


喊:~喊。~声。~吁。~天号(háo )地。唤,叫:~唤。~叫。~应。~朋引类(招引同类的人,共同做坏事)。往外出气,与“吸”相对:~气。~吸。象声词:~地跳起来。姓。……


1. 喝 [hē]2. 喝 [hè]3. 喝 [yè]喝 [hē]把液体饮料或流质食物咽下去:~水。~酒。~茶。~粥。特指喝酒:~醉了。喝 [hè]大声喊叫:~彩。~问。喝 [yè]声音嘶哑、噎塞:“儿生,号啼之声鸿朗高畅者寿,嘶~湿下者夭……



汉语拼音:hū hè







  1. 指古代官员外出时,前导吏役喝令行人让路。

    唐 白居易 《天津桥》诗:“报道前驱少呼喝,恐惊黄鸟不成啼。”

  2. 呵喝,呵叱。

    宋 孟元老 《东京梦华录·大内》:“每遇早晚进膳,自殿中省对 凝暉殿 ,禁衞成列,约拦不得过往,省门上有一人呼喝,谓之拨食家。” 管桦 《二十八宿》:“八路军已经从两边山坡上端着刺刀,迎着乱飞的子弹冲下来,呼喝喊叫:‘交枪不死!’”粤剧《搜书院》第二场:“不信奴婢生来原命贱,任人呼喝任笞鞭。”



  1. There was no shouting or hollering, I don't feel we played particularly badly in the first-half.


  2. The disciplinarian bawled against [at] him.


  3. Now they're examining how pro players deal with the negative effects of a loud player.


  4. The new fish disembark, chained together single-file. The old- timers holler and shake the fence. A deafening gauntlet.


  5. Momentary, in an alley bang Peng and bawl at a voice to rise everywhere!


  6. Wagons were being loaded, men were shouting, horses were being harnessed and saddled and led from the stables.


  7. I put my foot in my mouth when I shouted to my boss!


  1. 第一我很抱歉我爸对你呼喝。

    First of all, I am so sorry about my father yelling at you.

  2. 我们正给他们喝采欢呼。

    We are cheering to hail for them.

  3. 为获胜者三呼喝采!

    Three cheers for the winner!

  4. 别这样穷呼喝,我听得见。

    Don't bawl out like that.I can hear you.

  5. 一时间, 小巷中砰彭和呼喝声四起!

    Momentary, in an alley bang Peng and bawl at a voice to rise everywhere!

  6. 他对妻子总是呼来喝去的。

    He's always bossing his wife around.

  7. 她喜欢把她的孩子们呼来喝去。

    She likes to boss her kids around.

  8. 我却整天对他呼来喝去的。

    I just treated him like crap all day.

  9. 李从来不会对我呼来喝去的。

    Lee doesn't boss me around all the time.

  10. 他到底以为自己是谁啊,呼来喝去的。

    Who the hell does he think he is, saying do this and that.

  11. 我得姐姐总是对我呼来喝去得,我真得烦透了。

    My sister is always bossing mearound. I'm sick of it.

  12. 我的姐姐总是对我呼来喝去的,我真的烦透了。

    My sister is always bossing mearound. I'm sick of it.

  13. 克莱门扎大口喝下葡萄酒时,象鲸鱼一样呼着气。

    Clemenza was blowing like a whale as he gulped down the wine.

  14. 告诉别人做什么。很多人都不喜欢被别人呼来喝去。

    Telling people what to do. Most of us don't like it when people try to boss us around.

  15. 拜托不要对我呼来喝去的!我不是你的员工也不是你的奴隶。

    Please stop bossing me around! I'm neither your employee nor your slave.

  16. 拜托不要对我呼来喝去的!我不是你的员工也不是你的奴隶。

    Please stop bossing me around! I'm neither your employee nor your slave.

  17. 当心那个瓶子, 那是氰化物。只要喝上一口, 就会叫人一命呜呼。

    Be careful with that bottle. It's cyanide. One swallow and you'be dead as a doornail.

  18. 闻一下他呼出的气息就足够使你永远不愿喝酒。

    One sniff of his breath was enough to turn you off drink for good.

  19. 闻一下他呼出得气息就足够使你永远不愿喝酒。

    One sniff of his breath was enough to turn you off drink for good.

  20. 但下次我要你不要喝酒的时候你别对我大呼小叫。

    But don't at me next time I tell you to stop drinking.