







汉语拼音:guǐ liǎn







  1. 丑陋的面孔。

    《水浒传》第四七回:“这个兄弟姓 杜 名 兴 ,祖贯是 中山府 人氏,因为他面颜生得粗莽,以此人都叫他做‘鬼脸儿’。” 老舍 《四世同堂》八八:“她的眉毛、眼睛和红嘴唇都油光锃亮,活像一张花狸狐哨的鬼脸儿。”

  2. 仿照人物脸形制成的面具。

    《红楼梦》第三六回:“﹝ 贾嗇 ﹞便拿些穀子,哄的那个雀儿果然在那戏台上乱串,啣鬼脸、旗帜。” 清 西厓 《谈徵·事物部·鬼脸鬼头》:“《物原》:‘ 季咸 造假面子。’《西京赋》曰:‘总会仙倡,戏豹舞熊。白虎鼓瑟,苍龙吹笙。’注曰:‘皆为假头也。’假作其形,即今鬼脸儿。” 许杰 《惨雾》上:“那些跳着玩的小孩,立刻套上一副骇异的鬼脸。”

  3. 滑稽的或丑恶的面部表情。

    《警世通言·金令史美婢酬秀童》:“内中单喜欢得那几个不容他管库的令史,一味説清话,做鬼脸,喜谈乐道。” 明 徐学谟 《归有园麈谈》:“乗势作威者,如大人装鬼脸以骇小儿,背地则收下。” 巴金 《秋》二:“他对他们做了一个鬼脸,露出舌头又缩回去。”

  4. 喻虚伪的表面。

    鲁迅 《花边文学·“彻底”的底子》:“弄文艺的人,如果遇见这样的大人物而不能撕掉他的鬼脸,那么文艺不但不会前进,并且只会萎缩,终于被他消灭的。” 洪深 《少奶奶的扇子》第二幕:“我知道现在鬼脸已经抓破了,以后 子明 无论怎样待你好,你总忘不了他是哄你骗你的。”



  1. Frank got a funny look on his face, and the tears began to well up in his eyes, as he spoke.


  2. So, the young queen Cleopatra had a battle on her hand and fate had pulled a short straw for her.


  3. When he made a face, the others burst into a fit of laughter.


  4. Mundungus shrugged and grimaced; the magical eye swerved sideways to glare at him out of the side of Moody's head.


  5. I got up from the floor and glided to the coffee table in front of him, waving my arms up and down and making a funny face at him.


  6. Upakajivaka was like that. When he heard the Buddha's answer, he didn't believe it, he made faces to the Buddha and went on his way.


  7. On a sheet of paper to be found after his death he wants to draw a face sticking out his tongue at "them. "


  8. Finding one of her students making faces at others on the playground, Ms Smith stopped to gently reprove the child.


  9. "And what I find really funny is the immature behaviour they bring out in people. Sometimes you can almost hear the faces being pulled. "


  1. 做鬼脸耍把戏?

    Do monkey faces and tricks?

  2. 表示厌恶的鬼脸

    a wry face expressing distaste

  3. 你为什么要做鬼脸?

    Why do you make a face?

  4. 我在扮鬼脸。

    I am making faces.

  5. 我会做各种鬼脸。

    I can make funny faces.

  6. 他们整天扮鬼脸。

    They make faces all day.

  7. 扮了鬼脸给我看!

    Then you make faces to me!

  8. 扮了鬼脸给我看!

    Then you make faces to me!

  9. 向某人做一个鬼脸。

    Make a face at sb.

  10. 别冲我扮鬼脸。

    Don't pull faces at me.

  11. 别冲我扮鬼脸。

    Don't pull faces at me.

  12. 中间做鬼脸那个就是我

    This is me in the middle making faces.

  13. 吉他鬼脸的那些老曲子

    to those old Guitar Face songs.

  14. 还要扮鬼脸, 耍把戏?

    Do monkey faces and tricks ?

  15. 他冲我做了个鬼脸。

    He made a face at me.

  16. 课堂上他不再做鬼脸了。

    He doesn't make faces in class any more.

  17. 扮鬼脸, 愁眉苦脸作怪相

    mop and mow

  18. 不要跟我扮鬼脸。

    Don't make faces at me.

  19. 那小鬼对我做出鬼脸。

    That kid make face at me.

  20. 每个人立即做了个鬼脸。

    Each immediately made a face.

  21. 她对着镜子扮鬼脸。

    She makes faces in the mirror.

  22. 小丑扮出了可笑的鬼脸。

    The clowns pulled funny faces.

  23. 南京人来看鬼脸的时候。

    When people come to see the grimace.

  24. 他常常对孩子们扮个鬼脸。

    He often makes faces at children.

  25. 扮鬼脸以示厌恶或讨厌。

    Make a face indicating disgust or dislike.

  26. 她喜欢向老师扮鬼脸。

    She likes to make faces at the teacher.

  27. 他向婴儿做鬼脸来逗他发笑。

    He made faces at the baby to make it laugh.

  28. 那个小家伙冲我扮鬼脸。

    The little boy made faces at me.

  29. 那孩子对摄影师扮鬼脸。

    The kid mugged at the cameraman.

  30. 这孩子对我做了个鬼脸。

    The kid makes a face to me.


  1. 问:鬼脸拼音怎么拼?鬼脸的读音是什么?鬼脸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鬼脸的读音是guǐliǎn,鬼脸翻译成英文是 grimace

  2. 问:鬼脸天蛾拼音怎么拼?鬼脸天蛾的读音是什么?鬼脸天蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鬼脸天蛾的读音是guǐliǎntiān'é,鬼脸天蛾翻译成英文是 Acherontia lachesis