boils.

  19. 面条在略微加盐的沸水中煮。

    The noodles are cooked in plenty of lightly salted boiling water.

  20. 面条在略微加盐的沸水中煮。

    The noodles are cooked in plenty of lightly salted boiling water.

  21. 放进芥菜再煮10分钟,即可下盐调味享用。

    Add mustard greens. Cook for 8 more mins. Season with salt. Serve.

  22. 添加盐对水造成得水煮沸在更高得温度。

    Adding salt to water causes the water to boil at a higher temperature.

  23. 添加盐对水造成的水煮沸在更高的温度。

    Adding salt to water causes the water to boil at a higher temperature.

  24. 再次煮滚后, 加盐和醋调味即可食用。

    When done, add salt and vinegar for seasoning. Serve.

  25. 将芦笋放在盐水中煮, 然后浸泡在冰水中。

    Blanch the asparagus in well salted water and chill in an ice bath.

  26. 果皮经盐水浸泡,糖煮,制成蜜饯销售。

    The thick peel is cured in brine, candied, and sold as a confection.

  27. 焖煮约20分钟后,加入黄糖 盐和胡椒粉调味。

    Simmer for 20 minutes, add in brown sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

  28. 美国中餐往往是非常快煮熟了大量油和盐。

    American Chinese food tends to be cooked very quickly with a great deal of oil and salt.

  29. 将碳酸钡放入水中煮至只剩下黑色干盐。

    You boil ashes and in water until only dry black salts remain.

  30. 鱼汤煮至滚, 加入杂菜粒, 以盐调味, 盛起。

    Boil the soup and add mixed vegetables, season with salt. Transfer the soup to the bowl.