







汉语拼音:xuán miào








  1. 《老子》:“玄之又玄,众妙之门。”谓道家所称的“道”深奥难识,万物皆出于此。后因以“玄妙”指“道”。

    汉 牟融 《理惑论》:“﹝ 牟子 ﹞鋭志於 佛 道 ,兼研 老子 五千文,含玄妙为酒浆,翫《五经》为琴簧。” 三国 魏 曹植 《辅臣论》:“存志太虚,安心玄妙。” 唐 寒山 《诗》之二七七:“廓然神自清,含虚洞玄妙。” 元 杨景贤 《刘行首》第四折:“草菴内谈玄妙,蒲团上讲道德,万事休题。”

  2. 指 魏晋 时代清谈的玄理。

    《世说新语·文学》“ 裴冀州 释二家之义” 刘孝标 注引《管辂传》:“ 裴使君 有高才逸度,善言玄妙。”

  3. 形容事理深奥微妙,难以捉摸。

    《吕氏春秋·勿躬》:“精通乎鬼神,深微玄妙,而莫见其形。”《三国志·魏志·方技传论》:“ 周宣 之相梦, 管輅 之术筮,诚皆玄妙之殊巧,非常之絶技矣。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·劳山道士》:“叩而与语,理甚玄妙。请师之。” 洪深 《少奶奶的扇子》第一幕:“那做人处世的道理,太广大了,太玄妙了。”

  4. 泛指微妙的道理或诀窍。

    《红楼梦》第一二○回:“这是我亲眼见的,并非鬼怪,况听得歌声,大有玄妙。” 胡适 《漫游的感想·麻将》:“他们从不向我这位麻将国的代表请教此中的玄妙。”



  1. The initial lifetime of love will feel the most mysterious, wonderful memories, this is of any other relatives and friends have not given.


  2. Let me describe it, at its extreme point, by one of the enigmas that the reference to nature presents us with.


  3. "I should like to be a periwinkle, " said he, mysteriously, "on the top of a valley, and sing tooralloo-ralloo. "


  4. That sort of lofty vagueness can earn you a reputation for great wisdom if you happen to be a Chinese revolutionary leader.


  5. There was nothing abstract in his remedies: he always ordered you to take medicines.


  6. He would have submitted to the college of Physicists an impersonal report on his trip sixty-two years into the future.


  7. Roger Federer's forehand is the most beautiful, versatile, and powerful weapon in pro tennis. It may also be the most misunderstood.


  8. "They were a rebellion against mortality, " Kissinger says, a little gnomically, but offering an interesting addendum.


  9. And for the inhabitants of London or Los Angeles, this dismantling of the myths around translation has peculiar implications.


  1. 深奥玄妙的学问

    recondite scholarship.

  2. 信仰的玄妙力量

    The impalpable power of faith

  3. 我猜是爱的玄妙。

    Mystery of love would be my guess.

  4. 玄妙观三清殿

    Taoist Trinity Hall of Xuanmiao Temple

  5. 一个从事玄妙艺术的人。

    some who practices the occult arts.

  6. 玄妙的思考中,有道的宗旨。

    In our abstruse thinking, there are substances of Dao.

  7. 玄妙灵动的胡河清文学批评

    The Abstruse and Intelligent Criticism of Hu Qinghe

  8. 玄妙之处就在开头一句话。

    It's there in the first sentence.

  9. 瞧瞧,那正是一种听起来非常玄妙。

    See, that is exactly the kind of brilliance that sounds deep.

  10. 那种感觉似乎比以前还要玄妙一点。

    That the felling seem to be more even a mini bit extra exquisite than quondam.

  11. 除祂所启示的外, 他们绝不能窥测祂的玄妙

    And they will never encompass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills.

  12. 用较玄妙的观念可称其为灵魂纸传。

    The more metaphysically minded might say that it transmits the soul to paper.

  13. 他无论如何再不去听那些玄妙有毒的理论。

    He would not, at any rate, listen to those subtle poisonous theories.

  14. 从来没有人能把一段经文讲解得这么玄妙深奥。

    Never has a text been expounded with more complexity.

  15. 如果对某种玄妙的事物的暗示不是误解所致的邪念。

    If these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion.

  16. 石块的冥顽,草木的无知,都蕴涵着玄妙的造化生机

    Piece of stone of stupid, the ignorance of plant, all contain to build to turn source of vitality exquisitely

  17. 活佛转世的空没、玄妙,增加了藏传佛教的神秘色彩。

    Living's Buddha reincarnation's mystery is an increase to the mysterious Tibetan Buddhism.

  18. 看似有点玄妙, 但确实是具有科学依据的客观存在。

    It seems unconvincing, but there is scientific evidences proving the reliability of the Energy Calligraphy.

  19. 它很好心地加上了这个解释 让我们看出其中的玄妙

    And he was kind enough to post this and give us the reveal.

  20. 那是因为,哲学的玄妙不易参透,它甚至会让你一蹶不振。

    And that's because philosophy is a distant thing, even debilitating activity.

  21. 这番玄妙深奥得话在我们看来仿佛预示着希特勒得来临。

    To us this oracular remark seemed to herald Hitler.

  22. 这番玄妙深奥的话在我们看来仿佛预示着希特勒的来临。

    To us this oracular remark seemed to herald Hitler.

  23. 你想拉得多好就可以有多好, 马格瑞夫的话说得很玄妙。

    You can be as good as you want to be, Margrave said rather mysteriously.

  24. 一切麻烦和所有现实都一变而为玄妙空幻, 无从捉摸的东西。

    Troubles and other realities took on themselves a metaphysical impalpability.


  1. 问:玄妙拼音怎么拼?玄妙的读音是什么?玄妙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玄妙的读音是xuánmiào,玄妙翻译成英文是 mysterious

  2. 问:玄妙胸隔藻拼音怎么拼?玄妙胸隔藻的读音是什么?玄妙胸隔藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玄妙胸隔藻的读音是xuánmiàoxiōnggézǎo,玄妙胸隔藻翻译成英文是 Mastogloia occulta

  3. 问:玄妙微鳍乌贼拼音怎么拼?玄妙微鳍乌贼的读音是什么?玄妙微鳍乌贼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玄妙微鳍乌贼的读音是xuánmiào wēiqíwūzéi,玄妙微鳍乌贼翻译成英文是 Idiosepius paradoxa




拼音:xuánmiào基本解释[mysterious;abstruse] 深奥微妙玄妙的学说楚留香(铁血传奇)莆田少林寺和尚,在楚留香闯少林时进行拦截小说《镜灵》中女主角的诨名