











汉语拼音:yī chuí dìng yīn







  • 【解释】:借指凭一句话作出最后决定。同“一锤定音”。
  • 【出自】:朱可 若丁《深深的绿巷》:“一张张笑脸,圆的、长的、苦的、甜的,都来请示,都来要求指点迷津。真神,一槌定音,无处不响。”


  1. During the final negotiations, his stature was such that he was able to force through dozens of clauses with a bang of his gavel.


  1. 不过他迅速淡定了下来,在29分钟时以一记头槌扳平比分。

    He soon made amends,however,by heading home a 29 th minute leveller.

  2. 小木槌一敲便意味着会议结束。

    Then a gavel is struck and the meeting is over.

  3. 鼓手很着急,因为他的小音槌在音乐会开始前一分钟不见了。

    The drummer was worried because his mallet was missing one minute before the concert.

  4. 鼓手很著急,因为他得小音槌在音乐会开始前一分钟不见了

    The drummer be worried because his mallet be missing one minute before the concert

  5. 鼓手很著急,因为他的小音槌在音乐会开始前一分钟不见了。

    The drummer was worried because his mallet was missing one minute before the concert.

  6. 他们有一套槌球戏装置

    They have a croquet set.

  7. 他们有一套槌球戏装置。

    They have a croquet set.

  8. 他给了我一个小木槌。

    He gave me a gavel.

  9. 凯瑟琳的语气干脆利落,一棰定音。

    Katherine's tones were clipped and final.

  10. 在20世纪中,定音鼓又再一次改变。

    In the middle of the 20th century, the timpani had changed again.

  11. 连续得分打台球或槌球时一次连续得分

    A run or unbroken series of successful shots, as in billiards or croquet.

  12. 粉碎是一个战士主手钉头槌技能。

    Pulverize is a warrior mainhand mace skill.

  13. 木槌是一种有圆柱形头的槌子。

    A mallet is a hammer that has a cylindrical barrelshapped head.

  14. 他们用一个大木槌把门撞破了。

    They got a battering ram to smash down the door.

  15. 可以给我一些奶油和一把木槌吗?

    Could I get some cream and a mallet

  16. 在奇尔卡625号是一个独特的槌模式。

    The Circa 62 No. 5 is a distinctive mallet model.

  17. 我甚至还有一把300多年前的木槌。

    I even have a wooden mallet that was used by a judge over 300 years ago during condemnation proceedings in Salem.

  18. 拍卖会开槌以后, 还没拍出一件东西呢。

    Since the beginning of the auction, not a single article has been sold.

  19. 拍卖会开槌以后,还没拍出一件东西呢。

    Since the beginning of the auction, not a single article has been sold.

  20. 它紧凑的外场地包括一个网球场和一个槌球草坪。

    Its compact grounds contain a tennis court and a croquet lawn.

  21. 这就是槌球作为一种家庭运动广泛流行的原因。

    This is why croquet became widespread as a family game.

  22. 看到一个槌表明,你将处理严重,而在健康欠佳。

    To see a mallet shows that you will be treated badly while in ill health.

  23. 她参加了一个疯狂茶会, 一场古怪的槌球赛和一场审判。

    She attended a mad tea party, a weird game of croquet and a trial.

  24. 琴槌的硬度是维护一个真钢琴时可以调整的东西。

    Hammer hardness is something that could be adjusted in the maintenance of an actual piano.

  25. 琴栓,弦钮用来拧紧或拧松弦以定音的弦乐器的一个乐栓

    One of the pins of a stringed instrument that are turned to tighten or slacken the strings so as to regulate their pitch.

  26. 球棍一种用于击球的长手柄器具,如在槌球和马球中。

    A long handled implement used to strike a ball , as in croquet and polo.

  27. 爱丽丝买一套槌球游戏吧, 这是克雷格喜欢的, 没错吧。

    Alice This croquet set. Its right up Craigs street, isnt it

  28. 这位教授表现得自负,样子就像一位拿着法槌的法官。

    This professor acts so priggishly--like a moderator with a gavel!

  29. 这位教授自负的样子就像一位拿着小木槌的调停者一样。

    this professor acts so priggishlylike a moderator with a gavel!

  30. 在移交小木槌前, 他以董事长的身份作了最后一次演说。

    Before turning OVER the gavel, he delivered the swan song as chairman of the board.

