


抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……



汉语拼音:tóu xíng






  1. 宋 时参加商行之称。

    《文献通考·市籴一》:“仰各自诣官投充行人,纳免行钱,方得在市卖易;不赴官自投行者有罪。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第四编第一章第二节:“ 宋 朝自京都到州县城镇,同业的商业都组织成商行,入行的商户称行户;参加商行叫‘投行’。”



  1. "If you think about the issues related with Bumi, it is risky, " said an investment banker familiar with the company.


  2. But it has instead emerged, along with Morgan Stanley, in the last pair of large investment banks standing.


  3. Some banks turned up to Oxford's finance fair but did not recruit anyone, Mr Black says.


  4. There was no comment from Shanghai Pharma or any of the banks or cornerstone investors.


  5. The bank made money from its Investment Banking arm, which includes financial advisory services and equity underwriting.


  6. Since the crisis the bank has increased its market share in all its main businesses, from retail and investment banking to asset management.


  7. Goldman Sachs Group shares slid 7% as the Wall Street firm prepared to transition into a bank holding company from an investment bank.


  8. Many of these investment banks are part of universal banks that continue to see a solid performance in retail banking and consumer credit.


  9. A Japanese employee at a foreign investment bank said he wasn't bothered by the fact that some of his colleagues left last week.


  1. 传统投行业务

    traditional services

  2. 女性擅长投行业务。

    Women are good at this business.

  3. 挖掘投行业务的潜能

    Exploring Potential of Investment Banking Business

  4. 华尔街投行开发中西部

    US investment bankers ride west to rope in more clients

  5. 国际大投行的人才计谋

    Talents stratagem of international giant investment bank

  6. 华尔街投行将全球增聘员工

    Investment banks plan headcount boost

  7. 华尔街投行死到临头了呗。

    Wall Street investment banks were dead.

  8. 交易喧器声后的投行布局

    Layout of Investment Banks behind Transactions

  9. 对冲基金业务成投行盈利亮点

    Investment banks see sharp rise in hedge business

  10. 华尔街投行第三季度业务明显趋缓

    Wall St banks face earnings slowdown

  11. 他或许讲的是投行发奖金的时刻。

    He might have been talking about bonus time at an investment bank.

  12. 独立投行之死留下了一片真空地带。

    They may leave behind a vacuum.

  13. 汉理资本就是顺势成立得投行之一。

    Chinese manage capital is one of Tou travel take advantage an opportunity establishes.

  14. 汉理资本就是顺势成立的投行之一。

    Chinese manage capital is one of Tou travel take advantage an opportunity establishes.

  15. 我未能成功进入投行并非智力的问题。

    My lack of success with the investment banks was not a question of aptitude.

  16. 投行是否已失去了对该公司的信任?

    Have the bankers lost their belief in the company?

  17. 所以我雇了一个总裁,开始谈论投行。

    So I hired a president, and we started to talk to investment bankers.

  18. 这点从新投行的结构中已经显而易见。

    That much is evident from the structure of the new investment bank.

  19. 据上述投行统计,这样得公司一共有10家。

    According to the investment bank statistics, such a company a total of 10.

  20. 据上述投行统计,这样的公司一共有10家。

    According to the investment bank statistics, such a company a total of 10.

  21. 这里有许多投行、销售和交易以外的职位。

    There are careers beyond investment banking, sales and trading.

  22. 与此相应,投行的资本要求要低得多。

    Appropriately, investment bank capital requirements are much lower.

  23. 理解在投行领域对风险管理的不同应用

    Understanding the different applications of risk management in investment banking functions.

  24. 你也许喜欢做投行,或是做金融抑或做理财咨询。

    You may love investment banking or finance or consulting.

  25. 这个体系包括投行和抵押贷款金融公司等。

    It consisted of investment banks, mortgage finance companies and the like.

  26. 高盛可能会在投行业务部门再裁4400人。

    Goldman is likely to send an additional4,400 people from its investment banking division packing.

  27. 我们投行的准保荐人已没有津贴费用了。

    We voted in line prospective sponsors had no allowance for the cost.

  28. 难怪在投行谋得一个职位得竞争如此激烈。

    No wonder competition to secure a job in investment banking is so intense.

  29. 最终,他干过了头,一位前投行人士称。

    Ultimately he goes too far, says a former investment banker.

  30. 投行部门将裁员约3500人,主要在纽约和伦敦。

    About3500 of the jobs will be in investment banking, mainly in New York and London.