







汉语拼音:jiāo yóu








  1. 亦作“ 交游 ”。朋友。

    《管子·权修》:“观其交游,则其贤不肖可察也。” 唐 韩愈 《唐故朝散大夫郑君墓志铭》:“君天性和乐,居家事人,与待交游,初持一心,未尝变节。” 清 王晫 《今世说·德行》:“﹝ 萧伯升 ﹞豪詄自喜,意气卓犖,交游满天下。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致宫竹心》:“至于地方一层,实在毫无办法想了。因为我并无交游,止认得几个学校。”

  2. 交际;结交朋友。

    《荀子·君道》:“其交游也,缘类而有义。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·务本》:“列士者,以孝悌为本,以交游为末。” 宋 王安石 《与陈和叔内翰书》:“与 和叔 交游三十年,非敢相求於末度。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·走出以后》:“她却交游很广,认识许多女孩子,不但本村,外村也有许多姐妹。”

  3. 见“ 交游 ”。



  1. In Italy, as in England, the lady had a multitude of friends, both among the natives of the country and its heterogeneous visitors.


  2. Among the group of Zhongxing poets, You Mao was the most active one.


  3. Then discussed on his intercourse , the relationship between Ge Changgeng and Taoism Nanzong , his works and versions of it.


  4. The article research the communication from literature, the background of Buddhism, the background of the metaphysics and the buddhism.


  5. The intercourse between SIMA Guang and ER Cheng mainly unfold that they were the good friends with the disagreement.


  6. It includes Fang shi Ju'life history, Friends Making, output background, carnation and situation of broadcasting of the note.


  7. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. With this saying in mind our class went on a picnic one sunny day.


  8. Indeed . That's why we're planning an outing . The grass has turned green and peach trees , plum trees and pear trees are all in blossom .


  9. Our manners have been corrupted by communication with the saints.


  1. 她交游广阔。

    She has a wide circle of friends.

  2. 她交游甚广。

    She has a large acquaintance.

  3. 她交游很广。

    She has a large circle of friends.

  4. 他交游甚广。

    He has a wide circle of acquaintances.

  5. 他交游不广。

    He has only a narrow circle of friends.

  6. 克莱尔交游很广。

    Claire has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.

  7. 交游广阔。交际圈广

    have a wide acquaintance

  8. 王曾与石介的交游

    The Contact of Wang Zeng and Shi Jie

  9. 交游宜广, 知心宜精。

    Have but few friends, though many acquaintances.

  10. 交游宜广,知心宜精。

    Have but few friends, though many acquaintances.

  11. 我在摄影界交游甚广。

    I have a large circle of friends and acquaintances engaged in photography.

  12. 袁枚与赵翼交游考述

    A Study of Friendship Between Yuan Mei and Zhao Yi

  13. 他是一个交游广阔的人。

    He is a man of wide acquaintance.

  14. 袁枚, 杭世骏交游考论

    Textual Research on the Companionship between Yuan mei and Hang shijun

  15. 唐代文人与隐士交游的动因

    Reasons for the Friendship Between Scholars and Hermits in the Tang Dynasty

  16. 文会是文人交游的一种方式。

    Wenhui is one way which the writer makes friends.

  17. 王国维与藏书家蒋汝藻交游考论

    Evidence of Friendship between Wang Guowei and Jiang Ruzao

  18. 这场雨将会影响我们的交游计划。

    The rain will affect our plans for a picnic.

  19. 宋末诗僧道璨与士大夫交游考略

    Friendly Contacts of Buddhist Monk Dao Can with Literati in the Late Song

  20. 清代书家吴让之交游初考

    A Preliminary Research of Social Contact of Wu Rangzhi, a Calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty

  21. 盛唐诗人与僧侣交游的特征及贡献

    Chracteristics and Contribution of the Friendly Relationship between Poets and Buddhist Monks in the Tang Dynasty

  22. 张籍的婚姻及其与胡遇交游考说

    Textual Research on Zhang Ji's Marriage and the Relationship between Zhang Ji and Hu Yu

  23. 李白与孟浩然中后期交游新考论

    A New Study of the Friendship Between Li Bai and Meng Haoran in Their Middle and Late Lives

  24. 宋遗民词人交游唱和盛行成因再探

    A Secondary Research on the Vogue Cause of Making Friends and Exchanging Poems of the Adherent Poets in the Song Dynasty

  25. 宋遗民词人交游唱和盛行的成因初探

    A Brief Discussion on the Vogue Cause of Making Friends and Exchanging Poems of the Adherent Poets of the Song Dynasty

  26. 其次,考察文人交游网络形成的两种方式。

    Secondly, the author will investigate the two ways how the literati social network formed.

  27. 论男性文士和女性优伶的文化交游

    Culture On the cultural communication between the traditional male scholars and the traditional actresses

  28. 交游的方式有宴集、书信往来,诗词唱酬等。

    The ways of companionship included banquet, letters, poems and so on.

  29. 杰里米以前交游甚广, 但现在他喜欢独处。

    Jeremy used to have a large circle of friends, but now he likes being alone.

  30. 我们的风度,因为和圣者交游,所以被败坏了。

    Our manners have been corrupted by communication with thesaints.


  1. 问:交游拼音怎么拼?交游的读音是什么?交游翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交游的读音是jiāoyóu,交游翻译成英文是 make friends; keep company; circle of friends...