







汉语拼音:péi chèn









  1. 陪伴。

    清 支机生 《珠江名花小传·细妹》:“莫惜年华频频换,趁今日三春将半,看蝶板鶯簧,一般陪衬笙歌院。”《白雪遗音·马头调·逛窑子》:“摆上酒,美貌的姑娘相陪衬。”

  2. 附加其他事物使主要的事物更突出;衬托。

    容閎 《予之教育计划》:“此条陈之第一、三、四特假以陪衬,眼光所注而望其必成者,自在第二条。” 艾芜 《关于三十年文艺的一些感想(三)》:“必须以一个模范人物为主,去陪衬那些有缺点的工人,而且还要有压倒的趋势才行。”

  3. 指作为衬托的人或事物。



  1. Error handling is one of those areas that is seldom done well, and is usually skirted around in literature about software design.

  2. The sapphire necklace set off the beauty of her eyes .

  3. Draco Malfoy has always been the evil foil. . . a bit of a fool really.

  4. It is better to let some of the tapering-slender and long autumn grass grow at the bottom of the morning glory, serving as a contrast.

  5. It was the talk that mattered supremely: the impassioned interchange of talk. Love was only a minor accompaniment.

  6. They are of little importance, nothing but a foil. Their bodies are invisible.

  7. But it's the resort's private isle in an azure lagoon that sets the scene for a romantic candlelit dinner.

  8. With the night, St . Peter 's stood out in darkness, stood out in majestic profile against the splendour of heaven.

  9. I sat in the front row of Giles's big lecture class, a perfect foil for his biting wit.


  1. 作…的陪衬

    to act as a foil to

  2. 有一些陪衬总是好的。

    It's always good to have some scale references.

  3. 贴边材料用于陪衬或装饰的材料

    Material used for such a lining or decoration.

  4. 男性往往只是配角, 陪衬一下而已。

    The male often is costar only, foil just.

  5. 他们说我总是最典型的陪衬丈夫。

    They say I am the most shadowy husband of all time.

  6. 在这个场合里,他只是个陪衬而已。

    On this occasion, he was merely acting as a foil.

  7. 在蓝天的陪衬下,城堡显得轮廓分明。

    The castle stood out in relief against the blue sky.

  8. 这个框把你得画陪衬得很美。

    The frame sets off your painting very well.

  9. 红旗在雪山的陪衬下, 显得分外鲜艳。

    The red flags stood out in sharp relief against the snow mountains.

  10. 那种爱情总是有那种友谊陪衬着的。

    Such loves are always accompanied by such friendships.

  11. 这个框把你的画陪衬得很美。

    The frame sets off your painting very well.

  12. 蓝宝石项链把她的眼睛陪衬得非常美丽。

    The sapphire necklace set off the beauty of her eyes.

  13. 陪衬甘愿被他人用来谋其利之人傀儡。

    One who allows oneself to be used for anothers profit or advantage a puppet.

  14. 他不过是老板的陪衬, 作不了决定。

    He is just a sidekick of the boss, he cannot make any decision.

  15. 让他一个人演独角戏吧,你就陪衬一下。

    Let hime solo and you go along.

  16. 另外, 你们之中, 他永远是中心, 你只是陪衬。

    Additionally, in you, he is central forever, your is setoff.

  17. 黄色得泳衣与她铜色得肌肤是完美得陪衬。

    Her yellow swimsuIt'serves as a perfect foil to her bronzed skin.

  18. 音乐演奏成了当晚唱主角的商业活动的陪衬。

    The playing of music proved to be incidental to the main business of the evening.

  19. 漂亮女孩喜欢拿相貌平平得朋友作为陪衬。

    Pretty girls like plain friends as foils.

  20. 黄色的泳衣与她铜色的肌肤是完美的陪衬。

    Her yellow swimsuit serves as a perfect foil to her bronzed skin. I stand up against all comers.

  21. 它的主要特征是主调鲜明突出,支声仅起陪衬作用。

    The main melody is very clear, and the supporting voice simply throws it into relief.

  22. 但是这里有一个我们不能忽视的政治陪衬情节。

    But there is a political subplot here that we simply can't ignore.

  23. 另外一个共同特征就是会有一名用以陪衬侦探的助手。

    Another common feature is the assistant who acts as a foil to the detective.

  24. 最要紧的还是谈话, 热情的谈话, 爱情不过是件小小的陪衬品。

    It was the talk that mattered supremely the impassioned interchange of talk. Love was only a minor accompaniment.

  25. 米克尔坚持认为他将不会成为切尔西巨星的陪衬。

    John Obi Mikel insists he will not play second fiddle to chelsea's superstars.

  26. 作为陪衬的绿叶, 既不能抢了新娘的风头, 又要能称得起场面。

    As a foil leaves, neither to upstage the bride, but also can call the scene.

  27. 有了蛋糕桌的陪衬, 也别忘了再配上一款精致的蛋糕托。

    The cake table foil, and also don't forget with a delicate cake.

  28. 陪衬情节永远不会压倒这个家庭引人入胜的故事,后者才是这部电影的精髓。

    The subplot never overpowers the gripping family drama that is the movie's core


  1. 问:陪衬拼音怎么拼?陪衬的读音是什么?陪衬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陪衬的读音是péichèn,陪衬翻译成英文是 set off

  2. 问:陪衬者拼音怎么拼?陪衬者的读音是什么?陪衬者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陪衬者的读音是péi chèn zhě,陪衬者翻译成英文是 foil



陪衬,指衬托;使之更加突出。语出清支机生 《珠江名花小传·细妹》:“莫惜年华频频换,趁今日三春将半,看蝶板莺簧,一般陪衬笙歌院。”