


1. 雀 [què]2. 雀 [qiāo]3. 雀 [qiǎo]雀 [què]鸟类的一科,吃粮食粒和昆虫。特指“麻雀”,泛指小鸟:~跃(高兴得像雀儿那样跳跃)。~盲(即“夜盲症”)。~斑。~噪(名声宣扬,含贬义)。雀 [qiāo]〔~子〕即……





汉语拼音:què bān







  1. 亦作“ 雀瘢 ”。面上生的黄褐色或黑色小斑点。患者以女性居多。

    《红楼梦》第四六回:“高高的鼻子,两边腮上微微的几点雀瘢。” 张天翼 《温柔制造者》:“这会儿他的嘴唇正钉在她眼睛下面。这儿有三粒雀斑。” 老舍 《四世同堂》十九:“ 大赤包 脸上的雀斑一粒粒的都发着光,像无数的小黑枪弹似的。”



  1. She's got a gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose.

  2. Thoughts of Antonia with her candid eyes, the touch of freckling on her pink-white skin, the fair hair gathered back, sprang up in Shelton.

  3. Denise Hyland was a tall, freckle-faced Irish girl with kind, beautiful eyes and an infectious smile.

  4. He was a very active lad, fair-haired, freckled, with a touch of the Dane or Norwegian about him.

  5. "I'm scared to, " Lisa confessed, and the blue of her eyes showed it, anxious and bright amid her fading freckles.

  6. She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons. He was tall, thin, and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.

  7. Repeated exposure to the sun throughout life can result in liver spots, which are basically permanent freckles that do not fade away.

  8. You know you're getting too much fat in your diet when your freckles are made of pepperoni.

  9. Freckles on my face after the talent is hereditary, I grew up trying to get rid of these Mimicengceng freckles.


  1. 有一些雀斑

    I, uh. I got a couple of freckles.

  2. 黑素性雀斑

    melanotic freckle

  3. 郝秦黑素雀斑

    melanotic freckle of Hutchinson

  4. 绿色眼睛和雀斑

    Green eyes and freckles.

  5. 你不是雀斑。

    You are not a freckle.

  6. 郝秦生雀斑, 癌前雀斑

    Hutchinsons freckle

  7. 你容易长雀斑吗?

    Do you freckle easily?

  8. 我很容易长雀斑

    I happen to freckle easily.

  9. 怎样治疗老年斑。雀斑?

    How to treat senile plaque. Fleck?

  10. 看看那些雀斑就知道

    I mean, look at those freckles.

  11. 哈欣森雀斑, 黑素雀斑

    Hutchinson freckle

  12. 怎么不是雀斑婆。

    What happened to Liver spot.

  13. 雀斑女孩和大狗。

    With freckle girl and the dog.

  14. 梨雀斑麻点病毒

    Pear freckle pit virus.

  15. 看那些雀斑,真是一模一样

    I mean like the freckles!They're exact.

  16. 他拿她的雀斑开玩笑。

    He kidded her about her freckles.

  17. 兰花雀斑弹状病毒

    Orchid fleck rhabdovirus.

  18. 雀斑强脉冲光疗效

    Keywords FreckleIntense pulsed lightTreatment

  19. 雀斑通常是日晒形成得。

    Freckles are usually formed by sunburnt.

  20. 雀斑通常是日晒形成的。

    Freckles are usually formed by sunburnt.

  21. 我脸上爱长雀斑。

    I freckle easily.

  22. 我的雀斑上有东西吗?

    Right here, above my freckle.

  23. 她长着红头发和雀斑。

    She had red hair and freckles.

  24. 她的脸长满雀斑。

    Her face was freckled all over.

  25. 她的脸上有点点的雀斑。

    Her face is sprinkled with tiny freckles.

  26. 她的脸上有一些雀斑。

    There are some freckles on her face.

  27. 他脸上稍有一些雀斑。

    His face slightly marked with the freckles.

  28. 满脸雀斑的女人制作的豆腐

    Beancurd made by a pockmarked woman.

  29. 雀斑是皮肤上的褐色斑点。

    Freckles are brown flecks on the skin.

  30. 她的脸上长满了雀斑。

    Her face is covered with freckles.


  1. 问:雀斑拼音怎么拼?雀斑的读音是什么?雀斑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑的读音是quèbān,雀斑翻译成英文是 freckle; lentigo

  2. 问:雀斑鯙拼音怎么拼?雀斑鯙的读音是什么?雀斑鯙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑鯙的读音是,雀斑鯙翻译成英文是 Muraena lentiginosa

  3. 问:雀斑党参拼音怎么拼?雀斑党参的读音是什么?雀斑党参翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑党参的读音是quèbān dǎngshēn,雀斑党参翻译成英文是 Codonopsis ussuriensis

  4. 问:雀斑夜鹰拼音怎么拼?雀斑夜鹰的读音是什么?雀斑夜鹰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑夜鹰的读音是quèbānyèyīng,雀斑夜鹰翻译成英文是 Freckled Nightjar; Caprimulgus tristigma

  5. 问:雀斑小鲈拼音怎么拼?雀斑小鲈的读音是什么?雀斑小鲈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑小鲈的读音是,雀斑小鲈翻译成英文是 Freckled darter

  6. 问:雀斑状的拼音怎么拼?雀斑状的的读音是什么?雀斑状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑状的的读音是què bān zhuàng de,雀斑状的翻译成英文是 lentiginous

  7. 问:雀斑结螺拼音怎么拼?雀斑结螺的读音是什么?雀斑结螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑结螺的读音是,雀斑结螺翻译成英文是 Drupella minuta

  8. 问:雀斑青螺拼音怎么拼?雀斑青螺的读音是什么?雀斑青螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑青螺的读音是,雀斑青螺翻译成英文是 Patelloida lentiginosa

  9. 问:雀斑巴夜蛾拼音怎么拼?雀斑巴夜蛾的读音是什么?雀斑巴夜蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑巴夜蛾的读音是quèbānbāyè'é,雀斑巴夜蛾翻译成英文是 Batracharta irrorata

  10. 问:雀斑鳞鹅膏拼音怎么拼?雀斑鳞鹅膏的读音是什么?雀斑鳞鹅膏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雀斑鳞鹅膏的读音是quèbānlín'égāo,雀斑鳞鹅膏翻译成英文是 Amanita avellaneosquamosa



“雀斑”是个多义词,它可以指雀斑(饶雪漫2012最新长篇作品), 雀斑(皮肤常见斑点)。