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金钱和物资:~产。~富。~经。~贸。~东。~政。~务。~会(kuài )。古同“才”(a.才能;才干。b.仅仅)。古同“裁”,裁决。……
汉语拼音:cái shuì
Or, on a more complex level, is there a need for an estate tax plan to be drawn up by an attorney?
换言之,从一个更加复杂的层面来看,有没有必要让律师来拟制财税计划?Say up from a certain meaning, the history of a country is a set of vicissitude history about finance and taxation legal system.
从某种意义上说,一个国家的历史,就是一部财税法制变迁的历史。Flowers bid for the Rock two years ago, prior to its privatisation by former chancellor Alistair Darling.
两年前,Flowers曾发起对的竞标,但最终Rock还是被当时的财税大臣AlistairDarling收归。after more than two years of study , my basic theoretical knowledge has improved a lot.
通过在东财两年半的系统学习,我的财税基础理论知识有了很大提高。Master national financial policy, enterprise financial regulation and flow, computerized accounting and be proficient in law of taxation.
熟悉国家金融政策、企业财务制度及流程、会计电算化,精通相关财税法律法规;Strong knowledge of PRC Accounting Standards, tax regulations, laws and any other compliance requirements.
精通中国会计标准、国家财税政策、法律以及其他规范。MBA graduation ceremony for the last group of Liaoning financial and taxation employees was held in Shenyang after their one-year UK study.
最后一批全省财税系统公职人员赴英国学员学成回国,MBA学位授予典礼在沈阳举行。More than 2000 tax inspectors will be recruited to crack down on tax evasion among the wealthiest people in the UK, the BBC reported.
据英国广播公司报道,英国财税单位计划增聘2000多名税务稽查员以加强对富人逃税的查处。Studies have been carried out to explore feasible fiscal and tax supporting policies for industrial restructuring and rejuvenating.