







汉语拼音:shà shí








  1. 片刻,一会儿。

    唐 吕岩 《酹江月》词:“片晌功夫,霎时丹聚,到此凭何诀。” 明 徐渭 《翠乡梦》第二出:“俺朝奉赶回去,畧看一看,霎时就来。” 陈其通 《万水千山》第八幕:“霎时,暴雨倾盆;瞬间,飞雪满天。”



  1. He poked his head out of the cabin door for a moment, and got his face thoroughly wet.


  2. When taught me how to love, but you no longer love me, and gently pulled out of your hand, an instant, my world is As for the dark.


  3. The sun with a jump, jumping out of the sea, at the moment, that the boundless sky and sea, and immediately he was full of dazzling gold.


  4. Suddenly this summer, Sister Lotus is all over China.


  5. All of a sudden, sunset filled half the sky, like the spread of a huge, magnificent, and Xiong-Wen spectacular natural color pictures.


  6. Officious hands, Russian and French, were instantaneously ready to support it, to fasten it to his uniform.


  7. Fallen leaves, I understand, I understand ---- yellow color from your blood flowing to understand, and I immediately understand!


  8. She felt bad as a wet cold fat mice crawl over her instep which made her returned to past society disappear sunshine from her face.


  9. The subway was delayed for quite a while, or rather for a whole quarter of an hour.


  1. 霎时流成了一条河。

    In a jiffy, a river flows.

  2. 霎时, 一股暖流从我心。

    Instant, the warm current from my heart.

  3. 霎时,雷电交加,大雨倾盆。

    In a split second, thunder roared and lightning flashed and it began pouring.

  4. 霎时,玛贝尔脸色阴沉,但她仍无动于衷。

    The face of the young woman darkened, but she sat on immutable.

  5. 霎时之间,我觉得一切都变得那么不真实。

    For a moment, everything seemed so unreal to me.

  6. 一霎时,我是多么的感动、多么的神旺啊!

    An a short moment, I am a how touched and what absolute being prosperous!

  7. 你会建立长期的目标,所以不需要霎时的快感。

    You can set longrange goals so that you do not have to have instant gratification.

  8. 他两眼血红,霎时变成了一个暴怒的魔鬼

    His eyes turned bloodshot,and he was metamorphosed into a raging fiend

  9. 天空刚才还是乌云密布,霎时就下起雨来了。

    Black clouds are blotting out the sky, and it will soon pour.

  10. 天空刚才还是乌云密布,霎时就下起雨来了。

    Black clouds are blotting out the sky, and it will soon pour.

  11. 霎时花园山庄显得绚丽多彩,别有天地,使她感到赏心悦目。

    The rich perfection of Gardencourt at once revealed a world and gratified her need.

  12. 他向舱外探了探头,霎时弄得满脸是水。

    He poked his head out of the cabin door for a moment, and got his face thoroughly wet.

  13. 这便是我用一光年的时间祈求而来的霎时的邂逅。

    This moment has taken me a thousand years for praying.

  14. 我霎时感悟,尽管等了47年 但鳄鱼先生终于还是出现了

    And it hit me in that moment that it had taken 45 years, but that Mr. Alligator had finally shown up.

  15. 多了个乳臭未干的家伙, 霎时让我们在街上的回头率加倍。

    More a callow guy suddenly fall in the street so that we keep returning double.

  16. 霎时, 喜悦之情如灰被风一般地吹走了, 剩下的是什么?

    In a moment, happy situation is blown by wind popularly like ash, what is those who remain?

  17. 黑色圆顶硬礼帽跌落在地上, 一霎时还亮出自己的手枪。

    He immediatly snatched out his gun and in so doing knocked down his own bowler hat which rolled on the ground.

  18. 霎时,乔治便在房门口出现,带着颇不以为然的神情四下张望。

    In a second George stood framed in the door, and he looked disapprovingly about.

  19. 偌大一个院子, 霎时就被这纷乱的人群踩踏成了一片烂泥滩。

    Such a large courtyard was tramped into a piece of muddy land.

  20. 他的眼霎时湿漉漉了,两串珍珠似的东西滴在妻的秀发上。

    His eyes were moist. Something like pearls dropped, splashing on her sleek hair.


  1. 问:霎时拼音怎么拼?霎时的读音是什么?霎时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霎时的读音是shàshí,霎时翻译成英文是 In a twinkling; in a split second.

  2. 问:霎时间拼音怎么拼?霎时间的读音是什么?霎时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霎时间的读音是shàshíjiān,霎时间翻译成英文是 instant



读音:shà shí

解释:形容极短的时间。霎,短时间;一会儿。 〖造句〗一阵雷声过后,霎时下起了瓢泼大雨。 词语出处: 明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第四十四回:“登车之后,车行迅速,如疾风闪电一般,霎时不见。” 明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“晴云便去取杯箸,暖雪便吹起水火炉来。霎时酒暖,婆子道:‘今日是老身薄意,还请大娘转坐客位。’” 莫怀戚《散步》:霎时,我感到了责任的重大。这里的霎时指的是作者因为母亲与儿子的分歧而感到责任全在他身上。 《沙漠中的绿洲》:霎时,一阵雨雾从空中洒下来,把树叶、草和花上的尘土淋得干干净净。 近义词 最合适:瞬间,刹那 ,顷刻。 虽然也表示时间短,但程度不如上面的: 顿时, 忽然, 突然 霎15画,部首8画,部首:雨 笔顺:横捺折竖捺捺捺捺捺横捺撇横折撇横 时7画,部首4画,部首:日 霎时五笔:fuvf