







汉语拼音:wěi zhuāng










  1. 假装。

    徐迟 《财神和观音》:“卫兵已经放进了那些褴褛的穷人,因为褴褛的穷人给四只花篮伪装了。”如:伪装进步。

  2. 军事上采取措施来隐蔽自己、迷惑敌人。

    杨朔 《秘密列车》:“又把机车开到一边,向老百姓借了一二百个秫秸,一伪装,象个秫秸垛。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·山地回忆》:“‘我要伪装起来!’ 吴召儿 笑着,一转眼的工夫,她已经把棉袄翻过来。”

  3. 军事上用来隐蔽自己、迷惑敌人的措施。

    杨朔 《三千里江山》第三段:“小屋外头是间挺旷的大屋子,冷地板上铺着干草,许多工人就地坐着打草帘子,做防空伪装。”

  4. 泛指各种隐蔽自己的身分、面目以达到某种目的的行为或手段。




  1. "Sabotage" is often disguised as "logic" .


  2. She sees them as spirals of light behind people; their human form, she says, is just a disguise to make them less frightening.


  3. In all its various guises , the League Cup has never been a particularly lucky tournament for United.


  4. Chandler: Well, I think you need to come out of your shell just a little.


  5. And their desire to please may be evolutionary important to them, just as faking it might be to women.


  6. Filmmaker: And giving up the pretense to objectivity must be part of that sense of freedom.


  7. I'm pretending? " I shook my head. " All those years of psych grad, " I said. " And to tell me that?


  8. A woman if unfortunate wisdom to know everything, then it must also know how to pretend do not know.


  9. Nothing to be surprised about. For me it was even more surprising to see for how long he was pretending to be in opposition.


  1. 欺骗,伪装

    Deceive, dupe, cheat, swindle, hoodwink,

  2. 剥去伪装。

    Strip off the mask.

  3. 反激光伪装

    antilaser camouflage.

  4. 破坏性伪装

    disruptive camouflage.

  5. 伪装的祝福

    A Blessing in Disguise.

  6. 伪装来欺骗

    To deceive with a feint.

  7. 伪装的谦卑

    A masquerade of humility.

  8. 伪装的冷漠

    A pretense of nonchalance.

  9. 伪装的能手。

    a master of disguise

  10. 伪装的海滩

    pretend beaches they have there.

  11. 用树枝伪装。

    use the branches of trees as camouflage

  12. 操作系统伪装

    operating system camouflage

  13. 战术目标伪装

    camouflage of tactical target

  14. 战略目标伪装

    camouflage of strategic target

  15. 伪装猎潜舰

    mystery ship.

  16. 反紫外伪装

    antiultraviolet camouflage.

  17. 伪装虔诚的人

    holy Willie

  18. 伪装的美国口音

    a fake American accent

  19. 伪装的民事行为

    juristic act in disguise

  20. 用假发伪装自己。

    Disguised herself with a wig.

  21. 隐蔽的状态伪装

    The state of being concealed disguise.

  22. 留意他们的伪装。

    Look out for the disguises they wear.

  23. 他伪装成传教士。

    He disguised himself as a missionary.

  24. 章鱼是伪装专家。

    Octopuses are the masters of disguise.

  25. 他用假胡子伪装。

    He disguised himself with a false beard.

  26. 他时常伪装自己。

    From time to time he will take on a new persona.

  27. 在不同的伪装下

    in a different guise

  28. 你的伪装不象。

    Your disguise is not a very good one.

  29. 伪装成他的新娘

    They masquerade it As his bride

  30. 烟幕伪装下的动作

    smoke operation


  1. 问:伪装拼音怎么拼?伪装的读音是什么?伪装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装的读音是wěizhuāng,伪装翻译成英文是 disguise

  2. 问:伪装服拼音怎么拼?伪装服的读音是什么?伪装服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装服的读音是wěi zhuāng fú,伪装服翻译成英文是 Camouflage Clothing

  3. 问:伪装网拼音怎么拼?伪装网的读音是什么?伪装网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装网的读音是wěi zhuāng wǎng,伪装网翻译成英文是 camouflage net

  4. 问:伪装置拼音怎么拼?伪装置的读音是什么?伪装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装置的读音是wěi zhuāng zhì,伪装置翻译成英文是 pseudo-device

  5. 问:伪装营拼音怎么拼?伪装营的读音是什么?伪装营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装营的读音是wěi zhuāng yíng,伪装营翻译成英文是 Camouflage Battalion

  6. 问:伪装连拼音怎么拼?伪装连的读音是什么?伪装连翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装连的读音是wěi zhuāng lián,伪装连翻译成英文是 Camouflage Company

  7. 问:伪装鱼拼音怎么拼?伪装鱼的读音是什么?伪装鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装鱼的读音是wěizhuāngyú,伪装鱼翻译成英文是 Humbug Damselfish; Dascyllus aruanus

  8. 问:伪装专家拼音怎么拼?伪装专家的读音是什么?伪装专家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装专家的读音是,伪装专家翻译成英文是 camoufleur

  9. 问:伪装中队拼音怎么拼?伪装中队的读音是什么?伪装中队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装中队的读音是wěi zhuāng zhōng duì,伪装中队翻译成英文是 Camouflage Squadron

  10. 问:伪装人格拼音怎么拼?伪装人格的读音是什么?伪装人格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装人格的读音是wěi zhuāng rén gé,伪装人格翻译成英文是 persona

  11. 问:伪装分队拼音怎么拼?伪装分队的读音是什么?伪装分队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装分队的读音是wěi zhuāng fēn duì,伪装分队翻译成英文是 Camouflage Unit

  12. 问:伪装原则拼音怎么拼?伪装原则的读音是什么?伪装原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装原则的读音是wěi zhuāng yuán zé,伪装原则翻译成英文是 Principle of Camouflage

  13. 问:伪装娇莺拼音怎么拼?伪装娇莺的读音是什么?伪装娇莺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装娇莺的读音是wěizhuāngjiāoyīng,伪装娇莺翻译成英文是 Masked Apalis; Apalis binotata

  14. 问:伪装婚姻拼音怎么拼?伪装婚姻的读音是什么?伪装婚姻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装婚姻的读音是wěi zhuāng hūn yīn,伪装婚姻翻译成英文是 spurious marriage

  15. 问:伪装工事拼音怎么拼?伪装工事的读音是什么?伪装工事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装工事的读音是wěi zhuāng gōng shì,伪装工事翻译成英文是 Camouflage Works

  16. 问:伪装技术拼音怎么拼?伪装技术的读音是什么?伪装技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装技术的读音是wěi zhuāng jì shù,伪装技术翻译成英文是 Decoying

  17. 问:伪装方法拼音怎么拼?伪装方法的读音是什么?伪装方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装方法的读音是wěi zhuāng fāng fǎ,伪装方法翻译成英文是 Camouflage Method

  18. 问:伪装检查拼音怎么拼?伪装检查的读音是什么?伪装检查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装检查的读音是wěi zhuāng jiǎn chá,伪装检查翻译成英文是 Camouflage Inspection

  19. 问:伪装涂料拼音怎么拼?伪装涂料的读音是什么?伪装涂料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装涂料的读音是wěi zhuāng tú liào,伪装涂料翻译成英文是 Camouflage Paints

  20. 问:伪装炸弹拼音怎么拼?伪装炸弹的读音是什么?伪装炸弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伪装炸弹的读音是wěi zhuāng zhà dàn,伪装炸弹翻译成英文是 Disguised Bomb