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汉语拼音:shí zhōng
The Shredder Clock is just a concept, but it's a pretty good idea, and a new spin on the notion that money is a great morning motivator.
碎纸机时钟只是一个概念,但的确是个好想法,这个概念来源于一个新的编撰,即金钱是伟大的早起动力。He had been a long-serving sailor, and all his life had done everything by the clock.
他曾经是一个合作的水手,他所有的生命时钟所做的一切。This may be difficult for you to hear, but you are a hand on a clock, understand?
可能匪夷所思,但你只不过是时钟上的指针,懂吗?The brain used to be thought of as the body's master clock, sending signals telling organs when to operate.
大脑曾被认为是人体的主时钟,它发送信号告诉器官何时开始工作。At this point, you are ready to run the application and observe the clock running in the status bar panel.
此时,您就可以运行该应用程序并观察在状态栏面板中运行的时钟。Future clocks that use the new improvements would be accurate to a second every 32 billion years -- more than twice the age of the universe.
改进后的未来时钟准确度将提高到320亿年一秒的误差——高出宇宙年龄的两倍多。A man , like a watch , is to be valued by his manner of going . William Penn, British admiral.
一个人,正如一个时钟,是以他的行动来定其价值的。(英国海军上将佩恩W。The toast clock is an interesting piece of decor for your kitchen or if you happen to be a chef or better still, a big fan of the toast!
烤面包时钟是你厨房的有趣装饰,如果你是个厨师,又或是烤面包的超级粉丝,那就再好不过啦!It was said the people who lived on his street, got in the habit of actually setting their clocks according to when he would walk by.