







汉语拼音:yú jiàng






  1. 用鱼肉发酵制作的酱。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·作酱法》:“凡作鱼酱、肉酱,皆以十二月作之,则经夏无虫。” 清 黄遵宪 《闻诗五妇病甚》诗:“终日菜羹鱼酱外,帖书乞米药钞方。” 徐珂 《清稗类钞·饮食·鱼酱》:“鱼酱者,以鱼切碎洗浄,入炒盐、花椒、茴香、乾薑一钱,加酒和匀,拌鱼肉入瓷瓶,封固,十日可食。”



  1. add pork mixture to noodles along with fish sauce and herbs. toss to combine, adding more water and fish sauce if desired.


  2. Add the cornflour, fish sauce, beaten egg, coriander leaves, curry paste and chillies.


  3. Meat, fish, sauces, soups, stock, baked cakes, bread, herbs, egg whites and yolks can all be frozen.


  4. Apparently most varieties served in restaurants use the fish sauce or shrimp instead of salt, albeit in small amounts.


  5. Gelation of surimi pastes treated by high isostatic pressure.


  6. Crispy fried whole fish, Served with shallot, pepper, fish sauce.


  7. The fish innards come in jars, pickled in salt, and have the taste of intense fish sauce.


  8. the basic myanmar food is mainly rice and curry . there are numerous forms of fish paste with salad.


  9. Stir together the soy, vinegar, fish sauce and sugar.


  1. 酥炸全鱼,葱,胡椒,鱼酱

    Crispy fried whole fish, Served with shallot, pepper, fish sauce.

  2. 鱼酱,鱼汁

    anchovy sauce

  3. 肝, 鸭, 鲭鱼酱。

    liver, duck, mackerel pate

  4. 肝,鸭,鲭鱼酱。。

    Liver, duck, mackerel pate.

  5. 鲑鱼排, 先生, 鱼酱, 先生。

    Salmon steak, sir.Anchovy butter, sir

  6. 这鱼儿被打成了鱼酱。

    The fish was beaten to a jelly

  7. 史密夫太太的鱼酱店。

    Mrs. Smith's Fish Sauce Shop.

  8. 腌制北欧三文鱼配甜芥末酱和柠檬

    Marinated Nordic salmon Sweet mustard sauce and lemon

  9. 把酱油, 醋, 鱼酱和糖搅拌在一起。

    Stir together the soy, vinegar, fish sauce and sugar.

  10. 高均衡压力处理使碎鱼酱凝胶化。

    Gelation of surimi pastes treated by high isostatic pressure.

  11. 淡水鱼丸是圆形的鱼酱酿肉和大蒜, 加上清淡肉汤。

    Danshui fish balls are balls of fish paste stuffed with meat and garlic served in a light broth.

  12. 酱烧银鳕鱼

    Roast Codfish with Teriyaki Sauce

  13. 酱焖加吉鱼

    Stewed Red Porgy with Sauce

  14. 鱼饼配黄瓜酱

    Fish cake with cucumber relish

  15. 将酱汁浇在鱼上

    to ladle sauce over the fish

  16. 鱼籽酱鹅肝蒸蛋

    Steamed Egg with Goose Liver and Fish Roe

  17. 酱兰度炒雪鱼

    Fried Silver Fish with Agaric in XO Sauce

  18. 红酒汁肝酱烤鲔鱼

    Fresh Grilled Tuna With Foie Gras In A Pinot Noir Sauce

  19. 先生, 您怎么吃鱼籽酱?

    And how do you take your caviar, sir?

  20. 鱼或甲壳类动物做成的酱。

    a paste of fish or shellfish.

  21. 番茄酱开始吸引银汉鱼了。

    Ketchup's beginning to attract silverfish.

  22. 橙丁茴香莎莎酱烤三文鱼

    Slow Roasted Salmon With Fennel Orange Salsa.

  23. 鱼子酱及鱼胶的宝贵来源。

    Valuable source of caviar and isinglass.

  24. 方便面粉葛鲮鱼粉料包酱料包

    Keywords instant noodlepueraria lobata ow hi dacepowdersauce.

  25. 黑菌鱼鹅肝酱炸酿虾球

    Crispy deep fried shrimp glue ball with goose liver

  26. 烟熏三文鱼, 甜菜丁配鱼子酱

    Smoked Salmon Beet with Caviar

  27. 不要, 谢谢。我从不爱吃鱼籽酱。

    No caviar for me, thanks. Never did like it much.

  28. 我喜欢我的炸板鱼蘸番茄酱吃。

    I'd prefer my fried sole with tomato sauce.

  29. 熏三文鱼携其鱼子酱粉墨登场

    Smoked salmon with egg caviar

  30. 意式三文鱼配菠菜及蒜酱

    Grilled Salmon Fillet With Spinach And Garlic Sauce


  1. 问:鱼酱和红花忌廉汁拼音怎么拼?鱼酱和红花忌廉汁的读音是什么?鱼酱和红花忌廉汁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼酱和红花忌廉汁的读音是yú jiàng hé hóng huā jì lián zhī,鱼酱和红花忌廉汁翻译成英文是 Fish Timbale with Saffron Sauce