







汉语拼音:bìng lì






  1. 某种疾病的例子。某个人或生物患过某种疾病,就是这种疾病的病例。



  1. Results: All operative were completed successfully, there was no serious cardiovascular incident happened, no death of the patients.


  2. He found three specific examples, and one more general case, where changes in diet appeared to have had beneficial effects.


  3. The studies were small, and they found a rise in blood markers that have been associated with cancer -- not a rise in cancer itself.


  4. One thing that happened was that after 1956, 1957 the number of cases were down, there was a small bump here, the cases were up.


  5. Prior to Thursday, Colombia was the only South American nation to confirm swine flu with its borders.


  6. The author present a clinical case of a HIV patient in which the first manifestation of the disease was a pulmonary embolism.


  7. Stevenson researched cases of children between the age of two and five who suddenly started speaking of a previous life and offered details.


  8. All the patients were followed up for 36 to 51 months, and there was one case of recurrence.


  9. Testing for a variety of respiratory diseases of the initial cases did not reveal any conclusive results.


  1. 精神病病例

    psycho cases.

  2. 病例死亡率

    case mortality.

  3. 标准化病例

    standardized cases.

  4. 非典型病例

    atypical case

  5. 非典型病例

    an atypical case

  6. 危重病例评分

    critical illness score

  7. 人间鼠疫病例

    Human plague cases among people

  8. 请给我病例

    Chart, please.

  9. 偷些好病例?

    and stealing all the good cases?

  10. 偷好病例呢?

    and stealing all the good cases?

  11. 严重食物中毒病例

    a severe case of food poisoning

  12. 轻度流感的病例

    A mild case of flu.

  13. 3 5亿病例被报道

    298 to 500 million cases are reported.

  14. 偶发的天花病例

    a sporadiccase of smallpox

  15. 沙门菌中毒病例

    cases of salmonella poisoning

  16. 无手术死亡病例。

    There were no operative deaths.

  17. 小儿危重病例评分

    Pediatric critical index score

  18. 方法病例分析法。

    Methods Visual and intuitional case analysis.

  19. 北京水痘病例上升

    Beijing Sees Rise in Chickenpox Cases

  20. 天花病例日益罕见。

    Cases of smallpox are becoming rare.

  21. 无显性糖尿病病例。

    No cases of overt diabetes were reported.

  22. 人患禽流感病例

    Human cases of bird flu

  23. 佐拉的病例传票

    Aa subpoena for Zola's medical records.

  24. 我很宝贝这个病例

    This case is my baby.

  25. 我的病例全部作废?

    My chartsare delinquent?

  26. 这病例可是让我们

    We got the short end of the stick.

  27. 其他700个是疑似病例。

    Another 700 cases are suspected.

  28. 送一份病例给你。

    You take a look.

  29. 病例的男女比例为31。

    The male to female ratio of cases was 29.

  30. 不合格粪便标本病例

    Inadequate fecal specimen collection


  1. 问:病例拼音怎么拼?病例的读音是什么?病例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病例的读音是bìnglì,病例翻译成英文是 case

  2. 问:病例报告拼音怎么拼?病例报告的读音是什么?病例报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病例报告的读音是bìng lì bào gào,病例报告翻译成英文是 Case-Reporting

  3. 问:病例研究拼音怎么拼?病例研究的读音是什么?病例研究翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病例研究的读音是bìng lì yán jiū,病例研究翻译成英文是 case study

  4. 问:病例指示器拼音怎么拼?病例指示器的读音是什么?病例指示器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病例指示器的读音是bìng lì zhǐ shì qì,病例指示器翻译成英文是 Case Designator

  5. 问:病例标识符拼音怎么拼?病例标识符的读音是什么?病例标识符翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病例标识符的读音是bìng lì biāo shí fú,病例标识符翻译成英文是 Case Identifier

  6. 问:病例对照研究拼音怎么拼?病例对照研究的读音是什么?病例对照研究翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病例对照研究的读音是bìng lì duì zhào yán jiū,病例对照研究翻译成英文是 case control study

  7. 问:病例对照调查拼音怎么拼?病例对照调查的读音是什么?病例对照调查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病例对照调查的读音是bìng lì duì zhào diào chá,病例对照调查翻译成英文是 cuse-control study

  8. 问:病例控制文档拼音怎么拼?病例控制文档的读音是什么?病例控制文档翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病例控制文档的读音是bìng lì kòng zhì wén dàng,病例控制文档翻译成英文是 Case Master File

  9. 问:病例鉴定剖面系统拼音怎么拼?病例鉴定剖面系统的读音是什么?病例鉴定剖面系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病例鉴定剖面系统的读音是bìng lì jiàn dìng pōu miàn xì tǒng,病例鉴定剖面系统翻译成英文是 Case Evaluation Profile System