


抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……





汉语拼音:tóu shēng






  1. 投奔生路。


  2. 犹投胎。

    清 姚鼐 《简斋自忧不救邀作豫挽诗》之四:“海山兜率犹黏著,那更投生向 玉溪 。” 巴金 《最初的回忆》:“晚上 杨嫂 安慰我说,鸡被杀了,就可以投生去做人。”



  1. For Oa this equated to a choice to live or die and whether or not he would die for the big gurus currently incarnate.


  2. Regardless of any other aspects in your life, the achievement of Ascension is after all the main object of your many lives on Earth.


  3. Our presence and that of many souls who have incarnated to help you, has stirred memories of greater knowledge that is held within.


  4. So at the time of his death the brahmana had attained the body of a goat, but by the grace of Lord Govinda he remembered his previous birth.


  5. Some of these fakes claim to be ME incarnate by birth, and I told you, this is not so - not THIS time.


  6. Praying for such a noble rebirth is not necessary because you are assured of it if you do meritorious deeds intelligently and zealously.


  7. Such a choice is not for everyone, and those choosing this path know in their hearts that there is no other choice for their incarnation.


  8. Choice of incarnation is usually made at conception, when the channel for expression is opened by the parents.


  9. Serpents are not wrong, they simply do not belong as an incarnating energy force in any form, including the human form.


  1. 崇拜半神人的,便投生半神人中。

    Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods.

  2. 我这次投生你是一直在陪伴着我吗?

    Have you always been in my life in this incarnation

  3. 我羡慕你们, 在这艰难时刻投生的人们。

    I envy you, those who are incarnated at this very difficult time.

  4. 没有哪个灵魂在投生之前不进行总体计划。

    No soul takes on flesh without a general plan for the experience ahead.

  5. 目前投生于地球的每一个人也是如此。

    And so this is so for every human currently incarnate upon Earth.

  6. 目前投生于地球得每一个人也是如此。

    And so this is so for every human currently incarnate upon Earth.

  7. 伟大的灵魂是为了拯救人类而投生于世上。

    The great soul is born in the world for the redemption of humanity.

  8. 在佛陀投生之前, 地上出现了地震和其他种种奇迹。

    As the time approached for his birth, earthquakes and miracles occurred on the Earth.

  9. 她的灵魂在投生至地球前,曾逗留在木星的维度。

    Her soul sojourned in the dimension of Jupiter prior to incarnating into the earth.

  10. 他带着这些深植于他灵魂中的经历投生至地球。

    He incarnated into the earth with these most recent experiences ingrained in his soul.

  11. 实际上自从1995年以来没有黑暗的灵体投生到这个星球。

    There are no dark beings incarnating into this planet since1995 in fact.

  12. 任何投生为人体的龙身边, 都被数千蛇所包围。

    For any dragon in human form, one is surrounded by thousands of snakes also incarnate in human form.

  13. 在整个织锦或投生之轮中是无数次的人类生命。

    Within the entire tapestry or wheel of incarnation are trillions and trillions of human lives.

  14. 金童投生在一个姓梁的穷人家,取名叫梁山伯。

    Jintong voted born in a poor family named Liang, and took the name of Love.

  15. 当你提升, 你就清理了整个投生之轮的一小部分业力。

    As one ascends, one clears the karma for a small portion of the entire wheel.

  16. 那时, 佛佗正投生在贝拿勒斯, 是一位闻名于世的老师。

    At that time the Enlightenment Being was living the life of a world famous teacher in Benares.

  17. 龙是一个曾投生在大中枢太阳中、由人类投铸的大物种。

    Dragons were once a large species incarnate within the Great Central Sun and cast humans.


  1. 问:投生拼音怎么拼?投生的读音是什么?投生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:投生的读音是tóushēng,投生翻译成英文是 be reborn; leave home to seek livelihood



tóu shēnɡ 1.投奔生路。《醒世恒言·乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱》:“今早到他家里说,反把小人殴辱。情极了,来爷爷台下投生。他又赶来扭打。求爷爷作主,救小人则个。” 2.犹投胎。清·姚鼐《简斋自忧不救邀作豫挽诗》之四:“海山兜率犹黏著,那更投生向玉溪 。” 巴金《最初的回忆》:“晚上杨嫂安慰我说,鸡被杀了,就可以投生去做人。”