








1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:cái shū zhì dà







  • 【解释】:才干有限而抱负很大。
  • 【出自】:《后汉书·孔融传》:“融负其高气,志在靖难,而才疏意广,迄无成功。”
  • 【示例】:~不自量,西家东家笑我狂。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;形容抱负大才能不高


  1. na.
  2. (

  3. have) great ambition but little talent;one'

  4. s ability falling short of one'

  5. s aspiration;inspire more than one can achieve;hitch one'

  6. s wagon to a star

  1. 我敢打赌他们是为了我们才大老远送她过来的。

    I'll bet they sent her across the country just for us.

  2. 良久, 她才大哭起来, 把所有的一切都告诉了民警。

    For a long time, she burst into tears, and everything to tell the police.

  3. 良久,她才大哭起来,把所有得一切都告诉了民警。

    For a long time, she burst into tears, and everything to tell the police.

  4. 大才小用。

    To make little use of great talent.

  5. 他这个人志大才疏。

    He has great ambition but little talent.

  6. 大才必有大用。

    A man of great talents will surely be given important assignments.

  7. 只有足够大才足够安全。

    Only the large enough enough security.

  8. 自然要多大才足够?

    How Much Nature Is Enough?

  9. 他要多大才能打棒球呢?

    When will he be old enough to play baseball?

  10. 自命大才小用, 往往眼高手低。

    He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business.

  11. 你多大才不相信圣诞老人的?

    How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa?

  12. 你看起来有点大才小用啊。

    I don't know. You seem kind an overqualified.

  13. 你看起来有点大才小用啊。

    I don't know. You seem kind an overqualified.

  14. 把国民经济蛋糕做大, 做大才能切好

    First and foremost make the cake of national economy as big as possible, and ensure fair distribution

  15. 我才不在乎大墙

    I Had Not Minded Walls

  16. 一般宝宝到多大才不会流口水啊?

    Does average baby arrive how old just won't dribble ah?

  17. 她下周才来大姨妈

    That's not till next week.

  18. 你说得对, 空气湿度这么大才这么清新。

    You are right. The air is so fresh because of the good humidity.

  19. 然后才形成大的溃疡。

    Then large ulcers form.

  20. 然后才形成大得溃疡。

    Then large ulcers form .

  21. 他要多大才能打棒球呢?还得几年。

    When will he be old enough to play baseball? In a few years.

  22. 而所有这些都是因为贮量大才能做到的。

    And all because lay aside measures great gift to accomplish, these are.

  23. 而所有这些都是因为贮量大才能做到得。

    And all because lay aside measures great gift to accomplish, these are.

  24. 别说了,约翰,你才多大啊?

    Just stop talking. John, how old are you?

  25. 这样才能大把地赚小费啊

    That's how we're gonna get the big tips.

  26. 他直到10个月大才学会爬行,紧接着才学会倒着爬。

    He did not crawl until he was10 months old, and then crawled backward.

  27. 只有在人们都团结时,公司大才是一个优点。

    And being big is not an advantage unless you are lined.

  28. 帆的尺寸要足够大才能让你高速掠过水面。

    The sail size needs to be large enough to get you planing at speed.

  29. 帆的尺寸要足够大才能让你高速掠过水面。

    The sail size needs to be large enough to get you planing at speed.

  30. 我觉得这个职位对你来说是大才小用了。

    We think you are overqualified for this position.