






中央有孔的圆形佩玉:~佩。圈形的东西:~形。连~。铁~。花~。耳~。围绕:~视。~顾。~拜。~海。~球。~行(xíng )。日~食。相互联系的许多事物中的一个:重要的一~。险象~生。量词,用于记录射击环靶的成绩:今天打了十~。姓。……



汉语拼音:tàn xún huán






碳循环 [tàn xún huán]
  1.   碳元素在大气、海洋、陆地及其他储存区彼此互相流动交换的现象。全球性的碳循环受到许多物理、生物、化学及地质作用的影响,非当复杂。其他化学元素如氮、磷、硫也有类似的循环,但主要是受到生物作用的影响。无机碳主要以二氧化碳气体在大气中储存,部份二氧化碳则溶解于海洋中。海洋及陆地上的沈积物中有生物外壳,因此储存有大量的生物性碳酸盐。透过陆上植物及藻类进行光合作用,无机碳可转换成有机碳,以多样而复杂的有机化合物储存在生物体内。大部分的有机碳透过生物呼吸作用及细菌的分解作用在生物圈内不断循环,少部份离开生物圈,经过长久的地质作用而形成能源矿产,例如煤、石油及甲烷。人类对这些化石燃料的大量使用,导致大气中二氧化碳的浓度快速增加,因此引发温室效应,进而导致全球增温及气候变迁。在地质史上,碳循环的缓慢变化对气候变迁也有类似的影响。大气中甲烷浓度的增加也会影响地球热平衡并导致温室效应,但甲烷的来源及循环较难定量估计。



  1. The oceans are a key part of the natural carbon cycle, in which carbon dioxide is circulated between the land, seas and atmosphere.


  2. Forests play a central role in the global carbon cycle and comprise one of the largest terrestrial reservoirs.


  3. Pacala investigates the interaction of the biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere on global scales, with an emphasis on the carbon cycle.


  4. Carbon partition of plants is one of the key points for carbon cycle research.


  5. Forest carbon cycling model can be established by the method of empirical model, mechanism model or mixed model.


  6. And it "reinforces how important changes in Southern Hemisphere winds can be for Earth's carbon cycle and its climate, " he says.


  7. Soil carbon cycle plays an important role in global warming and concerns for it have been increased.


  8. Carbon dioxide is constantly being removed from the atmosphere as part of the carbon cycle.


  9. Soil carbon is an important part of the carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystem.


  1. 碳循环无常的经济影响

    The economic implications of carbon cycle uncertainty

  2. 人类活动对全球碳循环的影响

    The impact of human activity on the global carbon cycle

  3. 全球碳循环的模式研究与生物的调节

    Study of the Model of Global Carton Cyde and Its Biological Regulation

  4. 河口化学,河流化学,有机碳循环,海洋光化学。

    Estuarine Chemistry, River Chemistry, Organic Carbon Cycle, Marine Photochemistry.

  5. 土壤碳是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分。

    Soil carbon is an important part of terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle.

  6. 模拟水文过程对森林生态系统碳循环的影响

    Modeling of influence of hydrological processes on the carbon cycle of a forest ecosystem

  7. 碳同位素在草地生态系统碳循环中的应用与展望

    Application and Prospect of Carbon Isotope in the Study of Carbon Cycle in Grassland Ecosystem.

  8. 它们包括对海洋食物链破坏和对全球碳循环的影响。

    They include disruption to the marine food web and effects on the world's carbon cycle.

  9. 全球性气候变暖,成为社会各界研究碳循环的催化剂。

    Global warming is the catalyst of the carbon cycle research in community.

  10. 土壤有机碳储量,分布在陆地碳循环中起着重要的作用。

    The storage and distribution of soil organic carbon play a major role in estimation of budget.

  11. 当植被改变,北极在全球碳循环上的角色也会跟著变化。

    As the vegetation alters, so does the role of the Arctic in the global carbon cycle.

  12. 该项计划包括回收废纸铝罐及碳粉盒, 然后循环再造。

    the programme involves the collection of waste paper , aluminium cans and toner cartridges for recycling.

  13. 循环后的碳被用于碳酸饮料以及制作干冰。

    The recycled product is used for carbonated drinks and dry ice.

  14. 弹性范围内碳纤维混凝土梁在循环荷载下的力电效应研究

    Research on the effect of electric power in carbon fiber reinforced concrete beams within elastic range under cyclic load.

  15. 土壤碳和氮循环

    soil carbon and nitrogen cycle

  16. 洗毛碳化废水循环处理试验介绍

    A test introduction about the treatrilent of scouring and carbonizing waste water

  17. 球化20碳钢得低周疲劳循环特性

    Low cycle fatigue response of spheroidized20 carbon steel

  18. 热量由循环流动的二氧化碳气传送。

    The heat is transferred by circulating carbon dioxide gas.

  19. 球化20碳钢的低周疲劳循环特性

    Low cycle fatigue response of spheroidized20 carbon steel

  20. 湿地碳氮磷的生物地球化学循环研究进展

    Advances in Researches on Biogeochemical Circulation of C, N and P in Wetlands

  21. 梁子湖湿地农田碳氮循环的模拟研究

    Simulating Study on Carbon, Nitrogen Cycling in Paddy Field in the Liangzi Lake Wetland

  22. 全球气候变化对自然土壤碳、氮循环的影响

    Effects of global climate change on C and N circulation in natural soils

  23. 黄土高原旱塬农田生态系统碳氮循环特征。

    Carbon and nitrogen cycling characteristics of dry farmland ecosystem on Loess Plateau.

  24. 总有机碳法在循环水系统查漏中的应用

    The Application of Total Organic Carbon Method for Leakage Detection in Circulating Water System.

  25. 碳通过无机过程以及有机得光和作用和呼吸来循环。

    Carbon is cycled by both inorganic processes and by photosynthesis and respiration.

  26. 碳通过无机过程以及有机的光和作用和呼吸来循环。

    Carbon is cycled by both inorganic processes and by photosynthesis and respiration.


  1. 问:碳循环拼音怎么拼?碳循环的读音是什么?碳循环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碳循环的读音是tàn xún huán,碳循环翻译成英文是 carbon cycle; carbon cycling