


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……





汉语拼音:tóng chái







  1. 同等。

    《左传·僖公二十三年》:“ 晋 郑 同儕,其过子弟,固将礼焉。” 杜预 注:“儕,等也。”《周书·于翼传》:“ 翼 言於帝曰:‘ 萧撝 , 梁 之宗子; 王褒 , 梁 之公卿。今与趋走同儕,恐非尚贤贵爵之义。’”

  2. 同伴,伙伴。

    宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·陷蛇出虱身轻》:“寨卒有 萧愁 者,为人性率,同儕多狎侮之。” 清 周亮工 《书影》卷二:“ 鹿伯顺 有使者 来宽 ,同儕三人,拟一时婚娶。” 陈毅 《与八路军南下部队会师,同志中有十年不见者》诗:“十年征战几人回,又见同儕并马归。”



  1. Sometimes, the opinion is expressed that peer review is no longer necessary in the age of the Internet and electronic publishing.


  2. Appreciation from anyone, be it a boss, peer or even a junior colleague, is the biggest motivating factor in the workplace.


  3. He says the children become social advocates for change within their peer groups, as well as within their homes and communities.


  4. His eyes peer into the middle distance, in what one fan described as "a deep and penetrating way" , and he strides confidently forward.


  5. Dr. Zou is highly regarded by his colleagues as the Director of Pain Management for Bellevue Hospital with New York University.


  6. FUND managers and bank executives have learnt that investors are often more forgiving if their peers are losing money as well.


  7. Rick Perry, of Texas, muttered to one of his peers, doubtless about the many successes his state has notched up.


  8. None of the claims was supported by peer-reviewed research in a recognised scientific journal, they concluded.


  9. Peer review is generally considered to be an invaluable part of the editorial process of biomedical journals.


  1. 他受到同侪的钦佩。

    He was admired by his peers.

  2. 她受到同侪的尊敬。

    She enjoys the respect of her peers.

  3. 给我们的同侪,给周边的人。

    to people we think of as our peers, to those around us.

  4. 相对于同侪施加得无谓压力。

    Never mind the unnecessary pressure from my contemporaries.

  5. 相对于同侪施加的无谓压力。

    Never mind the unnecessary pressure from my contemporaries.

  6. 建立预防、公共教育和同侪辅导程序。

    Establishment of prevention, public education and peer counseling programs.

  7. 同侪审查机制是这方面的最佳例证。

    The Peer Review Mechanism is the best illustration of this.

  8. 如何在外语写作教学中运用同侪校阅

    The Implementation of Peer Review in Teaching Foreign Language Writing

  9. 依赖同侪服务进行了图表根据数据结构。

    Dependent peer services are represented by a graph based data structure.

  10. 迄今为止,共有339名同侪教育人员接受了培训。

    So far,339 peer educators have been trained.

  11. 社会情意学习策略例如,同侪合作,澄清疑问。

    Social affective Learning Strategies e. g., cooperation, question for clarification.

  12. 你完成了何种类型的培训,同侪都有哪些人?

    What kind of trainings have you done, and with whom?

  13. 同侪压力对大学生余暇体育锻炼行为影响的研究

    On the Peer Pressures Influence Extracurricular Physical Exercise Behavior of Chinese College Students

  14. 非洲发展新伙伴关系的同侪审查机制也将是有益的。

    The peer review mechanism of NEPAD would also be helpful.

  15. 同侪校阅在写作教学中的积极作用得到了普遍认可。

    The positive function of peer review in teaching foreign language writing is well recognized.

  16. 它还支持非洲同侪审查机制关于投资环境的建议。

    It also supports recommendations from the Africa Peer Review Mechanism process in relation to the investment climate.

  17. 我们约有180位法官, 他们秉持司法机构得理念, 同侪共事。

    The approximately 180 judges in the Judiciary a strong collegiate spirit.

  18. 我们约有180位法官,他们秉持司法机构的理念,同侪共事。

    The approximately 180 judges in the Judiciary a strong collegiate spirit.

  19. 特派团还与联合国其他伙伴协作培训同侪教育工作者。

    It is also collaborating with other United Nations partners in the training of peer educators.

  20. 同侪审查的过程也能极大地帮助建立国家的竞争体制。

    The process of peer review can also contribute greatly to the development of a country's competition regime.

  21. 最近还通过了非洲发展新伙伴关系的非洲同侪审查机制。

    The New Partnership for Africa's Development's African Peer Review Mechanism was also recently adopted.

  22. 有些人则被同侪压力所驾驭,总是担心别人会怎么想。

    Others are driven by peer pressure, always worried by what others might think.

  23. 申辩显然不成功他被同侪判定有罪,随后服毒芹而亡。

    he was convicted by his peers, and subsequently killed himself by swallowing hemlock.

  24. 为新伙伴关系设计的同侪审查机制选择了后一种模式。

    The peer review mechanism designed for the New Partnership has adopted the latter model.

  25. 同侪教育网络为3万名儿童和青年提供了一个安全网。

    A peer educators network provided a safety net for30,000 children and youths.

  26. 这些同侪的评论会随著打分后的报告送回给每位学生。

    The peer critiques will be returned with the graded proposals to each student.


  1. 问:同侪团体拼音怎么拼?同侪团体的读音是什么?同侪团体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同侪团体的读音是,同侪团体翻译成英文是 peer-group



侪,读音chái 晋郑同侪。――《左传·僖公二十三年》 英译:peer

【释意】 同侪指与自己在年龄、地位、兴趣等等方面相近的平辈。