




1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……



汉语拼音:pò luò









  1. 残破;破败衰落。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·洛水》:“又西北逕 潘岳 父子墓,前有碑。 岳 父 茈 , 瑯琊 太守,碑石破落,文字缺败。” 前蜀 韦庄 《秦妇吟》:“破落田园但有蒿,摧残竹树皆无主。” 元 方回 《旅次感事》诗:“破落餘神庙,荒残少富家。” 清 吴炽昌 《客窗闲话·刘智庙》:“户毁垣倾,殿廷将圮,僧众皆散, 智 往托居而丐。但庙虽破落,香火犹存。” 李劼人 《天魔舞》第七章:“破落街还是一条綰毂着好多条热闹街道的街,然而竟自破落至此。”

  2. 特指家道衰败。

    清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷一:“近今世家,多破落子弟,往往降为皂隶。” 沙汀 《在祠堂里》:“刚才放下晚饭筷子,那些散处在祠堂里的破落家族,又重新聚在 七公公 门口了。”



  1. This was to be a complete restoration and renovation as the building was in very poor condition after 80 years of no maintenance.


  2. The village started more rumors, saying they were the scene of debauchery by the city to the eye, would not return to the ruined village.


  3. Near the church was an old ruined cottage .


  4. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections of the Great Wall are now in ruins or even entirely disappeared.


  5. We were in a rundown black neighborhood at the very outskirts of the city.


  6. The sun made sharp shadows, and the villages on both sides of the road were dirty, ill-kept and poverty-ridden.


  7. The U. S. is depicted as a fraying empire of obesity, ignorance, debt, gridlock, stagnation, and mindless war.


  8. Giay grabbed the money box and rode into a blighted neighborhood.


  9. It is a pity to see so many owners allowing their most valuable asset to fall into disrepair .


  1. 我们家是一个破落的农户。

    Our family was a needy rural household.

  2. 我们家是一个破落得农户。

    Our family was a needy rural household.

  3. 破落到拣垃圾箱里罐头盒的浪子

    can moocher

  4. 旧时的破落文人大都一幅寒酸相。

    Scholars in decline in the past looked miserable, and shabby.

  5. 旧时得破落文人大都一幅寒酸相。

    Scholars in decline in the past looked miserable, and shabby.

  6. 旧时的破落文人大都一幅寒酸相。

    Scholars in decline in the past looked miserable, and shabby.

  7. 教堂附近有一个破落的旧屋子。

    Near the church was an old ruined cottage.

  8. 他挥霍无度,家境很快就破落了。

    He spent without restraint and was soon reduced to poverty.

  9. 世界上最破落的地方未必是最危险的。

    The planet's most wretched places are not always the most dangerous.

  10. 家庭破落时, 这家人只得变卖大部分家产。

    When the crash came, the family was forced to dispose of most of its possessions.

  11. 因为圣彼德堡是个贫穷、破落的小村子。

    In the poor little shabby village of St. Petersburg.

  12. 让我给你一个破落的计划才迅速降温。

    Let me give you a quick rundown of the plan before we dive in.

  13. 而这希望就仿佛破落废墟中的幽灵不会离开。

    And hope a spectre in a ruin bare.

  14. 那是1950年,离大广场街开始破落还有整十年。

    It was 1950,a decade before the Grand Concourse began to decline.

  15. 而这希望就仿佛破落废墟中得幽灵不会离开。

    And hope a spectre in a ruin bare.

  16. 如果我显得气色不好, 那就会有一副破落相。

    If I don't look well, I look busted.

  17. 尽管破落,这座古城还是不断地向我们施展其魅力。

    And, despite the decay, the place steadily works its magic on us.

  18. 夕阳西下,朔风凛冽,这个破落的塔群更显得悲凉。

    There is something deplorable about this cluster of broken stupas in the glow of the setting sun.

  19. 当金子没有的时候, 这些镇子几乎在一夜间破落。

    As soon as the gold was all gone, these towns went to the dogs almost overnight.

  20. 乍一见面, 千万不要给它那寒酸破落的外表给骗了!

    At first sight, don't be deceived by its shabby, sorry exterior!

  21. 没有他, 他们这家人不知还会破落到什么样的境地呢!

    If not for him, the family could not imagine what kind of despair in which they might have fallen!

  22. 满大街的汽车如同废铁, 破落不堪的楼宇仿若一座座孤坟。

    Avenues are filled with cars abandoned, and dilapidated buildings lie there like graves.


  1. 问:破落拼音怎么拼?破落的读音是什么?破落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破落的读音是pòluò,破落翻译成英文是 declining

  2. 问:破落户拼音怎么拼?破落户的读音是什么?破落户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破落户的读音是pòluòhù,破落户翻译成英文是 a declining family

  3. 问:破落住房拼音怎么拼?破落住房的读音是什么?破落住房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破落住房的读音是pò luò zhù fáng,破落住房翻译成英文是 deteriorating housing

  4. 问:破落街区拼音怎么拼?破落街区的读音是什么?破落街区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破落街区的读音是pò luò jiē qū,破落街区翻译成英文是 deteriorating neighborhood

