




去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……



汉语拼音:jiāo wǎng








  1. 互相来往。

    《尉缭子·分塞令》:“中军左右前后军,皆有分地,方之以行垣,而无通其交往。” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十六:“我女大圣,死经二十三年,犹能与生人交往。” 宋 苏轼 《答孙志康书》:“ 李太伯 虽前辈,不相交往。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第五幕:“几十年来, 汉 人与他的交往,朝廷对他的信义和帮助,使他看清了 长安 对 匈奴 和好的不变之策。”



  1. They are ready to exchange their calling cards only after they have talked agreeably and wish to continue their associations.


  2. In all her intercourse with society, however, there wAS nothing that made her feel AS if she belonged to it.


  3. Now, win to have diplomatic relation especially, this kind of close association was more outstanding.


  4. None of the mothers would let their kids hang out with me.


  5. Economic engagement, she added, is "a very important aspect of our relationship with China, but it's not the only aspect our relationship. "


  6. Charlotte: Don't listen to her, Carrie. It's only been a month. It takes half the total time you went out with someone to get over them.


  7. Uh, mom, this wasn't a one night stand. He's been going out with Ms. Britt for a few months now.


  8. Thousands of international students from all over the world attended ASU, and I enjoyed meeting such a wide variety of people.


  9. education of a woman's heart is a series of ~s with a series of men until she falls in love for the rest of her life.


  1. 建设性交往

    constructive contact.

  2. 和某人交往

    to go out with somebody

  3. 人间交往技能

    interpersonal skill

  4. 与某人交往。

    Whiskey is associated with Scotland.

  5. 业务联系, 交往

    Business association

  6. 人际交往层级

    interpersonal communication levels

  7. 交往理性意蕴

    communicative rationality implication.

  8. 在跟他交往

    seeing Jeff?

  9. 性伴交往模式

    Sexual mixing patterns.

  10. 和某人有交往

    to rub shoulders with somebody

  11. 他与盗贼交往。

    He consorted with thieves.

  12. 更深入些交往

    Getting to know each other a little bit better.

  13. 和某个男生交往

    who she chooses for a boyfriend.

  14. 我们交往3周了。

    We have been seeing each other for 3 weeks now.

  15. 你们交往多久了

    How long have you two been together?

  16. 开始与交往结交

    To begin to associate with consort with

  17. 边防交往与合作

    frontier defense exchanges and cooperation

  18. 从未认真交往过

    ever been this serious about someone before.

  19. 我有交往的人。

    I'm with somebody.

  20. 他在和某人交往

    He met someone.

  21. 勿与恶友交往。

    Never associate with bad companions.

  22. 不要与窃贼交往。

    Do not consort with thieves.

  23. 她喜欢与人交往。

    She likes to be with other people.

  24. 他们决定正式交往。

    They decided to put their relationship on a more formal footing.

  25. 你应与同学交往。

    You should consort with your classmates.

  26. 她与时髦阶层交往。

    She mixed with the in crowd.

  27. 苏轼与米芾交往述评

    Review on Communication Between SU Shi and MI Fu

  28. 这小伙子不爱交往。

    This young man is not very sociable.

  29. 这小伙子不爱交往。

    This young man is not very sociable.

  30. 我们已经交往3年了。

    We’ve been dating for 3 years now.


  1. 问:交往拼音怎么拼?交往的读音是什么?交往翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往的读音是jiāowǎng,交往翻译成英文是 have contact

  2. 问:交往不能拼音怎么拼?交往不能的读音是什么?交往不能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往不能的读音是jiāo wǎng bù néng,交往不能翻译成英文是 communicating disabilities

  3. 问:交往剥夺拼音怎么拼?交往剥夺的读音是什么?交往剥夺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往剥夺的读音是jiāo wǎng bō duó,交往剥夺翻译成英文是 intercourse deprivation

  4. 问:交往功能拼音怎么拼?交往功能的读音是什么?交往功能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往功能的读音是jiāowǎng gōngnéng,交往功能翻译成英文是 transactional function

  5. 问:交往动机拼音怎么拼?交往动机的读音是什么?交往动机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往动机的读音是jiāo wǎng dòng jī,交往动机翻译成英文是 affiliation – oriented motivation

  6. 问:交往因素拼音怎么拼?交往因素的读音是什么?交往因素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往因素的读音是jiāo wǎng yīn sù,交往因素翻译成英文是 companionship factor

  7. 问:交往小组拼音怎么拼?交往小组的读音是什么?交往小组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往小组的读音是jiāo wǎng xiǎo zǔ,交往小组翻译成英文是 contact group

  8. 问:交往技能拼音怎么拼?交往技能的读音是什么?交往技能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往技能的读音是jiāo wǎng jì néng,交往技能翻译成英文是 skill of communication

  9. 问:交往理论拼音怎么拼?交往理论的读音是什么?交往理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往理论的读音是jiāo wǎng lǐ lùn,交往理论翻译成英文是 communication theory

  10. 问:交往结构拼音怎么拼?交往结构的读音是什么?交往结构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往结构的读音是jiāo wǎng jié gòu,交往结构翻译成英文是 intercourse structure

  11. 问:交往能力拼音怎么拼?交往能力的读音是什么?交往能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往能力的读音是jiāo wǎng néng lì,交往能力翻译成英文是 ability to communicate

  12. 问:交往自由拼音怎么拼?交往自由的读音是什么?交往自由翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往自由的读音是jiāo wǎng zì yóu,交往自由翻译成英文是 freedom of association

  13. 问:交往需要拼音怎么拼?交往需要的读音是什么?交往需要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往需要的读音是jiāo wǎng xū yào,交往需要翻译成英文是 affiliation need

  14. 问:交往频率拼音怎么拼?交往频率的读音是什么?交往频率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往频率的读音是jiāo wǎng pín lǜ,交往频率翻译成英文是 interaction frequency

  15. 问:交往亲密度指数拼音怎么拼?交往亲密度指数的读音是什么?交往亲密度指数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交往亲密度指数的读音是jiāo wǎng qīn mì dù zhǐ shù,交往亲密度指数翻译成英文是 index of intimacy of communication



由于共同活动的需要而在人们之间所产生的那种建立和发展相互接触的复杂和多方面的过程,是苏联社会心理学的基本概念。近年来,在苏联心理学中,交往有发展成为心理学的基础性范畴的趋势。俄语的общение一词,没有完全与之对应的英语词汇,大致相当于英语的 communication(沟通)。