




1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……



汉语拼音:zhuāng zuò







  1. 假装。

    《儿女英雄传》第十七回:“列公,从来俗话説的再不错,道是‘无心人説话,只怕有心人来听’。何况是两个有心的装作个无心的彼此一答一合説话!” 茅盾 《路》七:“ 彪 在后面格格地笑。 薪 装作不曾听到。”



  1. The owl was asleep or else faking; she was angry with Harry about the limited amount of time she was allowed out of her cage at the moment.


  2. See that he is online , but I can only do not to wink at, . . .


  3. " Sue went back to the customer and asked, as if she'd forgotten, " What was it you wanted?


  4. By the time the Devil got home, Lucia had put her jasmine back in her hair, and acted as though nothing had happened that day.


  5. His eyes instant dark down, And I, I can only pretended to be invisible.


  6. If you ask questions with confidence, you'll come across much better than being meek or acting as if you're wasting someone's time.


  7. I pertend that I did not care at all, but you know what, my heart was almost broken.


  8. There was a tread on the stairs and she hurriedly bent over, pretending to be tucking in the child.


  9. But, they feel that the best way to make this happen is to act as if they disapprove of any relationship between their 2 children.


  1. 装作放羊的

    be disguised as a shepherd.

  2. 装作友好的样子

    to seem friendly

  3. 装作自己是一阵风

    And feign to be the wind

  4. 他装作十分谦逊。

    He pretends to be as modest as anything.

  5. 使引起痉挛装作引起痉挛

    To affect with or as if with a cramp.

  6. 那人装作谦恭。

    That man assumed modesty

  7. 装作很痛的样子

    Sound like you're in a lot of pain.

  8. 装作很忙 精灵点。

    Look busy,keep your eyes open.

  9. 装作很忙 精灵点。

    Look busy, keep your eyes open.

  10. 我们该装作是家人

    we should pretend to be one.

  11. 你的过于装作的滑稽!

    And thy tooforced pleasantry!

  12. 你无需装作很风趣。

    You don't need to embellish to be interesting.

  13. 别装作关心我,伙计

    Don't act like you actually care about me, man.

  14. 每个人都想装作

    Look, everyone wants to pretend.

  15. 我们装作相互不认识

    We'll act as though we don't know each other.

  16. 你却装作不认识她。

    You pretended not to know her.

  17. 所以我装作没看到

    So how about I pretend I didn't see that.

  18. 却还得装作毫不在意

    Even we know love is unconquerable

  19. 让我们装作是警察吧。

    Let make believe we are policemen.

  20. 他说话时装作很温柔。

    His mouth looked deceptively gentle.

  21. 我们进门,装作是买家

    And we went in, pretending to be buyers.

  22. 感到或装作适当的悲伤。

    To feel, or feign, decorous woe.

  23. 他们装作没看见的样子。

    They pretended not to observe it.

  24. 乔恩装作若无其事的样子。

    Jon faked nonchalance.

  25. 撒旦也装作光明的天使。

    Even Satan is transformed into an angel of light.

  26. 不要装作你很关心她。

    Don't act like you care about her.

  27. 不要装作你很关心她。

    Don't act like you care about her.

  28. 让我们装作在一孤岛上。

    Let's pretend that we're on an island.

  29. 你为何装作别的妇人呢?

    Why do you pretend to be another woman?

  30. 沃尔登装作不高兴的样子。

    Walden pretended to be disappointed.


  1. 问:装作拼音怎么拼?装作的读音是什么?装作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:装作的读音是zhuāngzuò,装作翻译成英文是 to pretend to be; to disguise as