







汉语拼音:hōng tuō










  1. 中国画技法名。用水墨或淡彩在物象的外廓渲染衬托,使其明显突出。如烘云托月,以及画雪景、流水、白色的花鸟和白描人物等,一般运用此法。

  2. 通过陪衬,使所要表现的事物鲜明突出。

    邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》九五:“在一个墙上镶着很大的玻璃框,里面陈列的是一幕用电灯烘托着的全景。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·变形》:“它们简直完全不合于实际人体的比例,但是它们的确把主要想表达的事物烘托出来了。”



  1. Lights made a giant of him as he stood motionless: one white, glittering, gloved hand raised, fedora pulled down at a slant.

  2. Later I took some of the color out to illustrate the fading moments. This was a difficult floor to work on.

  3. In the local police, journalists and savage research organization, all the romancing down in a savage caused by farce.

  4. As an essential part of it, music accompanied by drums serves to the role of foiling atmosphere and inspiring players.

  5. Santa's new hard hat has been decorated with red reindeer antlers to "Christmas it up a bit, " he added.

  6. The cinematic music plays great role in the movie in terms of highlighting emotion conveying and drama and spotlighting the atmosphere.

  7. The performance is accompanied by the percussion music that only sets off the atmosphere by contrast, not limits the lion's movements.

  8. The paper-cut heightens the festivity of the scene, and it is an artistic form of decoration, appreciation and practicability.

  9. The flavor of the liver compliments the taste of the fish innards with its slightly bitter edge and blooming sweetness.


  1. 烘托出音乐的主题

    set off the leitmotiv by contrast

  2. 首先用音乐烘托气氛。

    First set the mood with music.

  3. 渲染气氛, 烘托人物情感。

    It can be used to exaggerate atmosphere and personage's emotion.

  4. 商业展示照明, 环境气氛烘托。

    Commercial display lighting, illuminate the ambience.

  5. 绿叶烘托着粉红色的花朵。

    The green ery set off the pink flowers.

  6. 绿叶烘托着粉红色的花朵。

    The green ery set off the pink flowers.

  7. 但少了必要的烘托就没有用。

    But it doesn't work without the necessary push.

  8. 烧烤烟熏烘托出来的烧烤香气, 风味特别。

    Extraordinary Barbecued flavor from the smoking process.

  9. 烧烤烟熏烘托出来得烧烤香气,风味特别。

    Extraordinary Barbecued flavor from the smoking process.

  10. 电影导演用音乐去烘托银幕上的气氛。

    Movie directors use music to the action on the screen.

  11. 水晶底座晶莹剔透, 烘托整个产品极其醒目华贵。

    Crystal base, foil glittering and translucent get rid of whole product extremely smart showily.

  12. 色彩的另一个重要功能是烘托节日氛围。

    Another important color association is that related to the holidays.

  13. 这些小游戏能够很好的烘托酒宴的热闹气氛。

    These small games can foil the festive atmosphere of the compotation well.

  14. 本章分析了主要唱段的风格对人物形象的烘托。

    This chapter has analyzed the main aria style to character image contrasting.

  15. 戏剧以高度紧张气氛烘托王子的矛盾的内心世界。

    This intense play captures the conflicted inner life of Hamlet.

  16. 装饰通常稀稀落落以烘托音乐制造的氛围。

    The decorations are usually sparse and are only meant to highlight the atmosphere that is being created by the music.

  17. 因此,校园色彩对校园环境的塑造和氛围的烘托的关键。

    Therefore, the campus color is the hinge to create a positive campus environment and atmosphere.

  18. 在所有饮品中, 它最能烘托气氛, 体现中华传统。

    Of all drinks, it is white liquor that best brings out the atmosphere and embodies Chinese tradition.

  19. 我这一生只是一片淡薄的云, 烘托着这一天的晶莹的月。

    All my life is just a thin and light cloud.

  20. 我喜欢他们生动地烘托十九世纪伦敦气氛的手法。

    I like the way they presented the atmosphere of 19 th Century London so vividly.

  21. 浅析劳伦斯作品中四季景物描写的烘托和象征作用

    A Brief Analysis on the Function of Symbolism and Foil of the Four Seasons'Description in Lawrence's Works

  22. 你甚至可以用它来讲一个笑话来烘托一下谈话的气氛。

    You may even use them to crack a joke to lighten up a conversation.

  23. 运用黑白色及印花丝绸, 烘托出女性的典雅与自由。

    A drape can be made , or it can bundle and can wear freely that it is as winding around a head or the waist and carrying out like a corsage.

  24. 配合并帮助舞蹈在整个过程中表达情绪, 体现性格, 烘托气氛。

    Coordination and the help dance in the entire process theexpression mood, manifests the disposition, contrasts the atmosphere.


  1. 问:烘托拼音怎么拼?烘托的读音是什么?烘托翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烘托的读音是hōngtuō,烘托翻译成英文是 set … off



1.烘托本是中国画的一种技法,用水墨或色彩在物象的轮廓外面渲染衬托,使物象明显突出。用于艺术创作,是一种从侧面渲染来衬托主要写作对象的表现技法。这种技法用在古诗词中,使要表现的事物更加鲜明突出。 2.写作时先从侧面描写,然后再引出主题,使要表现的事物鲜明突出 3.泛指陪衬,使明显突出:蓝天~着白云。