




1. 孚 [fú]孚 [fú]信用。为人所信服:深~众望。……



汉语拼音:měi fú



  1. 煤油灯的旧称。初出于 美国 美孚石油公司,故名。

    茅盾 《有志者》:“他也累了,朝一盏美孚灯呆坐了一会儿。”



  1. The Kosmos bid was to be Exxon's first major purchase in a decade and give it a major foothold in the region.


  2. In other words, it is trying to emulate the capital discipline of ExxonMobil, the company Mr Buffett probably should have bought.


  3. But Exxon's managers endlessly intoned that they invested for the long term, and would not be moved by temporary swings in prices.


  4. Rex Tillerson, Exxon's chairman and chief executive, said the agreement represented "a significant strategic step by both companies" .


  5. ExxonMobil, in keeping with its conservative business approach, may have been slow to fully embrace the green mantra but now is an advocate.


  6. Earlier this year, Exxon Mobil broke the record for this sort of long-distance drilling with a well over 11km (7 miles) long.


  7. Do you think ExxonMobil Corp. is going to get left out of the conspiracy?


  8. COP is slated to complete its split in the first quarter of next year, giving the company's shares some time to turn to the upside.


  9. ExxonMobil, the US oil group, has made a "potentially significant" gas discovery off the coast of Vietnam in an area also claimed by China.


  1. 埃克森美孚

    Exxon Mobil.

  2. 美孚新村停车场管理处

    Mei Foo Sun Chuen Car Park Management Office

  3. 关注西铁美孚站联席委员会

    Mei Foo West Rail Concern Group

  4. 事实上,埃克森美孚可能再次出击。

    Indeed, Exxon Mobil may pounce again.

  5. 埃克森美孚正在着手应对两大挑战。

    Exxon is contending with two major challenges.

  6. 美孚附近有否较好的幼儿园幼稚园

    I think emb mentioned Guidepost is also quite good kindergarten at Mei Foo.

  7. 下一站系美孚,请用左边车门落车。

    The next station is Mei Foo, please alight of the left.

  8. 中石油的年度收益仅为埃克森美孚的一半。

    PetroChina's annual earnings are only about half those of Exxon.

  9. 技工和操作工是美国美孚国际石油集团得骨干。

    Tradespeople and operators are the backbone of American mobiloil group.

  10. 技工和操作工是美国美孚国际石油集团的骨干。

    Tradespeople and operators are the backbone of American mobiloil group.

  11. 你觉得埃克森美孚将会排除在同谋之外吗?

    Do you think ExxonMobil Corp. is going to get left out of the conspiracy

  12. 在进行拆卸期间, 应把最接近的美孚油缸放空。

    The nearest Mobil oil tank shall be emptied for the duration of the felling.

  13. 所有申请及优惠均有待埃克森美孚之最后核准。

    All applications and offers are subject to the final approval of EMHK.

  14. 这是为什么保时捷赛事使用美孚1号润滑油的原因。

    Thats one reason why Porsche motorsports use Mobil 1 lubricants.

  15. 美孚公司急于说明那个地点发生爆炸的可能性微乎其微。

    Mobil is at pains to point out that the chances of an explosion at the site are remote.

  16. 代理美孚埃索润滑油,齿轮油液压油等系列产品,价格优惠。

    Acting Mobil Esso lubricants, hydraulic oil, gear oil products, price concessions.

  17. 受此影响,埃克森美孚和美国钢铁领跌期货相关板块。

    As a result, Exxon Mobil and U. S. steel plates led by futuresrelated.

  18. 这些公司包括埃克森美孚,沙索,壳牌,莱恩和道达尔。

    These companies include ExxonMobil, Sasol, Shell, RWE, and Total.

  19. 由上所述, 应对埃克森美孚公司有一定得实际应用价值。

    So, this thesis has some practical value ExxonMobil's business.

  20. 由上所述,应对埃克森美孚公司有一定的实际应用价值。

    So, this thesis has some practical value ExxonMobil's business.

  21. 在现时的地铁美孚站上面隔音罩范围内建造新的夹层楼面。

    Construction of a new mezzanine level above the existing MTRC Foo Station inside a noise enclosure.

  22. 埃克森美孚和雪佛龙已将租约分别延长到11月底和12月底。

    ExxonMobil and Chevron have extended their leases to the end of November and December respectively.

  23. 美孚新筌湾海滨花园沙田第一城北角海峰园及鱼涌蕙苑

    Mei foo sun chuen, riviera gardens in tsuen wan, city one shatin, harbour heights in north point and park vale in quarry bay


  1. 问:美孚拼音怎么拼?美孚的读音是什么?美孚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美孚的读音是měi fú,美孚翻译成英文是 美孚地铁站 Mei Foo, a station on Hong Kong MTR's Ts...

  2. 问:美孚码头拼音怎么拼?美孚码头的读音是什么?美孚码头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美孚码头的读音是,美孚码头翻译成英文是 Mei Foo Ferry Pier

  3. 问:美孚石油公司拼音怎么拼?美孚石油公司的读音是什么?美孚石油公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美孚石油公司的读音是měi fú shí yóu gōng sī,美孚石油公司翻译成英文是 Socony Standard Oil Corporation New York...

  4. 问:美孚真空石油公司拼音怎么拼?美孚真空石油公司的读音是什么?美孚真空石油公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美孚真空石油公司的读音是měi fú zhēn kōng shí yóu gōng sī,美孚真空石油公司翻译成英文是 Standard Vacuum Oil Company