


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng gǔ








  1. 远古。

    《易·繫辞下》:“上古结绳而治,后世圣人易之以书契。” 唐 杜甫 《晦日寻崔戢李封》诗:“上古 葛天 民,不貽黄屋忧。” 元 李冶 《敬斋古今黈》卷五:“前人论三古各别,从所见者言之,故不同。然以吾身从今日观之,则洪荒太极也,不得以古今命名,大抵自 羲 、 农 至 尧 、 舜 为上古。” 杨朔 《征尘》:“一阵风,一阵土,等我再勉强睁开眼,前面是一片滚滚的黄尘,我似乎跌进上古的洪荒时代。”

  2. 较早的古代。我国史学界在 中国 历史分期上,多称 商 、 周 、 秦 、 汉 时代为上古。有时亦兼指史前时代。



  1. Talk about an old-growth forest. Newly described fossils push back the appearance of wood by at least 10 million years.


  2. Miao word as the name implies, is a species of field crops, in ancient times, the word represents the Miao ethnic group paddy - Miao people.


  3. Once upon a time , the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan , legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea .


  4. Pakistani officials differed on the exact location of the incident, saying it either took place in Upper Kurram or Upper Orakzai.


  5. all the atrocities you've committed, the unspeakable horrors you've let loose upon this world and the dark, ancient powers you've enslaved.


  6. First of all, as adults, only bears in the modern dialect of north-east say that so far has not been confirmed in the ancient language.


  7. Society and BU witch to do combine the time must be in ancient times, genetic so far.


  8. As early as in ancient times, "Summer" and "Yi" is just the two that the concept of regional and national.


  9. This paper is the research on sentence of two or more clauses in the Chinese antiquity literature Mencius.


  1. 上古的习俗

    a custom of remote antiquity.

  2. 上古原始神话

    original myth of ancient ages.

  3. 上古生界气田

    early Palaeozoic gas field.

  4. 上古楚方言

    Chu Dialectin ancient Chinese.

  5. 上古卷轴全系列

    The Complete Elder Scrolls Series

  6. 上古之战三部曲

    War of the Ancients by Richard A. Knaak

  7. 上古压力封存箱

    pressure compartment of the Upper Paleozoic

  8. 上古生界气藏

    Upper Paleozoic.

  9. 上古生界储层

    the reservoir of Upper Paleozoic.

  10. 喔,谈的上古老。

    Wow, talk about ancient.

  11. 商丘上古文明

    Shangiqu civilization of ancient times.

  12. 上古汉语的被动形式

    On the Structures of the Passive Voice in Ancient Chinese

  13. 上古卷轴。影之匙

    The Elder Scrolls Travels Shadowkey

  14. 人妖恋小说与上古神话

    Person Monster Love Novel and the Antiquity Myth

  15. 再上古希腊艺术课

    before our lecture on the art of ancient greece.

  16. 对上古时代地理的研究。

    The study of the geography of ancient times or ancient epochs.

  17. 上古生界泥质岩

    The shale rock of the upper Paleozoic

  18. 新疆天山的上古生界

    The upper Palaeozoic in tianshan, Xinjiang

  19. 上古的愤怒落在你身上!

    The fury of the ancient is upon you.

  20. 上古神器三完全版

    Ancient three complete version of the Throne

  21. 上古的风神崇拜与风神文化

    Ancient Worship of God of Wind and Its Culture

  22. 武王伐纣与上古天文学

    King Wu of Zhou Defeating King Zhou of Shang and Astronomy of Remote Antiquity

  23. 湘东上古系列地名考略

    A Study on Some Ancient Place Names in the East of Hunan Province

  24. 想将上古战熊变为白色?

    Want to ancient war into a white bear ?

  25. 上古神器3测试版游戏攻略

    Ancient throne3 beta version introduction

  26. 河陇上古汉语方言地理变迁

    The change of the ancient chinese dialect geography in the area of helong

  27. 我追想古时之日,上古之年。

    I thought about the former days, the years of long ago.

  28. 关于上古中东帝国的几个问题

    Several Issues on the Ancient Empires in the Middle East

  29. 这是从遥远上古 活下来的遗迹

    It's a living relic of the distant past.

  30. 论上古塞音擦音组合复辅音

    On the Compound Consonant Combined with Fricative and Affricative in Ancient Times


  1. 问:上古拼音怎么拼?上古的读音是什么?上古翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上古的读音是shànggǔ,上古翻译成英文是 ancient times

  2. 问:上古日语拼音怎么拼?上古日语的读音是什么?上古日语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上古日语的读音是,上古日语翻译成英文是 Old Japanese

  3. 问:上古神器拼音怎么拼?上古神器的读音是什么?上古神器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上古神器的读音是Shànggǔshénqì,上古神器翻译成英文是 Theseis

  4. 问:上古赣语拼音怎么拼?上古赣语的读音是什么?上古赣语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上古赣语的读音是,上古赣语翻译成英文是 Old Gan

  5. 问:上古里希拼音怎么拼?上古里希的读音是什么?上古里希翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上古里希的读音是,上古里希翻译成英文是 Obergurig



“上古”是个多义词,它可以指上古(星零所著小说), 上古(汉语词语), 上古(历史时代)。