







汉语拼音:xiū shǐ






  1. 编纂史书。

    唐 刘知几 《史通·史官建置》:“ 齐 梁 二代又置修史学士, 陈氏 因循,无所变革。” 明 陈继儒 《珍珠船》卷四:“ 于志寧 为僕射修史,恨不得学士: 来济 为学士,恨不得修史。”



  1. After the Wei and Jin, Chi Zhu Zuolang, essays history degree, something of an official in charge of historical and officials.


  2. Huaiyin Li Between Tradition and Revolution: Fan Wenlan and the Origins of the Marxist Historiography of Modern China, pp.


  3. Why does no one look at them carefully retrieve the history of official amendments on the issue of North-South reunification know about it?


  4. the political tendency of revising the history books also had some traces of former Jin history.


  5. Besides a large number of people involved, private history book itself got rich contents in various forms.


  6. The Tradition of History Writing in Ancient China and its Important Message for Research of Contemporary China's History


  7. The Periodical Features in Establishment and change of the History Compiling Institution in Ching Dynasty


  8. The National History Institution and It's Compiling History System


  1. 第三、修史地点的灵活性。

    Third, the flexibility of historical sites.

  2. 康熙一继位即命人修史。

    Kang Xi ordered people to compile historical books the moment he succeeded to the throne.

  3. 康熙一继位即命人修史。

    Kang Xi ordered people to compile historical books the moment he succeeded to the throne.

  4. 盛世得修史与修志往往是同步得。

    In flourishing ages, It'synchronized with the compilation and revision of national history.

  5. 盛世的修史与修志往往是同步的。

    In flourishing ages, It'synchronized with the compilation and revision of national history.

  6. 国史馆是中华民国的官方修史机构。

    The National History Institute is the official organization of the history of the Republic China.

  7. 明代中后期私人修史中的两种流派

    On the Two Schools of Private History Compilation Work in the Mid and Late Periods of Ming Dynasty

  8. 清代修史机构的设置及变迁的时段特征

    The Periodical Features in Establishment and change of the History Compiling Institution in Ching Dynasty.

  9. 唐代注重修史,形成了重史的社会氛围。

    The Tang Dynasty paid great attention to compile histories books, formed a social atmosphere to take the history.

  10. 宋代监修国史和提举修史制度变化考

    A Study of the System of Governance on State History Compilation in the Song Dynasty

  11. 试论古代学人对史家修史致祸现象的认识

    On the Ancient Knowledge of Historian's Disaster from Compiling History

  12. 明代中后期的私人修史,形成严肃与谐趣两种流派。

    In the private compilation of the mid and late periods of Ming Dynasty, there appeared two schools of solemnness and wittiness.

  13. 明代中后期得私人修史,形成严肃与谐趣两种流派。

    In the private compilation of the mid and late periods of Ming Dynasty, there appeared two schools of solemnness and wittiness.

  14. 明末清初私家修史之分类及对传统史书体裁的改造

    Categories of Private Compiling History and Their Transformation on Genre of Traditional History Books in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty

  15. 两千年来,较为集中记载传统儿歌的当属历代官修史书。

    In the past two thousands years, most traditional rhymes were recorded concentratedly in the official history books.

  16. 南北朝时, 开始出现修史局和公卿宰相监修国史的情况。

    Northern and Southern Dynasties, began to repair the history of Board and Gongqing Kenshu prime minister of national history.


  1. 问:修史拼音怎么拼?修史的读音是什么?修史翻译成英文是什么?

    答:修史的读音是xiūshǐ,修史翻译成英文是 Compile a historical book.