如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……
尖端,梢:~梢。~端。秋毫之~(毫毛尖端)。最后,终了:~了(liǎo )。~尾。~日。~代。穷途~路。非根本的,次要的,差一等的:~业。~技。舍本逐~。碎屑:~子。碎~。传统戏剧角色名,一般扮演中年以上男子:正~。副~。外~。~本(以男角……
汉语拼音:zhōu mò
冰心 《咱们的五个孩子》:“最小的弟弟 同义 ,也送进附近的东厅幼儿园,周末才回来。”《花城》1981年第6期:“当别人在周末都卷入寻乐过程里时,他却仍然将大好的时光打发在发霉的书堆和纸张中。”
He said he had something important to do this weekend.
他说他这个周末有重要的事情要做。You can make sure you know a man well by dating him on weekends and vacations. If he's unsure about committing, DUMP him. No excuses.
一般来说和一个男人交往一个周末就能知道他是什么货色。如果他连兑现承诺都思前顾后,别客气,蹬飞他。Melissa and I will have two classes each weekend. She told me that count in me, she has found three language partners. Good for her.
梅丽莎和我每周末上两节课。她说,算上我,她现在找到三个语伴了。这真是太好了。Karl Rove, who last week announced that he is quitting as George Bush's chief adviser, was all over the political talk shows last weekend.
上周请辞布什总统首席顾问的卡尔•罗夫在周末参加了各大政论节目的讨论。That very same weekend I rented a truck, brought two friends to help me, and was out of the apartment before the sun set on Sunday.
就在那个周末,我租了辆卡车,叫上两个朋友来帮忙,在周日赶在太阳下山之前搬出了那个家。The excavation team revealed over the weekend that it had found a crypt after a two-week search at an abandoned convent in Florence.
挖掘队伍上周末公布,经过近半月的搜寻,他们发现了葬在废弃的佛罗伦萨修道院内这具骸骨。He said he would have paid me back the money by the end of the week.
他说将在周末前还我钱。As long as he gets to spend some quality time with his wife and kids on weekends, he'll be happy as a clam .
只要每个周末能和妻子、孩子们好好相处一段时间,他就十分开心了。At the end of each week John took a giant bucket of change to the bank to be counted out and returned in bills.