








1. 罢 [bà]2. 罢 [ba]3. 罢 [pí]罢 [bà]停,歇:~休。~工。~课。~市。~论(打消了打算)。~笔(停止写作)。免去,解除:~免。~官。~职。~黜。完了,毕:吃~饭。罢 [ba]同“吧”。罢 [pí]古同“疲”,累。……



汉语拼音:jiǔ xiǔ yī bà






  1. 中国画描绘人物的一种方法。

    宋 邓椿 《画继·岩穴上士》:“画家於人物,必九朽一罢。谓先以土笔扑取形似,数次修改,故曰九朽;继以淡墨一描而成,故曰一罢。罢者,毕事也。” 郑振铎 《中国绘画的优秀传统》:“所谓‘九朽一罢’的名言(就是说,起稿九次,到了第十次才画成),就可证明完美的画幅决不是完全凭借偶然的兴会,一挥即就的。”



  1. 网络
  2. One stop nine Kutami

  1. 哪儿的话。小事一桩罢了。

    Don't mention it. Piece of cake.

  2. 他们只不过是把原来的计划改了一改罢了。

    They have just warmed up the same old plan.

  3. 最近这几年只是我们历史上得一小段罢了。

    The last few years are but a small part of our history.

  4. 最近这几年只是我们历史上的一小段罢了。

    The last few years are but a small part of our history.

  5. 我们所谓的进步,无非是以一麻烦换上另一麻烦罢了。

    What we call progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance.

  6. 或者,他日仰看流云时,会在我的眼前一闪烁罢。

    Perhaps some day when I look up at the fleeting clouds, they may flash before my eyes.

  7. 他告诉副主教,艾丝米拉达嫁给他只是为了要救他一命罢了。

    He told archdeacon that Esmeralda had married him to save his life.

  8. 拒绝即接受只是另一种选择罢了。

    To decline is to accept,the other alternative.

  9. 出来罢。一批一批来。

    Come on out. One lot at a time.

  10. 没什么好伤感的,不过是一堆东西罢了。

    There's no emotion. It's just stuff.

  11. 一古脑儿告诉你罢!

    I can give you it in a nutshell.

  12. 天主教的教义对她只是一套清规戒律罢了。

    The Catholic dogma was to her nothing more than a set of rules.

  13. 罗西刚要抗议, 但又一想决定作罢。

    Rosie was about to protest but thought better of it.

  14. 跳槽不过是你职业生涯中的一段小插曲罢了。

    Changing jobs is an integral part of your career path.

  15. 跳槽不过是你职业生涯中得一段小插曲罢了。

    Changing jobs is an integral part of your career path.

  16. 他说罢踢了奥列弗一脚,便走进店堂。

    With these words he gave Oliver a kick and went into the shop.

  17. 说罢, 一把拉住冠秀塞进花轿里。

    Having said, pulling a crown into the sedan chair in show.

  18. 说罢, 从河边抓起一把沙子, 揉进了白鹅女的眼睛里。

    Then she seized sand and threw them into white goose girl's eyes.

  19. 说罢,从河边抓起一把沙子,揉进了白鹅女得眼睛里。

    Then she seized sand and threw them into white goose girl's eyes.

  20. 一种修辞手法罢了。

    Figure of speech.

  21. 我就是一个雇员罢了。

    I am only an employee.

  22. 他只是一名工人罢了。

    He is simply a workman.

  23. 她不过是一个孩子罢了。

    She is but a child.

  24. 让他姊妹们一处顽顽罢。

    Let them amuse themselves together for a while.

  25. 我只是过一天算一天罢了。

    I'm just taking one day at a time.

  26. 那不过是一种幻觉罢了。

    It must need be a delusion.

  27. 我只不过得打一针罢了。

    I just gotta get a shot.

  28. 没什么, 不过是虚惊一场罢了。

    It's ok, it was only a false alarm.

  29. 但是有一个原因令我作罢。

    But one really struck me.

  30. 他只是一个尽职的人罢了。

    He was just a man doing his duty.