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Tony knew enough of things and the problems of aeronautics to realize that this gigantic imitation of a bee would give the newspapers fits.
托尼对航空术所具有的知识使他明白,这种像蜜蜂形状的巨型飞机将轰动报界。A discussion with newspaper editors was wide-ranging, covering topics from water and growth to the Bank's role in Pakistan.
与报界编辑们的讨论涉及内容广泛,包括水和增长以及世行在巴基斯坦的作用。He said it would leak out to the newspapers and cause a scandal.
他说这件事会泄露给报界,引起丑闻。One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police.
透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。This book is built on celebrity gossip but Ms Walden can be reflective too, questioning whether the press was right to infiltrate his life.
此书是讲述名人绯闻的书,不过,沃尔顿也是名思考颇深的记者,她提出质疑:报界深入他的生活是否合适。We'll circulate his picture to police officers. We'll give his description to the press and say he's just a conventional murderer.
我们要把他的照片在警官中传看;把他的容貌特征告诉报界,并宣称他只是个一般凶杀犯。When press queries cascaded in, I did not back off the implied threat though I would not have recommended it.
当报界大量提出问题时,我并没有从这一暗含的威胁后退,尽管我并不主张提出这样的威胁。That's why the British tabloids unloaded on Prince Harry when he wore a Nazi uniform to a costume party.
这就是为什么当哈利王子穿上纳粹制服参加一个化妆晚会的时候,英国的报界媒体谴责他没有道德风范。The minister's action was denounced in the newspaper. * They denounced him to the police as a thief.