




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……




1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……



汉语拼音:hún bù fù tǐ








  • 【解释】:附:依附。灵魂离开了身体。形容极端惊恐或在某种事物诱惑下失去常态。
  • 【出自】:元·乔梦符《金钱记》第一折:“使小生魂不附体。”
  • 【示例】:承惊觉,不见诏书,~,手脚慌乱。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、状语、补语;形容受刺激而失去常态


  1. Then in the morning, when Nabal was sober, his wife told him all these things, and his heart failed him and he became like a stone.


  2. Hey, never take her to a horror movie again. She was scared out of her wits when the disfigured man took off his mask.


  3. Terrified as I was, I could not help thinking to myself that this must have been how Mr Arrow got the strong waters that destroyed him.


  4. The figure in the dark terrified her out of her wits .


  5. Ben started to shiver. A bat swooped down from a tree right over Ben's head. Ben almost jumped out of his skin. Then he started to run.


  6. If she was sitting in her chair thinking and I came near her and touched her neck with a feather, she would jump out of her stockings.


  7. This is the true story of a bank robber. But this robber didn't burst into the bank with a gun and grab cash from a frightened teller.


  8. The horror film on television last night scared hell out of me.


  9. She was terrified out of her wits.


  1. 吓得我魂不附体

    Scared out of my wits.

  2. 她吓得魂不附体。

    She was terrified out of her wits.

  3. 小学生们被吓得魂不附体。

    The pupils were terrified out of their senses.

  4. 那女孩吓得魂不附体。

    The girl was terrified out of her wits.

  5. 那个女孩吓得魂不附体。

    The girl was entranced with fear.

  6. 那女孩吓得魂不附体。那女孩吓得魂不附体。

    enormous terrify The girl was terrified out of her wits.

  7. 这恐怖吓得我魂不附体。

    The horror of it all had overwhelmed me.

  8. 使狂喜, 使入迷吓得魂不附体

    Be entranced with the performance

  9. 这个小女孩吓得魂不附体。

    The little girl was terrified out of her wits.

  10. 她把他迷得魂不附体了。

    She just charm the very soul out of him.

  11. 他见此情景吓得魂不附体。

    His blood curdled with terror at the sight.

  12. 爆炸发生时,他吓得魂不附体。

    When the explosion took place, he was bereft of his wits.

  13. 一只老鼠把她吓得魂不附体。

    A mouse scared her out of her wits.

  14. 警察的到来把我吓得魂不附体。

    I was scared out of my wits when the police arrived.

  15. 黑暗中的人影吓得她魂不附体。

    The figure in the dark terrified her out of her wits.

  16. 我真是给吓得手脚冰冷, 魂不附体。

    I was so scared that my blood ran cold.

  17. 一阵突然的叫声吓得她魂不附体。

    A sudden shout scared her out of her wits.

  18. 全德国的犹太人都吓得魂不附体。

    The Jews all over Germany were terrified out of their wits.

  19. 与强盗的遭遇把他吓得魂不附体。

    The encounter with the muggler scared the pants off of him.

  20. 全德国的犹太人都吓得魂不附体。

    The Jews all over Germany were terrified out of their wits.

  21. 砰砰一阵敲门声把我们吓得魂不附体。

    We were frightened out of our wits by a banging at the door.

  22. 在晚上听到这个故事, 我吓得魂不附体。

    At the story at night, I was entranced with fear.

  23. 他吓得魂不附体,心脏也几乎停止跳动了。

    He got such a fright that his heart nearly stopped beating.

  24. 他四处去恐吓人们,把他们吓得魂不附体。

    He would go around and scare people, and the people would be really scared.

  25. 昨晚电视上放映得恐怖片把我吓得魂不附体。

    The horror film on television last night scared hell out of me.

  26. 小女孩往洞深处走去时, 吓得魂不附体。

    The little girl went down in her boots as she got deep in the cave.

  27. 被带来做证人得那个男孩被吓得魂不附体。

    The boy who was brought as a witness was nearly frightened out of his mind.

  28. 我平生第一次被美丽的日出吓得魂不附体。

    For the first time in my life, I was terrified by a beautiful sunrise.

  29. 昨晚电视上放映的恐怖片把我吓得魂不附体。

    The horror film on television last night scared hell out of me.

  30. 小女孩看到那条蛇的时候,吓得魂不附体。

    When she saw the snake the little girl was scared out of her wits.


  1. 问:魂不附体拼音怎么拼?魂不附体的读音是什么?魂不附体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魂不附体的读音是húnbúfùtǐ,魂不附体翻译成英文是 scared out of one’s wits




【解释】 魂:灵魂,魂魄。灵魂离开了身体。形容极端惊慌。形容为情所感,不能自主。也指人死亡。