







汉语拼音:sī shā







  1. 相杀,交战。

    《朱子语类》卷一一六:“如两军廝杀,两边擂起鼓了,只得拚命进前。”《新编五代史平话·梁史上》:“这 黄帝 做着个廝杀的头脑,教天下后世习用干戈。” 元 无名氏 《小尉迟》第一折:“到如今干戈犹动,只待和大 唐 家廝杀见雌雄。”

  2. 减少;减弱。

    《新唐书·李昭德传》:“ 洛 有二桥……然 洛水 岁淙啮之,缮者告劳。 昭德 始累石代柱,鋭其前,廝杀暴涛,水不能怒,自是无患。”



  1. This was not going to be easy for anyone, not with the two best teams never to have won a World Cup squaring off in the final.


  2. We quickly see that on this battlefield, traditional military banners have been replaced by the towering logo of Mcdonald s.


  3. Sir, I am in urgent need of your help. Although I am rich, but everyone told me ? Life is full of like a cheat one another of the fighting.


  4. The candidates slugged it out in a series of debates.


  5. We will either learning is a process, we will not just competition, but slowly into the cruel nature of the fighting.


  6. The lips are compressed for curses, and the hands clenched and ready to smite.


  7. Zhao Fan called for Chen Ying and Bao Long at once for counsel, Ying said, "He left so outraged, we can only fight. "


  8. They had been through it all at his side-the bruising battles, the humiliations of the defeat, ?


  9. Precursors to the Mamluks , these slave soldiers are reliable heavy cavalry, equipped with heavy plate mail, lance and a mace.


  1. 两军厮杀, 难解难分。

    The two opposing armies are locked in battle.

  2. 两军厮杀,难解难分。

    The two opposing armies are locked in battle .

  3. 所有球队需要捉对厮杀?

    Do all of the teams have to play one another?

  4. 军人们会面对面捉对厮杀。

    Soldiers would come face to face with one another to fight.

  5. 他手舞大棍, 拼命厮杀。

    He fought with desperation and a stout club.

  6. 记得绝望和希望,彼此厮杀。

    Remembered that despairs and hope that each other slaughters.

  7. 戕戮厮杀是他的家常便饭。

    Strife and slaughter are the condition of his existence.

  8. 群与群之间很少发生厮杀。

    Between the group and the group very little occurs slaughters.

  9. 参选者们在一连串的辩论中猛烈厮杀。

    The candidates slugged it out in a series of debates.

  10. 铃一响, 两名拳击手就互相厮杀起来。

    The two fighters laid into each other as soon as the bell rang.

  11. 基督骑士身穿链甲,挥舞狼牙棒奋勇厮杀。

    Knights who wield a mace and wear chainmail armour.

  12. 经过这场厮杀,战场上一派触目惊心得惨状。

    After the slaughter,the battlefield was a gruesome sight.

  13. 经过这场厮杀,战场上一派触目惊心的惨状。

    After the slaughter, the battlefield was a gruesome sight.

  14. 王子们各领一军,相互厮杀,血流成河。

    On both sides the troops were commanded by royal princes and they massacred each other mercilessly.

  15. 这些兵团战士盔甲精良,使用长柄战斧厮杀。

    These men are well armoured and armed with poleaxes.

  16. 我承认,太而博不过是一头能厮杀的动物。

    I admit that Talbot is a mere fighting animal.

  17. 他们一面咬牙切齿只想诅咒,一面摩拳擦掌准备厮杀了。

    The lips are compressed for curses, and the hands clenched and ready to smite.

  18. 这两支队将在明天的冠亚军决赛中厮杀。

    The two teams clash in tomorrows final.

  19. 步行波兰贵族骑兵热衷步战厮杀,使用标枪作战。

    Dismounted, they make solid infantry armed with light spears.

  20. 只唐小姐云端里看厮杀似的,悠远淡漠地笑着。

    Miss Tang, meanwhile, sat with a distant, aloof smile on her face, as if she were watching a fight from the clouds.

  21. 厮杀结果,打败的一方免不了会弃盔丢甲,飞奔逃命。

    The party defeated the helmet of rejected will inevitably, flying for lost.

  22. 这些贵族部队虽然骑马行军,但极为热衷步战厮杀。

    As nobles, these men would of course ride to battle, but many would fight dismounted.

  23. 当动物互相厮杀啃噬,是出于本能地做出负面行为。

    When the animal slaughters mutually gnaws, is stems from the instinct to make the negative behavior.

  24. 经过一阵厮杀, 忽然一股白烟腾起, 一会儿就消散了。

    After fighting all of a sudden a white flight, while on the dissipation.

  25. 就这样, 吕布以他精湛的箭法平息了一场厮杀。

    With his excellent archery, Lv averted a fight between the two sides.

  26. 些弓箭兵装备盔甲,挥舞复合弓战斧踏战场奋勇厮杀。

    These bowmen are protected by armour and wield a composite bow and an axe.

  27. 这些弓箭兵装备盔甲, 挥舞复合弓和战斧踏入战场奋勇厮杀。

    These bowmen are protected by armour and wield a composite bow and an axe.

  28. 欧斯特曼剑士可溯源于维京战士, 使用长剑盾牌进行厮杀。

    Soldiers of Viking origin competent in the use of sword and shield.

  29. 步下作战时, 这些枪骑兵通常身穿传统鳞甲, 使用长矛厮杀。

    When fighting on foot they choose to wield a long spear and equip themselves with their traditional lamellar armour.


  1. 问:厮杀拼音怎么拼?厮杀的读音是什么?厮杀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厮杀的读音是sīshā,厮杀翻译成英文是 to fight at close quarters; to engage in hand...





【拼音】sī shā

【注音】ㄙㄧ ㄕㄚ

【释义】[fight at close quarters (with weapons)] 旧时指对打、对杀或死力相拼。相互拼杀,指战斗。


【近义词】搏杀、拼杀详细解释相互拼杀 ;互相搏斗。《东周列国志》第七回:“公孙阏接住右宰丑,颍考叔接住孔父嘉,做两队厮杀。”蔡东藩《清史演义》第二回:“努尔哈赤即于次日出城阅兵,严行部勒,详申军律,并命军士日夜操练,专待叶赫兵到,与他厮杀。”