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《后汉书·吕布传》:“君拥十万之众;当四战之地,抚剑顾眄,亦足以为人豪,而反受制,不以鄙乎。”《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传》:“ 权 勃然曰:‘我不能举全 吴 之地,十万之众,受制于人。’”
The Leases are not subject to any options or rights of preemption or first refusal in favour of any third parties.
租契并不受制于以任何第三方为受惠人的任何选择权或优先购买权利或优先权。Calm down. As long as you stay mad at the other person, he will control you. It is hard to forgive someone else when you are mad at him.
要冷静下来。只要你对别人发脾气,你就会受制于别人。当你对对他发脾气的时候,你是很难去原谅他的。Most importantly LiteScape did not want to be bound to the limitations of a third party integration library.
最为重要的一点,LiteScape不愿意受制于第三方集成库。The ebb and flow of the economy has always been channelled by a combination of inescapable accounting truths and whimsical animal spirits.
经济的起起伏伏总是受制于不可避免的会计真相与反复无常的动物精神。Nevertheless, confined by jurisdiction, EU's codification bears some special particularities different from that of the tradition.
然而受制于欧盟权限,欧洲私法的法典化呈现出不同于传统的独特性。That way, you're not affected by the ups and downs of a single company just as you are getting your toes wet in stocks.
通过这种方式,你不会受制于某一家公司业绩起伏,就好像你只是稍微投入股市。"I think something feminists have missed, " Edin told me, "is how much power women have" when they're not bound by marriage.
艾丁对我说,当女权主义者不再受制于婚姻之时,“我觉得她们错过了获得更多的权利。”In common-law countries, the battleground of the court is of a piece with the adversarial, yet rule-bound, spirit of politics.
在普通法系国家,法庭这座战场便是对抗性的但受制于规则的政治精神的一个例子。No citizen of any country should be subject to a repressive global code when they send an email or post a comment to a news article.