


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng jiāo






  1. 中医谓六腑中的三焦之一。一般指胃的上口到舌下这一部位,包括心肺。主要功能是呼吸和血液循环等。

    《灵枢经·营卫生会》:“上焦出于胃上口并咽以上,贯膈而布胸中。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻二》:“夫虚证种种不同,而参之性则专有所主,不通治各证。以藏府而论,参惟至上焦、中焦,而下焦不至焉。”参见“ 三焦 ”。



  1. The upper energizer refers usually to the part above the diaphragm, including the heart, lungs and head as well.


  2. Usage: apply suitable amount of this oil on upper warmer, massage until absorption ends.


  3. In the political views, there are many things in common between Jiao Hong and Xu Guangqi.


  4. I now have burn marks from it on my neck.


  1. 现在我脖子上焦了好几块。

    I now have burn marks from it on my neck.

  2. 橘黄让头发如同烧焦再涂上焦糖一般,暖和热烈。

    Orange lets a hair besmear again as scorching on caramel is general, warm and enthusiastic.

  3. 六七三阳脉衰于上, 面皆焦, 发始白。

    At sextuple seven, three yang channels decline from the top, face thoroughly desiccat and hair starts to turn grey.

  4. 镜头上停止自动对焦的按钮

    Lens af stop button function

  5. 烤架上得汉堡烧焦了。

    The hamburgers on the grill are Burning up.

  6. 烤架上的汉堡烧焦了。

    The hamburgers on the grill are Burning up.

  7. 在火上或在烤架上把食品烤焦。

    cooking to a brown crispiness over a fire or on a grill.

  8. 一会,蛆爬上了他烧焦的皮肤。

    In moments, maggots crawled onto his scorched flesh.

  9. 墙壁,地板和天花板上都有烧焦的痕迹。

    Scorchmarks marred the walls, the floors, the ceilings.

  10. 匪徒图谋奸恶,嘴上彷佛有烧焦的火。

    A scoundrel plots evil, and his speech is like a scorching fire.

  11. 雌性甲虫在被烧焦的树干上爬行。

    The females crawl all over the scorched trunks.

  12. 炙热烤焦了她手臂上的汗毛。

    The heat scorched the fine hairs on her arms.

  13. 淡淡的, 好像烧焦的玉米, 飞船上的青烟还未完全散去。

    Light, probably scorches the corn, on airship's blue smoke has not diverged completely.

  14. 先将一些洋葱外面炒上焦糖。

    Start by caramelizing some onions.

  15. 上焦通常指的是膈以上的部分包括心、肺和头。

    The upper energizer refers usually to the part above the diaphragm, including the heart, lungs and head as well.

  16. 或者来一大杯淋上焦糖的豆香玛奇雅朵浓咖啡。

    Or a latte with an extra shot. Or a grande skinny soya macchiato with a squirt of caramel.

  17. 事实上, 我们可以闻到珍珠烧焦了。

    Actually, we can smell the pearls singeing.

  18. 视力上得缺陷使他不能准确对焦。

    A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.

  19. 视力上的缺陷使他不能准确对焦。

    A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.

  20. 照片的右上角已经被火烧焦了。

    The top right-hand corner of the photo has been damaged by fire.

  21. 扬言要在地狱之火上把她烤焦

    Says punch up the fire, gonna scorch her well

  22. 我靠近火焰上方弯腰时, 眉毛被烧焦了。

    My eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames.

  23. 我靠近火焰上方弯腰时,眉毛被烧焦了。

    My eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames.

  24. 长江边上成千上万的被日军烧焦的尸体。

    Some of the thousands of corpses burned by the Japanese Imperial Army by the bank of the Yangtze River.

  25. 上次炖肉烧焦的事还记在心里呢。

    The experience I had last time with the burned stew meat is still stuck in my mind.

  26. 反差检测对焦速度太慢, 也只能在上三脚架后使用。

    Contrast detect AF so slow it's only useful in a fixed tripod situation.

  27. 功能上这款摄像头支持自动对焦, 也支持微距拍摄模式。

    In function this model of camera support automatic focusing, also supports the micro distance photography pattern.

  28. 我是一条在火上烧烤的鱼,灵魂被烧得一团焦黑。

    I am a fish on the camp fire, burning the soul to coal.

  29. 为在高的热上一个大的非根煮锅中烤焦牛排加热油。

    Heat oil for searing the steak in a large no tick skillet over high heat.

  30. 给它装上胶卷,使用带自动调焦、自动闪光的变焦镜头,然后,当操作完毕时,回转胶卷。

    It loads the film, has a zoom lens with autofocus, autoflash, and winds the film back when finished.



①人体部位名,三焦之一。三焦的上部,从咽喉至胸膈部分。《灵枢·营卫生会》:“上焦出于胃上口,并咽以上,贯膈而布胸中”。其主要功能是敷布水谷精气至全身,以温养肌肤、骨节,通调腠理。《灵枢·决气》:“上焦开发,宣五谷味,熏肤,充身,泽毛,若雾露之溉,是谓气。”   《难经·三十一难》说:“上焦者,在心下,下膈,在胃上口”;“中焦者,在胃中脘,不上不下”;“下焦者,当膀胱上口”。以膈作为上、中两焦的分界处,以胃下口作为中、下两焦的分界处。对上、中、下三焦的部位划分已较明确:膈上胸中为上焦,膈下脐上腹部为中焦,脐下腹部为下焦。
